
Cultivation of Ancient Knowledge

A calm step along a common path, but in his own direction. Every morning in the Sect begins with the students going to class, and Mac follows his own desire to become stronger, and this path does not always lead to class. The books in his grandfather's room or in the Sect's library help him along the way. The books make Mac calm, cool, and focused, but the young blood sometimes makes itself felt. And since Mac has no desire to lose, he has to find a way to get out of various situations on his way to absolute power.

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11 Chs


"What if you have a mediocre talent and no omnipotent mentor or weapon or armour to make you the strongest?

And yet you live in a world where being weak is deadly!

Of course, to read books!

And you need to read a lot, because who knows in which book you can find the secret of incredible strength or eternal life! After all, as they say, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

So you should try to read it.

But the problem is that such books are not easy to find. After all, some of them may be on a shelf in an expensive store or in a sect's library, others under the mattress of a tyrannical lord of a neighbouring state, and still others lying quietly near the body of a bloodthirsty beast in a ruined cave.

And all of them are worthy of being in my hands.

The only question is: "How do I get to them?". Fuck it! It doesn't matter! I'm going to get to them anyway!

And no one else will dare to use me as a thing to achieve their goals!", Mac thought before leaving the house.

Mac repeated this to himself every morning as a reminder of who he was and what he wanted.


As the creaking door of the modest wooden house swung open, a young cultivator emerged into the vibrant world beyond.

With a deliberate motion, he closed the door behind him, ensuring it was securely locked.

This was Mac Boros, a 15-year-old disciple of the esteemed Silver Blade Sect.

Within the sect, there existed a community of just over 500 individuals, each playing their part in the intricate tapestry of martial arts. Among them were servants, disciples, adepts, and revered elders.

The path of the Silver Blade Sect was firmly rooted in the mastery of sword techniques, wielding the elegant weapon with unparalleled skill and finesse.

Nestled within the bustling city of Metal Phoenix, the Silver Blade Sect held its domain.

The city, home to approximately 80,000 souls, mostly comprised ordinary people devoid of spiritual energy. Guiding the city's affairs was the Mayor, a figure of authority whose power seemed boundless.

However, even the Mayor was mindful of the sects' influence, for within Metal Phoenix, three sects held sway.

Among these sects, the Silver Blade Sect stood as the second most formidable, its prowess acknowledged by all.

The coveted title of the most powerful sect belonged to the Swift Saber Sect, whose disciples merged saber techniques with the art of fist fighting, striking with a blade in one hand and a fist in the other.

And yet, the third strongest sect, the Fast Bow Sect, found their prowess in archery, bolstered by their proficiency in knife techniques and hunting skills.

These three sects, though considered lower in rank, held great significance within the city.

Beyond the sects and city governance lay the Nine Swords Sect, a medium-ranked sect that wielded influence over the Metal Phoenix City and its affairs.

The grandeur and power of the sects reflected the immense importance of spiritual energy on the continent of Pangea. In this vast realm, countless cities thrived, inhabited by hundreds of millions of individuals. However, only a fraction of them possessed the coveted spiritual energy.

On Pangea, power reigned supreme. It manifested itself within the cities through orderly systems, formidable armies, and imposing defensive structures.

Beyond the city walls, however, chaos prevailed. In this lawless expanse, social standing mattered little. Wild creatures cared not for one's status as a peasant or noble; their hunger craved the flesh of humans, although they liked the meat of cultivators the most, because it allowed them to become stronger by developing the spiritual energy in their bodies.

The dangers extended beyond predatory beasts, as ruthless bandit gangs waged violent battles for scarce resources.

Within this dynamic realm, power held sway, surpassing the influence of wealth or military might.

The pinnacle of power lay in spiritual energy. In the City of Metal Phoenix, cultivation unfolded across two levels—the Energy Core Formation and Energy Core Saturation.

Each level further divided into nine stages, representing the arduous journey towards enlightenment and strength.

Within the sacred grounds of the Silver Blade Sect, Mac resided alongside his grandfather, Stry, the esteemed Supreme Elder of the sect.

Mac was an unusual disciple. In addition to being the grandson of the Supreme Elder, he was also his personal disciple.

That is, he was considered the main disciple of the Sect, which gave him certain privileges.

As the main disciple of the sect, he enjoyed certain privileges, including exclusive guidance from revered elders, access to rare plants, superior weapons, and the respect and admiration of the adepts and elders.

Although Mac never got the last one.

Like other students of the sect, Mac embarked on his daily pilgrimage to the House of Education, where the Silver Blade Sect's lessons awaited.

In the vibrant tapestry of disciples, he found himself among peers who were both main disciples and children of nobility.

The teachers who imparted their wisdom hailed primarily from the ranks of sect adepts, such as Miss Rosalyn, a notable adept who had attained the second stage of Energy Core Saturation.

Standing on the porch of his abode, Mac observed the flurry of disciples hastening towards the House of Education.

However, he harbored no urgency today. Embracing the warm, cloudless day, he chose to bask in moments of repose, engaging in profound contemplation and attending only to matters of significance.

Soft grass in the shade of a large tree is best suited for this.

This chapter was written with the intention of better explaining to the reader the world in which the main character, Mac Boros, lives.

And don't forget, this is just the beginning!

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