
Curse devourer

Finding himself in the body of a doomed side character that is fated to die from a curse in a fantasy novel, the mc now needs to find a way to survive in a world where anything has a good chance of killing him.

alex_bal · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs


"Well, this is awkward," I muttered as I went through Raveil's belongings.

For someone that belonged to the family of someone that was a big shot in the novel, I expected his belongings to be too extravagant for my taste. Instead, his clothes were something you would find in any average man's closet.

Plain black shirts, a few jackets, and other comfortable clothes. "I guessed he focused more on training," I figured, but it confused me that someone who was dying would focus on training rather than making the most of what he had left.

"The sad thing about reality is that more people try to deny it rather than accept it," I jumped back at the sudden appearance of a woman at my window. Her long red hair was a fluffy mess, looking like violent red flames that went everywhere. Other than she was dressed like a mercenary, there was no other way to describe what she was wearing.

"Who are you?!" I grabbed my sword and aura shrouded my body.

"A man that is supposed to be dead and wielding aura despite not going through the Aether ceremony," the woman spoke. "Aren't you full of surprises."

"This is school property," Revenant prepared to strike from the shadows.

"Oh?" the woman glanced at the shadows where Revenant hid. "This is odd. I've already figured that you are far more powerful compared to other new students, but this?" Red aura lashed out and bound Revenant. "An ego of such caliber is impossible to obtain for a mere student. Did daddy help you?"

"The count doesn't even know I'm alive," I replied. "Why did I answer?" I thought to myself.

"Interesting," the woman released the binding. "I'll be observing you closely," she stated before leaping out the window.

I rushed to check out the window, but she was nowhere in sight. "Who the hell was that?" I gritted my teeth. "Why am I getting involved with so many troublesome people?" I pinched my forehead in frustration.

I tried to recall anyone from the novel with that appearance, but she didn't match anyone from the illustrations from the novel. If she was powerful enough to restrain Revenant, she should be above Rank two.

"Shouldn't have delayed this," I called Revenant to my side. "Use both magic clusters on him."

[Revenant has ascended to Rank 2 level 1]

"I have one question," I picked up a wooden sword under the bed. "How many people in this school is stronger than me?"

[Approximately 87% of the school population is stronger than the user]

That would be all the instructors, upperclassmen, and the security staff. I'm certain of that since the novel mentioned that the other staff did not have mana or aura at all.

"This is so annoying."


"I am pleased to welcome our new students to The Royal academy of Paradis, Vespride branch," a large muscular old man announced. "I am the school's dean, Augustus Cloud," the man introduced himself.

"That's the vanguard."

"He's a lot bigger in person."

"Is he going to teach us personally?"

I heard the students whispering. But I couldn't blame them, after all, the man in front of us is called the "Vanguard of Vespride".

[First Arc]

[Task: Be recognized

Reward: Will be based on results]

I sighed. "What could someone that's supposed to be dead by now do here?" I grumbled.

"First years, follow me!" An instructor yelled out.

"Ah? Did I space out on the speech?" I muttered as I silently followed the crowd of students.

We were led to a large room where I giant crystal practically reached the ceiling. It was nearly fifty meters tall and illuminated the whole room. "This is the Aether crystal," the instructor announced. "As you all know, it takes a great amount of mana or aura to completely ascend to rank 1," the instructor began explaining. "Gathering such an amount is an impossible task, which is why we are here today."

"I did the impossible though," I mumbled smugly.

Thinking about it now, I wonder how powerful the original Raveil Gray would have become if he didn't have the Clockwork of death.

"Everyone, line up," the instructors assisted each student to the Aether crystal.

Seeing the process of someone ascending was rather strange for me. When someone awakens mana, an orb of light shined on their chest. If they awakened aura, faint traces of light will appear on their whole body.

"Kara Vanguis," an instructor called for the protagonist, and everyone witnessed the rarest sight they see in their life. An orb of light shined brightly on her chest, but a faint trace of light appeared on her body as well.

Awakening both mana and aura not only gave her both options to be a warrior and a mage, but that will result in the Aether crystal granting her twice the amount needed for awakening. Unlike everyone else that will start at Rank 1 level 1, Kara starts at Rank 1 level 5.

"Stupid plot armor," I grumbled.

"Raveil Gray," an instructor called out to me.

As I approached the crystal, the crowd of students began whispering.

"He really is alive."

"Maybe he's still dying soon."

"Didn't he have a duel at the courtyard?"

The instructor examined closely. "You're already awakened?" The instructor noticed the faint traces of aura in my body.

"Yes," I answered, there was no use hiding it after the duel in the courtyard.

The instructor didn't say anything else and simply gestured for me to touch the crystal. It felt quite warm, and as I held on to it, I felt like something was crawling up my arm.

[You have ascended to Rank 1 level 5]

The amount of Aether needed to awaken someone is equivalent to leveling up five times as a rank 1. "But why did only level up once?"

[Choose an aura affinity]

I raised an eyebrow.

[Elemental affinity]

[Divine affinity]

[Corrupted affinity]

[Ego affinity]

An aura's affinity was something decided by birth, something similar to a bloodline ability. The protagonist had an affinity with fire, while the Gray family had an affinity with ice. Choosing the elemental affinity would be a waste for me. Corrupted affinity would not function well with Curse devourer and Divine affinity is useless as I already had Curse devourer.

"I'm no genius, but it's too obvious that the system wants me to pick everything related to Egos," I figured as I selected the last option.

Upon removing my hand on the Aether crystal, a panel informed me of my choice.

[You have obtained the Aura affinity: Ego]

[Your aura is now able to drain Aether from the environment]

"I feel used."