

The next day...

Li Yangde: "Okay, today we are going to a desserted island. We will temper your sword technique so you can gain it's mastery.

Ji Shuangxue: "Yes Master"

They rode on Yangde's flying sword. (that sounds so wrong...) to a desserted island to the east sea.

Li Yangde: "Okay! This should be good enough"

Ji Shuangxue: "Master, I don't know if I can control the slashes. You might get slashed in two.

Li Yangde: "Ah, don't worry about that. I got a technique called spirit heavenly armour. It is basically a very durable defensive aura. The person naming the technique, just want to make it heaven almighty. Unless your cultivation is higher than mine, the concentrated aura released from the sword won't even touch me. Also I will only attack on yournpower level. (swing!) This sword is dull. But it can still hurt you. Don't hold back. Our objective is tampering your sword skill. Use all the techniques you know. Even combining and making new ones to make it your own... Now begin!"


The two exchange sword play after sword play. Shuangxue little by little use her sword without wasted movements. She now knows that the best way of mastering sword techniques is to actually using it in battle. Experience is the key to properly mend the technique. She is so happy to find a very good teacher.

Little by little the island was getting cut into several pieces. The once football size island, has now turned to several pieces of ice cubes. Without footing. We now see both of them floating on the water.

Li Yangde: "Dammit, and I didn't bought a change of underwear. (sigh) Sorry about that. I got carried away. It was fun clashing swords like that."

Ji Shuangxue: "Master is so cruel, if I would have known we will be wet floating on the water. I should have wear something not so see through when wet."

Li Yangde: "No worries my disciple. I am immune to it. I got flashed by plenty of girls with perfect boobs. Most of them even send nude pictures of themselves to me in order to get my attention. In the end, they gave my a little phobia and a slight trauma of how girls is willing to do to achieve their goal."😥

Ji Shiangxue: "I did not want to hear that. That is way too much information. But it kinda made me relax... Master since your mask is wet. Why not take it off."

Li Yangde: "Uuhhhh~ I don't think you can handle it."

Ji Shuangxue: "Hahaha Master, I'm a grown up adult. I'm not a kid. I know your handsome, but not heaven defying. hahaha!"

Li Yangde after hearing that thought that maybe she may be the one who is immune to his charms. So he took it of and show his full face. Yangde was shock that she took it well than others. She was staring at his face for anlong time without moving.

Li Yangde: "Wow, your the first person to not do the fangirl or fanguy routine. I'm impressed. Maybe spending time with me got you immune. Finally! I have someone that I can be myself. Hahaha. So you ready to go to the next island.

Ji Shuangxue: (stare)......

Li Yangde: "Did you hear me. Come on! Let's go to the next island."

Yangde was already offering his hand while standing on top of his sword.

Li Yangde: "Hey Shuangxue?.....

He checked her pulse and eyes. Then he found out that she passed out.

Li Yangde: "(sigh) I guess this curse is a long one. I thought achieving beauty can lead to curse. I can't even talk to my parents with out the mask.😢 (sigh) better take her out of the water."

He flew her to another desserted island. He was also enjoying the view. She had a white t-shirt and blue jeans and white shoes. Her black bra can be clearly seen due to the wet t-shirt.

Li Yangde: "What was the saying about a woman wearing black underwears. They are horny or something. That can be dangerous. Better wear my extra mask from my dimension.... I also need to do laundry. I haven't done any laundry for a month. Maybe I can get the monkeys to do it. My clothes keep on getting stolen from the laundrmats by fangirls."

While he was muttering to himself, Shuangxue was waking up. She now knows tge true power of her master. It was heaven defying.

Ji Shuangxue: "😍😍😍😍 I was in heaven. No wonder those girls do what they did. Maybe I..."

Li Yangde: "Oh good, your awake! Ready for round 2."

They fought wildly again. She was embarassed at first, but when she saw his face. She even want to spar with him naked. She was in love but cannot eat the forbidden fruit between master and student.

The 2nd island was destroyed and once again they were in the water.

Li Yangde: "If my calculations are right. Maybe 7 more island spar and we'll call it a day."

They started island hopping. Destroying islang after island. On the 8th island, her control and technique was already stabalized and was 2nd nature to her. She conteol the auras and only send the aura flying if needed to. So the island was not destroyed.

Li Yangde: "Hmm, I was wrong. I guess I'm an island too much. You mastered it earlier than I thought. With your mastering the technique, you will not accidentall kill someone during a spar."

