
Cursed Fate: Teen Wolf x The Originals

Taken in as an orphan by Aurora de Martel, "Kai" found himself thrust into the dangerous world of vampires. Despite his new life of privilege, Kai soon discovers that he must fight for survival and reclaim what was taken from him.

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13 Chs

When Fate Comes Pouring Down

After an eventful interview, Dr. Deaton wasted no time getting down to business, laying out Kai's role in the clinic and the expectations for his work hours and pay. But before they could dive any deeper, they hit a major snag: Kai had no identification or paperwork to his name.

Kai's voice was flat as he asked, "Are these documents really that important?" Alan looked at him incredulously, unsure if Kai was being calm or simply ignorant.

"They're important," Alan replied with a heavy sigh. "You'll need proper documentation if you want to rent an apartment or even a vehicle. Without any identification, you won't even be able to find a motel to crash at."

"Actually," Laura spoke up, her eyes lighting up with an idea. "What if Kai stays here at the clinic?"

Alan furrowed his brow, looking at Laura with a mix of confusion and understanding. "In my office?" he asked slowly.

Laura nodded eagerly. "Yes! I'm sure he won't mind, besides this place can be considered a safe haven of sorts."

Malia chimed in, adding her own thoughts to the mix. "Or he could stay with us at the motel," she suggested. "There's plenty of room, and we could help him get set up with everything he needs."

Laura and Malia continued to debate back and forth, but Alan's mind was already made up. He knew that Laura had a point about wanting to keep an eye on Kai, especially given his lack of documentation and unfamiliarity with the area.

Alan took a deep breath, sensing the tension in the room as Malia continued to voice her concerns.

"Look, I understand your reservations," he began, his voice calm and steady. "But there's really no need to overcomplicate this. Laura's right, my current assistant is still in high school, and it would be better for him to head home at an earlier hour. Allowing Kai to stay here in my office on the couch would be a good solution. He'll have a place to sleep and can contact me if anything arises while I'm out."

Malia looked like she was about to argue back, but then seemed to change her mind. "Okay, I guess that could work," she said, albeit reluctantly.

Laura's face lit up with a bright smile, a sense of relief washing over her. It seemed like everything was finally falling into place.

"Of course," Alan said, turning to address Kai. "We should also ask for your thoughts and opinions on this. Would you like to stay here? There's a couch in my office, a bathroom with a shower, and other amenities. The only thing lacking would be a kitchen, but there are plenty of places nearby where you can get food whenever you're hungry. You'd be responsible for closing up, but that's just about it."

Kai nodded. "It's definitely an upgrade from the previous place I stayed at," Kai said in his low, serious voice. "And at least this way, I can save some money on rent."

Alan smiled kindly at him. "Great. I'll get you a set of keys and show you around before you make yourself at home."

Kai gave a small smile before standing up from the wall. Ready to follow Alan out of the office. "Lead the way," he said.

Just as Alan began to lead the group, Laura's phone rang, interrupting their tour. Her expression turned serious as she looked at the name on the screen. "Excuse me for a moment," she said to the others, stepping away to take the call.

Alan continued the tour with Kai and Malia in tow. To his surprise, Kai seemed to have some knowledge of the medical tools in the examination rooms, and had a way with the animals in the clinic, just like a certain werewolf Alan knew. Effortlessly managing to calm down some of the more aggressive animals in his care, impressing Alan.

All but confirming that Kai was indeed a supernatural being, but Laura had already ruled out the possibility of him being a werewolf or a werecoyote. This left Alan wondering, what was Kai then?

After the tour, Laura returned and announced that she had to leave and asked Malia to come with her. Malia hesitated, concerned about leaving Kai alone, but he assured her that he would be fine since he was now employed as an assistant and would be busy once the patients arrived. Alan also reassured Malia that he would keep an eye on Kai. Malia reluctantly agreed to go with Laura, and they said their goodbyes before leaving.

Alan then gave Kai a rundown of his duties as an assistant in the clinic. He explained that he would be responsible for tasks such as taking patients' vital signs, helping with medical procedures, and maintaining equipment.

Kai listened carefully and nodded along, his serious expression giving nothing away. As Alan finished his explanation, he handed Kai a set of keys and told him to make himself at home.

"Thanks, I appreciate it," Kai said, his voice low and measured.

Alan gave him a warm smile. "No problem. If you need anything, just let me know."

With that, Alan left Kai to settle in and get familiar with his new workplace. As Kai looked around the office, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at his job. It was definitely a change from what he might've been involved in before, if his visions were correct that is. Either way he'd welcomed the change and was looking forward to what would come from it.


A brown-haired teenage boy limped out of the nurse's office, a bag of ice pressed against his bruised cheek. As he emerged from the school building, he was met by a buzz-cut friend who stood beside a battered gray Jeep.

