
Cultivation Epic: Divine Godly Punisher, Armed With Imposing Systems

Read first page, maybe you will like it. (^_^)

koladeizdavid · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
400 Chs

What you now know is only a drop in the ocean

When the symbols appeared, no one noticed it as Alex was wearing an armor. However, since his face wasn't masked, the Sky Lord stage cultivators that were flying towards him saw the symbols that had surfaced on his face. Then they witnessed to their amazement how parts of Alex's blackened, decaying face gradually became white again. It was like the poisoning and corroding energies in his body were being ejected, causing him to regain his white color.

Their heart shook badly from what they saw, then to prevent anything new, unexpected and uncontrollable from coming up as Alex fearsomeness and ruthlessness in battle was something to dread or be greatly terrorized about, the Sky Lord stage cultivators quickly zoomed towards slowly-recovering Alex to grab him and bring him for their Master, as per his order.