Ji Shuangxue: "Oh right. I forgot to tell you. When I woke up this morning. I could not move at all. It took me 2 hours to get off the bed. But now I'm okay."

Li Yangde: "Oh that! It's because you use your heart aperture too much yesterday. I was goona stop you, but I thought of how you can master it by knowing your limits. In the end, you didn't stop. So I thought you have a high limit on your abilities. I guess you do but I think you overdid it."

Ji Shuangxue: "Ugh, I wish you told me..."

Li Yangde: "Even I use Appraisal only when needed. hahahaha!😆😆😆😆

He then flew her back to the dormitory. He went behind her dormitory window to drop her off since she is wet and see through.

Li Yangde: "Okay, you get the weekend off. Go have fun. I deposited some money into your account. Here are some blood and qi pills and some spirit apples. Just because your off doesn't mean you can slack off. I'll pick you up on Monday morning for training. I'm going to teach you lightning palm, since you have lightning affinity."

Ji Shuangxue: "Thank you master!"

He then left. Later, after Shuangxue finished her shower. She looked at her bank account and was shocked.

Ji Shuangxue: "$2 million dollars! Is this what you call little to spend for the weekend?!"

Little does she knows that Yangde has $100 trillion dollars US. He got more money than he knows what to do to it. He was figuring out how to give it away. He gave 100 million to charity but due to just the interest in the bank, he made it all back in a day. He gets $200 million each month from bank interest. He then give 100 million to charity and spend the rest $100 million to miscellaneous stuff. He gives $1 million each month to Joseph's wife until the year ends. He also give it to his daughter Ji Shuangxue but put an extra million to spend on the weekend. He give his friend a million a month also, that's how Moumou got the courage to ask for marriage to Yaya. He can show his bank account to show that he can take care of her. He also paid all the tuition of his friends but still have 50 million left, so he made the extra bedroom a safe and just left a pile of cash, spirit stones and gold bricks in there. If he doesn't do that, then the money will keep adding up to quadrillion. The dollar will crash and world market will do the same. He wanted to takout the whole thing but they only have a limited amount of bank notes.

At Yangde's apartment building, he checked on how the construction is doing. He talked to the contractor to hire more guys to finish it in 3 days and that money is no object. When they hear this, they rushed and made some phone calls. The next day was a Saturday. Over 300 workers showed up. All was ready to work. All of them have their assignments. And all the paychecks are ready after they are done. It was a one day build up . They rushed to the apartment. It taken 5 hours to complete and all paychecks paid. In the afternoon was 20 painters that put the 1st and second coat. The next day The finishing clear finish. Then was paid full for the work. Yangde paid the contractor extra for finishing ahead of time. He then called the interior designer to start moving the furnitures and appliances. By night time the apartment is finished. He opened the doors to let the paint fumes out.

Li Yangde: "It should be gas-free by morning."

The next day, Monday he went over to pick Shuangxue up with his car.

Li Yangde: "Change of plans, Get on."

Shuangxue was in her workout clothes so the change of plans kinda messed up her day. But it turned upside down when Yangde brang her to her apartment that was finiahed and fully furnished. It was so surreal hiw beautifull her apartment was. The high ceilings, the kitchen and everything was perfect.

I hired a moving company to move all your stuff within a day. So you should be sleeping here tonight. I also hired a cleaning team to clean your room so you can turn in your keys. So you get another day off of training to familiarize yourself here. So I'll see you tomorrow then. Oh and there's food on the fridge. Don't let the workers eat it. They're all spirit products for cultivators only. I also stock up your pantry and toiletries. Other than that, if you need anything just hit me up in my penthouse. Bye."

Ji Shuangxue:"Eeeek! Thank you master! Thank you! Thank you! "😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

She rushed Yangde and kissed his cheek multiple times. Then she noticed what she was doing and let go of him and apologizing. Yangde was smiling. She look like a housewife thanking her husband.

The next day,

Li Yangde: Okay, now you are all happy and settled. It's time to bring the hurt. You will learn <THUNDER FIST> and. <LIGHTNING PALM>.


He put an example of thunder fist in which the air vibrate at the end of the fist. If it hit a person, a shock of vibration stuns the opponent. Paralyzing the individual. Lightning Palm is an infighter technique in which the palm have to touch the opponent. The palm build up statict electricity and qi combined, then shoot it all at once to an opponent. Its like an open and close circuit. It needs a conductor. It can fry a person if the qi is strong enough. Usually 4th stage and above cultivators are basically electric chairs due to their void cores.