"Scott!" his friend yelled out to him.

"Not now, Stiles," Scott grunted, his face contorting with pain. "I have to get to the clinic for my shift. I hope Dr. Deaton doesn't mind me showing up like this." He attempted to pass Stiles, but his friend stood in his way.

"Seeing how you ended up, I'm glad coach Finstock didn't make me play goalkeeper like he did with you," Stiles said. "Did you notice how Jackson was seething all day? I wonder what set him off."

"I know, right? This morning, he knocked me down to take a parking spot, and then during practice, he threw the ball straight at my face while I was..." Scott's voice trailed off as he recalled the reason why he got hit in the face.

"Too busy gawking at the new girl, Allison," Stiles finished for him, slinging an arm around Scott's shoulder when he stopped in his tracks. "But on the bright side, Danny felt guilty about what the team did to you, so he personally invited both of us to the party on Friday!" Stiles exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement.

"He only invited me, and that was out of pity seeing me get carried off to the nurse's office," Scott clarified, bitterness lacing his words. "Anyway, it doesn't matter. We're losers, and we don't have anyone to go with."

"You're right, as much as it hurts to admit it," Stiles agreed, squeezing Scott's shoulder a little too hard, eliciting a groan from his friend. "But what does matter is that you can ask Allison to go to the party with you."

"Sorry about that," Stiles apologized quickly, noticing Scott's discomfort. "But what I'm saying is, just like how Danny invited you out of pity, who's to say Allison won't agree to go with you out of pity?"

"You can't be serious," Scott said, feeling humiliated even contemplating Stiles' suggestion.

"Think about it, buddy," Stiles urged, determined to boost his best friend's confidence. "How the relationship starts doesn't matter as long as you're in a relationship with her. That's what counts."

"I don't know," Scott replied, his mind whirring with thoughts of what Stiles was suggesting. Did it truly matter if Allison agreed to go out with him out of pity? He pondered this as Stiles led him over to his Jeep, which they both climbed into.


For almost two years now, Scott McCall had been working as the assistant to Dr. Deaton, the town's only veterinarian. It was a job he had held by himself for that entire period, until today when he walked into the clinic and was introduced to Kai.

Scott had met countless people in his life, in all shapes and colors, but none had ever come close to Kai. The guy literally looked like he came straight out of a magazine cover with his chiseled good looks. And he carried this aura around him that just screamed, "I'm important." All of which led to Scott blankly staring at him when Dr. Deaton introduced them to each other.

"This is Scott McCall," Dr. Deaton introduced, "He's been my assistant for around two years now and will be your mentor while you adjust to working here." Kai looked down at Scott with a look of indifference.

"Hello," Kai said, extending his hand rather robotically towards Scott, who snapped awake at the offered hand.

"Hi," Scott replied, his voice low and laced with nervousness.

As the day went on, the awkwardness between them died down and both Scott and Kai went about doing various tasks around the clinic. It didn't take long for Scott to feel comfortable around Kai, who he found was actually very focused on working and open to listening to him and following his orders. Scott was tasked with observing and teaching Kai, and he found himself taking charge since Dr. Deaton had advised him to relax due to his injuries.

To Scott's surprise, Kai was very gentle and caring towards the animals, even if he came off as cold towards their owners. Scott was impressed by this quality in Kai, although he did have to intervene a few times with the owners on his behalf. Another thing that caught Scott's attention was Kai's ability to calm or soothe some of the more aggressive animals they were caring for.

It was an hour before they usually closed up for the night, with the sound of pouring rain outside, when Dr. Deaton summoned Scott to his office. Scott was taken aback by the request, wondering what it could be about. Once he arrived, Dr. Deaton inquired about Kai's progress, and Scott couldn't find any faults in his work, even commending him for being a fast learner.

Dr. Deaton smiled at Scott's feedback and nodded in agreement. "I'm glad to hear that, Scott. I have to admit, I was a bit worried about bringing someone new on board, but I think Kai has been a great addition to our team."

Scott couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at being able to contribute to the clinic in some way. "Yeah, he's been doing really well. He's got a natural talent for handling animals and he's been eager to learn everything he can."

Dr. Deaton nodded again. "That's good to hear. And how have you been managing with your injuries? Any difficulties?"

Scott shrugged. "It's been okay. I've had to take things a bit slower, but I've been able to manage my tasks."

Dr. Deaton smiled kindly. "Take care of yourself, Scott. Don't push yourself too hard." He paused, his eyes glancing at the pouring rain outside. "Oh, and from now on, Kai will take care of closing up. So you can leave early."

Scott's face contorted with concern. "Wait, Sir, am I getting replaced?"

