
Cursed Quest

A second chance. Oliver died on Earth, but, he gets a second chance. Now he tries to live his life to the fullest in the new world he gets teleported in

FriendlyPlanet · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


Oliver couldn't remember how or why he had died.

He had suddenly woken up in an empty, black void, sitting in a black office chair as a sound echoed in his head.

"Hello, human. Unfortunately, you have passed away," a deep voice said.

"I don't remember anything," Oliver replied in a confused tone.

The voice in his head seemed to chuckle and say, "Your name is Oliver Smith; you are 20 years old. You recently died."

Oliver struggled to find an answer as he considered his words.

He finally responded, "Do you know how I died? Or maybe who killed me?"

"Sadly, I can't give you that information," the voice said in a seemingly sad tone.

Before he could respond, the voice continued in a more excited manner.

"Actually, though, you've been called here for a more wholesome reason.

"Oliver, I and the higher-ups have decided to give you a second chance."

Oliver clearly showed his confusion on his face as he heard the voice let out a loud laugh. "A second chance at what?" he asked, dumbfoundedly.

The voice took its time to respond, "Well, pretty much at life. We are sending you to another world."

Oliver, now even more confused and dumbfounded than before, was about to say something when extreme nausea overtook him.

Before he blacked out, he saw one last thing: a creepy, unsettling, purple eye.

When Oliver woke up, he saw the same eye, though it had been drawn and engraved on what seemed to be an ancient ruin.

As Oliver looked around, he could clearly see where he had been transported. In the clearing of a vast forest, there was a partially ruined temple covered in moss and other plants.

Oliver decided to take a look around. Seemingly, at every corner he turned, he would see the same haunting eye.

He was starting to have a bad feeling about this place, so he decided to try his luck in the forest. Oliver chose a path that had been carved into the forest.

It didn't take long before he heard something. Something familiar. Human voices.


This is a re-write of the chapter, i got some feedback and decided to change things up a bit.

FriendlyPlanetcreators' thoughts