Li Yang gave her a book due to the knowledge in the library of heaven's path is incomplete. This is his own martial arts. She has to learn it directly to the master.

Ji Shuangxue: "Ohhh, master. Can yiu do that do hicky thing where I memorize it right away?"😢😢😢

Li Yangde: "No!, you need to learn this yourself. This is not a family martial arts. It is my personal one. Since you can't rely on you thinder heart ability all the time. This is the technique in which gives you the same results and if your cultivation is high enough, the results are even greater."

Ji Shuangxue: "Uuhhh~ I hate studying...😥😥

He left her alone to figure it out. He told her not to see him until she mastered the technique. He left her a week supply of blood and qi pills. Her pantry is full of spirit products. So she should be alright for a week while he concentrate forming the 6th immortal bones.

His plans right now is when Ji Shuangxue finish mastering the technique. He will send her to the sect/dojo to cultivate in the gravity cave for inner disciple for a year. This will also let her spend time with her father. He already got a deal with the board of directors of the school. She would be studying via video conference. He paid them a million a piece. The teachers offered a free pass but he told them that he wanted her to learn the curriculum than a free pass. But tge teachers already decided to pass her even if she fails.

During the week, he slowly but surely finished the 6th immoratal bones when he got the news that both his Aunt Yang May and Aunt Lily stepped in the 5th stage cultivators. But still stayed in the moon to cultivate when they heard tha his mom and dad is about to try ascending to 5th stage soon. His mom will takr a break from the immortal Market to takr over the dojo while his dad attemptsnto breakthrough. The immoratal market is now managed by George and his assistants. The management of the things in the dimension falls to George's wife Magnolia.

It taken Ji Shuangxue 2 weeksnto master the technique which was a miscalculation of Yangde. But atleast he got his 6th immortal bones.

Li Yangde: "How come it taken you 2 weeks to master the technique. It should be cakewalk to you since you have the affinity for lightning base techniques?"

Ji Shuangxue: "Hehehe, I forgot to tell you that I'm an idiot when it comes to books. I think I got it from dad."

Li Yangde: "Ugh! I forgot to put that in the equation... speaking of your dad, you will be training at the sect/ dojo for a year. Do not worry about clothes as they will be provided for you. The spirit products will not spoil because if the profound energy inside them. It will take 50 years till it starts to spoil. I'll take care of all the bills. You will be an inner disciple since you are my personal disciple in which you will be entitled with all the benefitsnof a core disciple for a year. I will come for you then, so you better be atleast 2nd stage cultivator ready to breakthrough the 3rd stage. I will help you prepare for the tribulation. And once you become a 4th stage cultivator, you can apply to be an elder in which I can no longer be your master, since you already have a path different than mine. Understood?"

Ji Shuangxue: "That's a lot to take in don't you think master.?"

Li Yangde: "Hehehe, yup. Believe it or not. Some elders are around 400 to 500 years old. You will be the youngest by my calculation. Also, what I just taught you are not the basics, but advance techniques of the sect/ dojo. I just tricked you so you can learn it fast. Even now, your strength is as strong as a peak level 3rg stage battle king that is ready to advance to 4th stage. But a littke warning. Since you have lightning affinity, the tribulation might be stronger. I will prepare a lot of counter to even counter an eleventh lightning in the tribulation from my experience. So rest assure I will take care of everything."

Ji Shuangxue: "Hey That's cheating! You even didn't let me butt in, while you were explaining everything... Well whatever, at least I get to see dad again. He changed that day before he left. I was embarrassed before because he got so many freckles in his face, but now it's so clean and fresh. I bet he wouldn't recognize me. Since I used to be a fat ugly nerd, now I'm the hottest in town. hahaha!"

Li Yangde: " Is everyone becoming a narcissist after becoming a cultivator? .... Well anyway, I'll give you 2 days of free time. You won't see your friends for awhile in person. You can only talk to them in the computer but you cannot mention anything on where you are or you being a cultivator. Your dad got in trouble by posting his kungfu on you tube. The comments were from grandmasters. They thought that he perfectly executed all moves perfectly and give him an hononary grandmaster title. But in cultivation world, those moves are basics. Your dad got to full of himself, so he's now bald and reading the Buddhist scripture for 100 days."

Ji Shuangxue: "Oh~ Dad~...😥"

So for the next few days, shew blew out the $2 million dollars with her friends. She paid their tuitions and bought each if them cars. She just told them that she won the lottery.

The day came to head out to the island.

Li Yangde: "You got all your stress taken out?"