Deaton placed a reassuring hand on Scott's shoulder. "No need to worry, Scott. Kai will most likely only be here for a short time. Your position as my assistant is safe."

Scott nodded and made his way out of Dr. Deaton's office. He quickly finished up his tasks, Kai giving him a casual wave as he passes by, bidding him goodbye. Walking out of the clinic Scott lingers for a moment, feeling the sudden urge to stay. But with a deep breath, he climbs onto his bike and sets off. Surprisingly, he feels much better than he expected after the long day.

As he turns the corner, the rain pounds down harder than ever before. Scott picks up the pace, pedaling furiously in an effort to get home as quickly as possible.

After Scott's departure, Alan approached Kai who was busy tending to the animals staying overnight.

"I'm heading out now," Alan informed him, "I found some old clothes lying around for you to change into. They're clean, of course. If there's an emergency, give me a call - the number's on a post-it note on my computer screen. Otherwise, just close up and rest."

Kai nods, feeling a bit awkward and not sure what else to say. "Thanks," he manages to reply, as Alan slips on his jacket and shows signs of exhaustion from a long day's work.

Alone, Kai busied himself with some light cleaning and organizing, following Scott's instructions. Once finished, he headed to the office to pick up the clothes Alan had left out, intending to take a shower.

However, walking towards the bathroom, the sound of screeching brakes outside caught his attention. Which was then quickly followed by hurried footsteps and a series of urgent knocks on the front door.

From the sound of the knocking and the heavy breathing, Kai guesses that it's a woman. He's proven correct when a female voice calls out for help amidst the continued knocking.

Realizing that he's the only one around and it's technically his responsibility, Kai makes his way towards the door. Through the rain-streaked glass, he can make out a slender figure standing outside, soaked to the bone.


Allison's mind is spinning with disbelief. The rain pounding down on her windshield, obscuring her vision. Her mind going back to just a few minutes ago, when a dog appeared out of nowhere, and she hit it. The impact was devastating. Allison's heart shattered as she wondered if the poor creature was alive. Immediately rushing out of her car, she went over to the wounded animal.

Gritting her teeth she lifted the wounded dog into her trunk, wincing as its claws scratch her. The urgency of getting to the vet fueling her determination. But as she pulled up to the clinic, she saw the darkened entrance and her heart sank. This can't be happening, she thought. But then she spots a faint light flickering inside. Someone must still be there. She starts pounding on the door, desperate for someone to help the injured dog. Allison knows she can't bear the guilt of leaving the animal untreated.

Allison's knuckles turn white as she bangs on the door, pleading for someone to let her in. Just when she's about to give up hope, a light flickers on, and relief floods her body. "Thank god," she murmurs. As the door creaks open, she's met with a pair of eyes that leave her breathless. One is a mesmerizing honey-hazel, and the other a deep blue that seems to go on forever. The man before her is handsome beyond belief, and Allison can't help but feel a spark of attraction.

Allison's heart flutters at the sound of his deep, rough voice. But she quickly shakes her head, her focus on the injured dog. "I hit a dog with my car, and I don't know what's wrong with it. Can you please help?" Her words tumble out in a flurry, her stress evident. The handsome doctor steps outside, not minding the rain, and asks, "Where is it?" Allison replies, "It's in my trunk. I managed to get it in, but I'm not sure I can get it out. It's pretty strong, and I don't think it likes me very much." She rubs her arms, trying to hide the red scratch marks left by the animal.

The man explains that he's actually an assistant, and that the veterinarian has already gone home, but if she can wait a minute, he could try calling him. "Can't you help him?" Allison pleads, desperation clear in her voice. Kai takes a moment to consider, touched by the girl's compassion for the dog's well-being. "Alright," he concedes. "I'll take a look. Can you open the trunk for me, please?" Allison nods eagerly, running over to pop the trunk.

Allison watches in awe as he approaches the car and, with a simple wave of his hand, calms the once-angry dog into a timid puppy. He lifts the dog with ease and carries it inside. Allison can't help but be surprised by his strength, wondering just how fit one must be to carry such a large dog so effortlessly.

Once inside, Allison is led to an examination room where he lays the dog on a wide metal table. He checks the dog's eyes and feels several places on its body before landing on one of its hind legs, causing the dog to whimper.

"Its leg is broken, but other than that he appears to be alright," he says, as he starts to create a splint for the damaged limb.

Allison watches him work, shivering from the cold as she's completely drenched. Noticing her discomfort, he tells her it'll be a minute before suggesting she change into some dry clothes found in the office. She hesitates at first, but as she sneezes and continues to shiver, she takes it as a sign and heads towards the office.

As Allison finishes changing into dry clothes, she can't help but think back to the man, admiring his handsome features and captivating eyes. Blushing at the thought, she quickly shakes her head to snap out of it.

