
Cursed Candy Craver | Reincarnated Into A Dead Kid’s Food Power System

Lilo Holloway had it all: money, fame, accolades, women, and adoration. Yet, at the pinnacle of his MMA career, he felt alone. He missed his ex-wife, longed for his estranged best friend, and regretted not spending more time with his deceased parents. A drunken night at a bar revealed the truth—he wanted to rebuild his life, reconnect with people, and remarry his lost love. But just as he found this renewed purpose, he died alone, a victim of fate. Lilo woke up in a strange world, reincarnated in the body of a dead child named Soda. This world was unlike anything he knew, where foods granted superpowers, and candy, made from devil fruit, was the most coveted of all. Regular humans who consumed it turned into monstrous gluttons, but those born in the shade of the devil fruit tree could harness its power safely. The child, Soda, had been buried alive by his fearful parents after consuming a candy beverage. Now, the ghost of the child: Soda, guides our main character through this bizarre world. In a land where the sweetest treats hold the greatest power, Soda and Lilo go on a journey of redemption, friendship, and self-discovery. Will he find his way back to the life he left behind, or will this new world offer him a chance at a different kind of fulfillment?

Vanilla_Chino · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs


Lilo stretched his limbs as he walked out in chains from his cell.

That cell had been his home for the past three days, and although he was a captive; it was not a deplorable experience.

It had been a great moment to reach an understanding with Soda as well as finally get educated on this strange world.

He also had a minor victory with being able to make his first cooked product: peanut butter.

Lilo looked back at the cramped cell. There was a window, a bed, a sink and a toilet; all only a few steps apart.

It may have been used to punish others, but Lilo felt cozy and only fond memories were felt there.

He took a deep breath of the brisk fresh air and nudged one of the gatekeepers that was guiding him out of the prison.

"Hey... you want some drugs?" Lilo sneered with a sly grin and a suspicious eye brow raise.

"Huh? What the hell are drugs kid?" The large, menacing, gatekeeper shrugged.

"You idiot! We don't have drugs here. We just use magic to heal and our foods usually fix any ailments anyways." Soda snapped.

'Wait... but you knew what they were when I said it.'

"I can read your mind doofus. The image and meaning of the word was understandable when you thought of it."

Lilo pondered on what to tell the gatekeeper and eventually gave up.

"Forget it. You want a tasty snack?" Lilo enticed the grown men with his jar tucked in his pocket.

"Ayo, kid we don't want any candy. Stranger danger." The gate keeper said with zest.

Lilo sighed and rolled his eyes. Soda smacked his forehead.

"No... not candy... I cooked." Lilo's arched eye brows danced back and forth as he licked his lips in eager anticipation.

Soda once again palmed his forehead.

"What the... nah kid we don't want whatever you cooked. You do realize that you are admitting to breaking the law to a gatekeeper right? Do you want us to lock you back into the cell?" The gatekeepers stopped walking and crossed their arms.

"Ohhhh... hehe... noooo officers, you have the wrong idea. It's just a simple misunderstanding really." A sweat bead traveled along the crown of Lilo's forehead and dripped down the side of his face.

The gate keepers shrugged, seemingly not giving a single flying fuck, and turned to continue their walk out of the prison.

It seemed they just wanted the annoying kid to shut up and walk in peace.

Lilo sighed and pulled out his jar of peanut butter. He kissed the lid and rubbed the glass.

'Don't worry darling. Someone else will appreciate you.'

"Ugh. Stop doing weird shit. That's my body you are using, don't make a fool out of it." Soda cringed.


The citadel remained the same as it had outside of Lilo's cell window. The streets were bustling and people were going about their usual buisness.

There were occasional shepherds roaming the street vendors with their muzzled gang of cravers behind them.

The chains scrapped the cloud streets, causing every eye to turn and pay heed to the menacing caravan of killers.

Lilo suddenly became intrigued about the nature of the floating cloudy streets. He felt the soft blanket of pastel mist under his toes.

Another unordinary aspect became aware to Lilo. Nobody wore shoes... their dawgs were constantly out...

'So many oddities I still have yet to understand.'

"It's a large world Lilo. Three days was barely enough to discuss the necessities. But no worries, little one. The superior soul will guide you through it all." Soda's smirk made Lilo want to punt him with a round house kick to the liver.

