

“General, I beg your pardon. I can explain.” She said to Ethan.

Centauri and Aster turned their heads towards Ethan simultaneously, “General?”

“You must be mistaken. I am not…” he was interrupted by her, “I know I shouldn’t have followed you, but they were not answering me. I thought I was kidnapped again. I was shot in heart and now there is no wound. I even don’t know how long I have been dead. I just wanted to talk to you. I didn’t mean it.” She looked so innocent explaining herself that Ethan’s heart melted seeing the worried look on her face.

Centauri stepped between the two of them blocking her from looking at Ethan. “I am Centauri...” and was interrupted, “Didn’t your master teach you not to interrupt when someone is talking to him directly.” Her little figure dissipated aura somewhat like that of Centauri but low in intensity. It was so low that wasn’t felt by Aster who was trying hard to hold back his laughter. Ethan smiled looking at creases forming on her tiny forehead and eyes in narrow slits. She was surely his mate. Only she has the temperament like him and had the ability to discipline him.

“Anastasia, you are mistaken. I am his subordinate.” Ethan emerged from his back and in an understanding tone cleared out her misunderstanding.

“But he doesn’t look like one.” Her words came out more like a whisper but since the hearing ability of werewolves was much sensitive than humans, they were heard clearly by them. Aster covered his face by the back of his hand and Ethan lowered his face to hide the wide smile stretching across his face. Centauri on the other hand seemed outrageous.

“What makes me look like a subordinate and not a leader? Mind explaining it?” His words were laced with venom. His wolf scolded him in the back of his head, but he couldn’t help it. He already reached a conclusion in which she was the villain and the root cause of the difficulties they were facing. She unconsciously lost her faith and loyalty in his eyes.

She too felt the bitterness of his words and remained silent for a while. She was used to all these hardships but somehow hearing these simple words in a harsh tone break her heart. The moment she met him she felt a strange feeling as if she had known him for years.

“The way he was passing orders and the way he is dressed makes him look like a leader. I will be careful next time.” she looked embarrassed. She lowered her head and started fidgeting her fingers.

“There will be no next time.” Centauri said harshly. Centauri always had one rule, the one who disrupts the peace of his pack was considered his enemy may it be external or internal. This time the peace of his land was disrupted by her and according to him, he was merciful enough to let her live in the golden moon pack. Centauri’s conscience was warning him of his misconduct, but he refused to gave in and left the basement without sparing her another glance. He never knew parting would be this difficult in life. His heart felt a streak of pain, he could feel her sadness but remained rigid.

“Come let me take you back.” Aster volunteered. He was still mesmerized by her beauty. He winked at Ethan signalling him that he got a chance. Aster hasn’t found his mate yet and having the most beautiful women of the entire pack standing in front of him urged him to try his luck.

Ethan couldn’t explain him that he was referring to his future and rightful Luna so he simply intervened before Anastasia could respond. “Leave her to me. Go and help Dr Park.” Aster’s face dropped he looked at Anastasia with puppy dog eyes, but she was still examining the floor and started following Ethan who was guiding her the way.

“You Shouldn’t wander around in hospital.” Ethan remarked.

“I will keep a note of it.” She replied. Her voice had a magical attraction. She was able to attain attention by her mere voice. Her voice had the ability to make one long for her to speak.

“Am I alone here? Have you seen my friends?” She for the first time looked directly at him. They walked inside the elevator. Ethan found it hard not to maintain eye contact with her. Her green eyes were mesmerising. “They (cough) They are also here. I will take you to meet them after some time.” He said comforting her.

“Pinky promise.” She lifted her right hand and spread her little finger like a child. She looked adorable doing this tiny gesture. Ethan intervened his little finger with hers and repeated, “Pinky promise.” The doors of elevator opened, and she walked out followed by Ethan who was smiling like a fool. He too was mateless, but he never cared about women. Most the single women tried seducing him but he refused them harshly because to him duties of beta were more important until this moment. It was the first time he felt like having a mate won’t be a bad choice. Her tiny little hands could fit in his palm. [What am I thinking] he scolded himself.

“You must remain in this room for two days and after that I will give you a reasonable explanation of all your queries and will take you to meet your friends. You must be obedient and remain in this room during this period.”

Coming up next

Sam will confess that he is Anastasia’s husband. What do you think will be Centauri’s reaction?