When she steps out of the office, she sees him carrying the dog to another room where he carefully places them inside a cage to rest. Allison can't help but feel grateful to him for his help, in what was probably one of her lowest moments.

"It's done," he says, as she walks in to see the dog. He can tell that she cares about the animal, which makes her seem like a good person.

Not even knowing his name, she introduces herself as Allison Argent. He introduces himself as Kai, and she quickly asks for his last name. Unable to remember if he even has one, he glances at a nearby dog's collar and says, "Kai Becker." After introductions, he asks if anyone can come for her, not wanting her to have another accident, as she appears slightly shocked.

Allison confirms that she'll call her mother to come for her. Kai steps aside, letting her make the call. They both sit at the reception area, and Allison tries to make small talk by asking about the dog. However, Kai's answers are short and not very informative. Allison feels guilty for bothering him and becomes dejected. This reminds Kai of Malia, and despite not wanting to engage in small talk, he decides to give it a try. They talk about various topics while they wait for her mother to arrive, including both being new arrivals to Beacon Hills. Kai reveals that it's his first day working as an assistant to Dr. Deaton, and Allison mentions that she saw his picture in the office.

Allison informs Kai that she repeated a year, making her older than her current classmates, and she should be graduating at the end of the year. Kai asks if it matters, if it changes anything about her, but Allison says it doesn't, and he responds by asking why worry about it then.

Curious about Kai, Allison looks at him, but her thoughts are interrupted by a honk outside. She tells Kai that it should be her mom, and she'll pick up her car tomorrow. Allison hopes they'll see each other again and thanks Kai once more before heading out. Running to get inside her mother's car, she notices Kai waiting by the front door.

As Allison's mother is scolding her for her recklessness, Allison's attention is solely on the scene outside. Seeing a black car pull up in front of the clinic and a brown haired girl rushing out to hug Kai. Allison can't help but wonder who the girl is. Her mother notices her distraction and asks if she's even listening, and then questions why she bothers.


As Kai ends his embrace with Malia, a young man with raven hair and a rugged look approaches them with a dissatisfied expression. "So this is him?" he remarks, but Malia quickly intervenes, "Derek, don't." Despite her warning, Derek steps closer to Kai, who rolls his eyes in response. Malia can't help but giggle at Kai's playful reaction.

Derek puffs his chest out, glaring at Kai. "Heard you're strong, how about a little spar?" he says, his intense gaze fixed on Kai.

Kai declines, plainly stating, "Not interested. Did you come to visit or just passing by?" He directs the question to Malia, but before she can answer, something fast approaches him from the side. With little visible motion, Kai sidesteps a fist flying at his head. Undeterred, Derek swings repeatedly at Kai, who effortlessly dodges each attack.

Derek makes a feint and Kai appears to fall for it. But before Derek can land a hit, everything shifts and he finds himself face down on the ground. Looking up to see who's responsible, he spots Laura holding him down by his nape.

"Calm down, Derek," Laura commands, annoyance in her voice. Derek glares at her, causing her eyes to turn crimson as she speaks again. "That's an order."

"I told you," Malia taunts, looking down at Derek earning a side-eye glare from him.

Realizing he can't break free from Laura's hold, Derek settles down and averts his gaze. Laura eventually lets him go, but then he immediately swings at Kai again, who easily catches his fist and looks over at Laura.

"Do you mind?" Kai asks, seemingly unaware that Derek is fiercely struggling to break free from his grip.

Laura sighs. "Fine, but don't be too rough. He's still my little brother," she says, shaking her head at Derek's hot-headedness.

"Laura!" Derek yells out, feeling betrayed.

"I told you to stop, didn't I? You didn't listen, so now you're going to have to learn a lesson," Laura declares as Kai raises his fist with a devilish smirk.

"Oh, and this is going to hurt," Kai roars, causing Derek to close his eyes in anticipation. But to his surprise, nothing happens. After a few seconds pass, Derek cautiously opens his eyes to see Kai walking inside the clinic with Malia and Laura.

"Why didn't you hit me?" Derek asks, shock in his voice.

"What's the fun in beating up weaklings?" Kai responds as he enters the clinic, leaving Derek to marinate in his parting words. Laura then calls him over.

"What are you doing, Derek? Hurry inside. I don't want you smelling like wet dog later," Laura says, beckoning him forward.

Derek blinks several times before going to catch up with them. As he does, he thinks to himself, "I'm weak?"


In a dark alleyway, hidden from view, a large figure looms over the body of a man. The victim's life quickly fades from his eyes, while blood pools around him, mixing with the rain falling down on the town.

Please Read Me.

Scott & Stiles appear. Kai takes Scotts fateful encounter with Allison. Derek having his beloved older sister around acts out, (not for long)

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