The gatekeepers finally undid the shackles on Lilo's wrists and left him out on the open street.

"We wish you luck out there. Keep your cookings to yourself kid." They warned as Lilo nervously pressed his pointer fingers together with a shy smile.

'Aight, so what now?'

Lilo turned to Soda who shrugged.

"Whoa... if it isn't the infamous newly made herder!" A familiar voice erupted behind them.

Lilo turned and saw a beautiful woman holding a basket of oranges.

Her golden locks of hair flared out from the breeze and her emerald eyes sparkled in the suns lights. 

A brilliant smile creased her lips and a tall brunet girl stood behind her, fidgeting with a puzzle cube.

"Hey Pepper... and Lemon." Lilo greeted them with a smile of his own.

"Ummm were you recently locked up?" Lemon briefly glanced up from her puzzle and scoffed.

"Well... your sister should know. She was there moments before I got arrested." Lilo admitted.

Pepper shook her head.

"Nope. I had no idea."

Lilo's jaw dropped. 

"What? How? We literally had a full on conversation and minutes later I got hauled off?!" Lilo's feelings were slightly hurt that they didn't even notice he was locked up for three whole days.

"Yeah, sorry... I guess we were just too busy to notice. We left to the out skirts as soon as I left your med room." Pepper said candidly.

An awkward cough escaped Lilo's mouth and embarrassment made his cheeks flush.

"W-well, it's a good thing I ran into you guys then... because I have no clue where to go now that I'm free."

Pepper nodded and beckoned him to follow them with a tilt of her head.

He obediently followed quickly behind Pepper and took a quick glance at Lemon.

She was still wearing her rain coat and boots; still engrossed with the same cube puzzle that Lilo had easily solved.

The pieces seemed to click into place a lot faster though. She was steadily making progress.

"Hey, how was hunting in the outskirts?" Lilo commented, just to break the silence.

Lemon gave an annoyed expression and didn't let her eyes leave the cube she was occupied with.

"You're not supposed to ask shepherds about their missions. It's classified." She muttered under her breath.

"Oh relax sis, he's not going to tell the gatekeepers. He seems to be the last guy to get into trouble." Pepper gave a playful wink to Lilo over her shoulder.

Still, Lemon refused to answer. Lilo wasn't sure why she was so reserved, but Pepper seemed to be friendly past their flip off stage upon their first awkward meeting.

Back then, he was overwhelmed with his death, his new life, and the harrowing scenario he had put himself in due to his pride.

Now, he had made amends with Soda and wished to get along with all the people he met within this new world.

Working together with the friends he made along the way would highly increase his chances of returning home.

He also deduced that practicing his social skills here would help him rekindle his lost relationships back in his old world when he returned.

"Hey, wanna see what I made during my time away from you guys?" Lilo pulled out his precious peanut butter in an attempt to break through to Lemon.

At first she didn't react. She didn't even look at what he held up. But the scent hit her nose and perked her attention.

As soon as her eyes landed on it, Lilo could see the wheels in her head turning. She was stumped and deeply confused; pondering on what that object was as if it were a puzzle to solve.

A proud smile grew on Lilo's lips.

"It's peanut butter... want to try some?" Lilo opened the jar a little too eagerly, causing Lemon to look at him skeptically.

But that smell. It was enthralling. Nothing like anything she had ever had been familiar with... wait... no, she knew this scent.

Peanuts. Well duh its in the name. But it was sweeter, even more potent and with a hint of a savory feeling.

Lemon hesitantly put her finger up and reached for the jar. Lilo's heart beat faster and faster as her hand neared the entrance of the jar. He was very excited for her to try his first cooked product.

"Hey!" Pepper stepped between them and snatched the jar from Lilo's hand. She held it up to her nose and analyzed it with suspicion. 

"Is this... A cooked food?"

Realization washed over both the sisters faces and a condescending expression was targeted at Lilo instantly.

"Whaaaaat? Cook? Me? I'm too stupid to do something so advanced. Think about it, lil old me couldn't possibly do what kite riders do." Lilo shrugged while sweating his ass off from the nerves running through his system.

Anyone take medications? I think I need to get prescribed some vitamin D, I don't touch grass enough.

Vanilla_Chinocreators' thoughts