
Curse devourer

Finding himself in the body of a doomed side character that is fated to die from a curse in a fantasy novel, the mc now needs to find a way to survive in a world where anything has a good chance of killing him.

alex_bal · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Intervening in the story

"Astrid, do you know what you did wrong?" Augustus glared at the young woman standing across him.

"I used excessive force on a student," Astrid replied.

"And do you mind telling me why?" Augustus questioned.

Astrid remained silent for a few seconds. "Because of my skill, Dean Augustus," she answered.

"What do you mean?" Augustus looked at her in confusion.

"My skill allows me to see the probability of me winning against an opponent," Astrid explained. "It showed me that I had no chance of winning against him," she revealed.

"Raveil Gray is a newly awakened aura user that is currently suffering from a curse that will kill him soon. You're telling me that your skill told you that you can't defeat him?" Augustus said. "The same student laying in the infirmary completely beaten up?"

Astrid grimaced.

"You're the strongest student in this academy's history. The only student that reached rank 6 before graduating," Augustus stood up. "I can't ignore this incident. You are stripped of your position in the student council and will be suspended until further deliberating of your punishment is finished."


Astrid left the office.


"Where the fuck am I going to find these things?" I complained as I walked past the halls of the school, some of the students looking at me like an exotic species.

"Master, I think they're curious how you're already recovered," Velris whispered.

"I don't give a shit," I grumbled. I was more concerned about the fact that the materials the system wanted me to get weren't even present in Raveil's memories.

Money wasn't supposed to be an issue, but if the materials were items that even Raveil didn't know about them then they were going to be very expensive to obtain.

After getting my ass handed to me, I'll be damned if I wasn't going to make a bigger effort to get stronger. Screw the power balance in this world.

"Velris, do you know any of the items on this list?" I showed her a list of the items I needed for the egofication.

"Blessed iron is the material used by the holy kingdom's knight order's armors," Velris informed me.

"Do you know where I could get some?"

"Killing a holy kingdom knight is one way," Velris replied.

"Murder it is," I shrugged and marched out the school.

"W-wait! Master!" Velris ran after me.


The first arc of the story revolved around Kara and Asha needing to deal with a corrupt official from the holy kingdom that was forcing villagers to work under the name of their god.

Basing it on the timeline of the novel, the protagonist wouldn't find out until two weeks from now where the students will be given the chance to go on missions. That makes it the perfect time for me to get involved and deal with the issue early.

"Master, are you not going to attend your classes?" Velris asked as we rode a carriage to the location of the village.

"I'm too old for that," I replied as I studied the map of the area.

"Too old?" Velris stared at me in confusion.

Before waking up in this world, I was originally twenty-four, so sitting in class with a bunch of teenagers was the last thing I wanted to do. Additionally, thanks to the novel, I already knew what the classes I took were going to discuss.

"Don't mind it too much," I told her as I figured out the location of the village.

We got off the carriage at the nearest drop of location and proceeded to the village on foot.

"Hurry up or be branded as heretics!" I heard a shout from a distance.

"Looks like we found our goal," I mentioned to Velris as I drew my sword.

"What is happening master?"

"A bastard from the holy kingdom is trying to build an altar here," I answered her.

"But this place is still under the territory of Vespride," Velris replied.

"The bastard is planning on building the altar, then getting rid of everyone who knows, so that they can pretend that this area originally belonged to the holy kingdom," I explained.

Honestly, I was impressed by the underhanded method of acquiring real estate.

"That's cruel," Velris growled.

"Exactly, that's why we're here to stop it," I grinned. I was actually here for the armor of the knight acting as escort of the official, but nobody needed to know that.

"Faster!" A lanky man yelled as he pointed his staff at the villagers working on the altar.

"He doesn't look much of a threat," I commented. "Revenant," the shadow knight came out of the shadows.

Velris jumped from the sudden appearance of the knight but made no comment.

"Make it quick."

Revenant sunk into the ground, turning into a black puddle and moved towards their target. As we were positioned on a hill that overlooks the village, we had a good view of Revenant's movement.

Once he was a meter away, he shot out of the ground sword drawn. In mere seconds, the lanky man's head fell to the ground. "Demon!" A knight wearing glowing armor rushed to the scene.

"Is that..."

"Yes master," Velris hesitantly nodded.

"I hope that's not just for aesthetics," I mumbled.

The knight raised their sword into the sky and a bright light flashed. I heard Velris groan, but we were still too far for her to receive any actual damage. The light, however, had no effect on Revenant as he is not a demon.

Revenant rushed towards the knight, but before the ego could swing their sword, the knight managed to cut off Revenant's left hand. "I shall vanquish this demon!" The knight declared proudly, already sure that he had won.

Unfortunately for him, Revenant wasn't something he could kill by normal means. After the shadow knight's hand was severed, the severed limb vanished and regrew to where it originally began. The holy knight stabbed Revenant in the chest, but the ego did not even react and stabbed its own sword at its opponent.

"Impossible," the holy knight stepped back clutching the wound on his stomach.

"Master, he's going to heal!" Velris warned me.

"Can't have that!" Aura rush activated with full force, and I was launched off the hill like a missile.

I couldn't activate grave of sword's ability, but the passive mastery on swordsmanship was still there. So, as I sailed through the air, I twisted my body and managed to spin midair and inflict a slash on the holy knight's back.

"Finish him!" I yelled out.

"Here-" the knight didn't get to finish as his head went flying.

"Ugh... disgusting," I groaned as the head rolled towards me.

"You killed them..." I glanced behind me to see the villagers.

"Ah, that'll sink in about a few weeks, so let me have my rampage," I waved them off.

[Your actions have influenced the future of the story]

[Reward: Inventory]

"Oh? That's convenient."