Ji Shuangxue: "Yeah, I'm ready to go!"

Li Yangde: "But remember! 2 months from now, you have to video conference your teachers. You need a cover in the civilian world in order to really live life. You will say goodbye to that life forever in about 50 years since you wont grow old anymore."

Ji Shuangxue: " I know Master. Jeesh, you sound more like a father than my idiot father."

They flew of in the night heading northeast nearing the arctic peninsula.

Ji Shuangxue: "The base is in tbhe actic?"

Li Yangde: "Well, yeah I guess. It's actually underneath it. So hold on, were going under."

Ji Shuangxue: "Wait! wait! I didn't bring anything including an extra pair of underwear. You told me that they will provide everything. But I don't want them to see me wet. I'm wearing the same clothes as last time!."

Li Yangde: "Don't worry, I have a technique called air bubble. It'll keep us dry. I didn't use it last time because our sword will only burst it and make it useless... Okay here we go!"


Li Yangde formed the air bubble by expanding his aura and solidifying it around him. He has to keep his hands to the sides in order to materialize the sphere Shuangxue wrapped her hands on his waist so she cam be within the sphere. They are picture perfect like the scene in titanic but in reverse. Yangde started to hum the celine dion theme song, Shuangxue laugh and then hummed with him.

{near.. far... wherever you are.....my heart will go on and on~....}


They exited the water. She was amazed at how big the whole island was. It was lighted up by spirit crystals all over. There was a castle like structure with a lot of students training. Then she saw a lot of people. outside the gates begging to get in.

Ji Shuangxue: "Master, who are thise people?"

Li Yangde: "They are prospects that failed the test. They wanted to get in before the dojo becomes a sect. Actually, it can be a sect already since my anties became 5th stage cultivators but decided to remain elders. the failed prospects have a bad heart. We only take in good and honest people like your father. There is a stone crystal that shows the hearts of people. It glows green if the person is good, white for enlightened, blue for mellow, purple is greed and malice. And finally, black for evil.

Remember when I told you to hold the crystal. You thought it was jade, but in actuality. It turned green the moment you touched it. It was originally colorless transparent.

So those failed prospects are either evil or have malice. We will test them again next year. If they got rid of the evil in their hearts , then they will go in as trial basis. After 3 months, they will be tested again. If they pass then they become outer disciple and get only the basics. They have to work very hard by themselves and go through missions. Inner disciples are mostly geniuses that are 3rd stage battle kings. Some are special like you who can hold their own against 3rd battle kings. They sometimes call you the chosen ones. There's a lady that have the same cultivation as you but can actually be on par with me. She is one of the enlightened ones. They are really rare. Enlightened ones can comprehend anything, any techniques and cultivation. Work the jinx out and make the techniques even better. Like for example a d-grade cultivation like fire fist in which just makes you hands hot for a few seconds and shot of sparks. She actually redirect the heat from the fist into her palms and added more qi like a fuel. When the fist hit the target, she transfer the chain reaction of the qi and heat plus the air around her causing an explosion. She made a d-grade fire fist into a b-grade explosion fist. Her comprehension of a technique is above yours and mine unfortunately. And she is the same age as you. I maybe the youngest 4th stage, but she's the youngest strongest foundation stage."

Ji Shuangxue: "Wow, so who is her master?"

Li Yangde: "Hahaha, ...errr my mom."

Ji Shuangxue: "She must be amazing!"

Li Yangde: "Hmph! She is only amazing because of my help. Who would have guessed when she touched the stone 8 years ago that she became an enlighten one. (sigh) She can even go toe to toe against 6th stage cultivators. I'm like a frog in a well~....😥😥😥"

Ji Shuangxue: "No wonder your aunties want to breakthrough to the 6th stage. Their little sister can beat them up."

Li Yangde: "Your right on that one. Just imagine if she breaks through the 5th stage. I will feel sorry for grandma."

They were flying closer to the castle.

Ji Shuangxue: "Master what's that?"

