
Cultivation: I Have Unlimited Epiphanies in the Cultivation World

Thrust into a world torn from the pages of the novels he once read, Jun Xiayou, an insignificant outer disciple, finds himself plunged into a reality far more complex and deceptive than he ever imagined. In the immortal world, where war and power should reign supreme, an unnerving peace unexpectedly holds sway. But beneath this tranquil veneer, could this pursuit of peace be genuine, or merely a facade? As a cultivator endowed with unremarkable talent and mediocre strength, Jun Xiayou faces a seemingly hopeless predicament – that is until a fateful notification changes everything: [Ding! Unlimited Epiphany System activated] [Comprehension abilities increased by 10,000x] [Cultivation talent enhanced by 100x] Endowed with analytical prowess that transcends the bounds of logic, Jun must navigate his path with utmost caution. Could his quest unearth a reality far more profound and distorted than what every cultivator in this world has been systematically blinded to? And in this pursuit of forbidden knowledge, will he expose the intricate web of power and control orchestrated by the hidden rulers from the shadows determined to keep the veil of deception firmly in place? Will Jun's newfound abilities be a key to liberation, or will they draw him deeper into the labyrinth of conspiracy that controls this world of immortals? (pls note this is my first ever novel so writing could be bad at the start so be gentle sen-)

Lolster45 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
70 Chs

Chapter 36: Dao Companions

The world hushed to a whisper as they embraced, their once-hidden desires igniting with a mere touch. It was as if the air itself held its breath, watching the unfolding of a long-awaited union.

Jun's heart swelled, a tide of warmth eclipsing every triumph he'd ever known. The sheer joy of having someone by his side made every past power-up pale in comparison. Power, he realized, meant little without someone to share it with.

Yinling's warmth against him was different from any other warmth he'd felt. It was comforting, genuine, and it reached deeper than the chill of the water around them. This wasn't just physical warmth; it was the warmth of connection, of belonging.

Floating above the surface of the water and more, Jun couldn't wipe the grin off his face. It was a mix of disbelief and pure joy. His mind kept replaying the moment, unable to move past the shock and happiness.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! That actually just happened!" His mind was a broken record, replaying the moment over and over.

If Jun were honest, that confession had been a leap of faith. He hadn't planned it, hadn't even thought it through, but sometimes, the heart just takes over. And this time, it had led him somewhere amazing.

He may have acted spontaneously, but in the end, it worked out causing him to get a life-long...

"Wait, are we now Dao companions or something?" 

Jun wasn't very familiar with relationships in the cultivation world, the only thing he has heard are Dao companions but that's pretty much it. 

"We haven't really confirmed anything... " Jun thought.

Easily reaching the huge home even going slow, he landed near the main entrance with Yinling still holding on tightly. Jun was about to speak up when he heard a faint chime.

[Ding! Congratulations Host on unlocking your bloodline (True Human)]

[Ding! Congratulations Host! Energy Manipulation +15%]

[Ding! You have unlocked a new ability! Telepathic Communication!]

"True Human? Am I not a human or is this system broken?"

Jun was very familiar with this type of setting in novels, some main characters were blessed with special bloodlines like Phoenix or Dragon bloodlines, but he had never heard of a so-called True Human bloodline.

It didn't sound very powerful, most novels he had read never really explained the power of humans so this is uncharted territory for Jun. 

"Even so... fifteen percent energy manipulation from just unlocking ten percent of this True Human bloodline is insane"

What is the concept of 15% percent energy manipulation? Just this number alone would cause even the best of geniuses at the same level to lose miserably. Even without this buff in energy manipulation, he felt an even greater power coursing through his veins but it felt so full of life and more.

This power felt so in tune with his body like a missing puzzle piece had finally been returned to form the complete picture. If previously, he could leapfrog 1 large real with 5 smaller ones, now he could leapfrog an entire 4 large realms, matching beginner Gold Core experts.

Who would believe a humble foundation establishment cultivator had the power of a Gold Core expert? Gold core experts are able to open up and manage their own 6-star city, foundation establishment cultivators at best could only serve as mere low-level guards, and now you're saying one of them can match the overload of a 6-star city?

Inside, the house was quiet, almost contemplative. Their wet footsteps on the stone floor were the only sound in the vast hall. Jun turned to Yinling, and for a moment, it was like they were the only two people in the world.

"So... what does that make us" Jun asked, his voice low and uncertain. It was a big step, a huge concept, but it felt natural, almost inevitable, but he was also ready with his epiphany system in case things went south.

Yinling's head gently rose, her eyes flickering with a mix of emotions. "I... I don't know," she whispered, a hint of shyness in her voice.

It did make sense for her to be clueless about anything about anything relationship-related. Having been the daughter or the patriarch and not going outside of her sect much, no one in her circle dared to make a move on her.

Jun walked towards the nearest wall and gently leaned her back on the wall, making them meet face to face, with Yinling's arms wrapped loosely around his neck.

"If that's so... why not be my Dao Companion" Jun's voice was a gentle whisper, a tentative bridge spanning the gap between them.

Yinling blushed, her eyes wide with the weight of his words. Dao companions were a big deal, a commitment not just of hearts but of souls. It was a lot to take in, especially so suddenly.

Yet, in the depths of her eyes, a spark of daring ignited, a silent dance of possibility and hope. Their world, for a moment, was nothing but the space between them – a cocoon of shared warmth and unspoken promises. 

She had only been with Jun for a few days, but these short few days had felt like lifetimes together. Others might call her reckless or stupid but she didn't care, at that moment, she knew what her heart wanted.

"Of course!" Yinling smiled brighter than any other time "My only regret" her voice trembled slightly, echoing the vulnerability and strength born of their shared ordeals, "would be not having crossed paths with you sooner".

Jun felt pure bliss at hearing her words, he finally had someone waiting for him at "home" to rest or simply explore the world. In her, he had found an anchor, a presence that transformed the vastness of this new world from an overwhelming odyssey into a journey worth cherishing. It was no longer about the loneliness of power but the power of unity.

As they leaned in closer, their movements a mirror of each other's intentions, a silent communication flowed between them.

Jun saw in her eyes the reflection of every harrowing brink they had faced together, every moment of despair they had turned into hope. It was as if their shared experiences had woven an invisible thread, binding them in an understanding deeper than words could convey.

Yet, just as their lips were about to meet in a union of shared souls once again, an unexpected distraction caused them to turn their heads in unison.

"Dammit!!! Who the hell dares interrupt my time with Yinling!! Wait... how did I do that?" Jun thought, feeling confused.

Jun could understand hearing them but somehow he just sensed the other party approaching which was something he wasn't used to, almost as if he sensed their energy.

[Ding! I'm surprised you haven't noticed host, after unlocking your bloodline, you have naturally unlocked another special ability which I'm sure you have heard about called Divine Sence, the reason I did not list it was because I thought it was very obvious]

Hearing this, Jun's eyes widened in shock.

Doesn't that mean his ability to consume information has increased thousands of times? Previously, he could only read every individual book manually one by one, but now, couldn't he read every book at the same time with his epiphany phase on?

Even though Jun was happy gaining such a God-like ability, who wouldn't be furious at having their intimate time interrupted?

"Let's wait for them to pass" Jun spoke calmly, even though he was boiling inside, he wouldn't act recklessly and put Yinling's life in danger.

But things seem to not work in favor of Jun's thoughts.