Li Yangde: "Oh that. Only inner disciple can enter that. Those are called immortal caves. They each have a certain amount of natural energies from a spirit vein underneath the castle. You can even increase or decrease the gravity. Its only a bigginers immortal cave since the spirit vein is only about 1000 years old. My grandpa found it 400 years ago and along with his buddies created a dojo with different martial arts. But sadly, they admitted a student thirsty for revenge. He ended up poisoning all of them that reduced their cultivation. Luckily, my grandpa survived and taken revenge for them. From then on, he was very picky choosing students. That's were the test crystals come into view. The different martial arts are the testament of his friends. My grandma was 100 years younger than him and his former student and about 30 years ago, my grandpa succumb to the poison and passed away. He was a 6th stage True Monarch before the poison. Now my grandma is a different story. She is a member of the Yang clan. Since she was the Youngest decendant before they disbanded. The clan forbid her to change her last name and her children. My mom was a failed cultivator before, so she was allowed to change her name and live a normal life. But now it is too late to change it. So we are starting the Li sect on my father's generation. And better yet, dad is the decendant of one of his best friends, That's why my grandpa keep pushing him to the position even if he's not a cultivator. Weird right?"

Ji Shuangxue: "Wow, I didn't know your family is so famous!"

Li Yangde: "Well of course! My ancestor is an Eternal Bieng. A true immortal god that has his own Way of divine principle. Although, I know there are other Yang clan members out there in space. They probably formed their own sect by now."

They arrived at the castle. Everyone greeted the grandmaster Li Yangde the infinite space mage. Yangde made an announcement via crystal vision. Everyone good afternoon. I would like to announce that i have brought my disciple here to further her training. She is one of the chosen ones who passed my test. Ladies and gentlemen your new fellow inner disciple Ji Shuangxue!"


Joseph: "That's my daughter! That's my daughter! Wooohoooo!"

Li Shuangxue: "Sorry folks, She hasn't made a dao name yet. It's my fault. I kinda forgot. So miss Shuangxue ...care to make some statements."

Ji Shuangxue:"😨😨😨😨 I ah.....Th-thank you.... uh yeah!"

Li Yangde: "Okay~ my fault again. I forgot to tell her to prepare a speech. Well I will speak for her. Please help her out for this one year. I will continue to help her advance to the 3rd stage by next year. Tell you what, anyone who help her the most inner or outer disciple will get a tribulation pill to guarantee breakthrough to the 3rd stage. How about that.

Everyone became excited and looked at Shuangxue with hungry eyes.

Li Yangde: "I only have 10 to give out. 10 and only 10 people will get it not 11 or 9 but 10. My mother Li Chun will be watching and will notify me the results. I will not have a hand on her picks."

She look at Ji Shuangxue.

Li Yangde: "Well... you will have a lot of help in school and cultivation. I don't need to worry."

Ji Shuangxue: "Master~...😫 You put a big bullseye on me. Why did you have to do that! So much for my private life!"

Well mom's coming to give you the keys to your room and immortal cave. Also there is a store on that side of the castle. Since you are a core disciple, everything is free. The restaurant is free and clothes are free. Your basically part of our family. Oh wait here she comes."

Li Chun: "Son, you are very sneaky. But I like your style. Crap! I should have done the same to my disciple but everyone will think I'm a copy cat. (sigh)😥. Ji Shuangxue right?"

Ji Shuangxue: "Ah-ah ye-yes Madam sect master."

Li Chun: "I was gonna go with my Dao name but since I became sect master, that has become my name. (sigh) I hooe Bruce finish fast. Well Shuangxue, since your like family already. Call me Aunty Chun. I'm tired of hearing sect mast this and sect master that."

Ji Shuangxue:"Y-yes a-aunt ty Ch chun"

Li Chun: "Jeez Luiz, what did my son did to you. Your a nervous wreck. He must have told you about my heritage did he. Well forget about it. I can care less as being one of the Yang clan. They were not there for me or my family since they disbanded. So why do I have to care about them. I'm just a simple housewife dear. So relax a bit okay."

Ji Shuangxue: "Yes aunty. (Now I know why master is like that. Thier attitudw is practically identical)"😰

After she left, he went towards the outer disciple area. He bowed so many times that his neck started to sore due to all the greeting. Then he saw Joseph.

Li Yangde: "Ah Joseph! there you are!"

Everyone looked at Joseph. They never cared about him before. They thought that he was a goofball. But now, they were shocked that he is connected to the future sect master. They now view him very important."

Joseph: "Master, how are you doing? I see my daughter convince you to be your disciple. I wish I was like her."

Li Yangde: "What do you mean? Didn't father tell you. You are in a test trial to be his core disciple. But you ruined it when you made that you tube video!"

Joseph: "😱😱😱😱 Stupid! stupid! stupid!..."

Li Yangde: "Well you can only blame yourself. You could have gotten the hint when you were escorted by 2 inner disciples and the sect master himself. I did that test of 4 martial arts in 1 week. Do you know you only need 1 to enter here. The 4 is a special case. It is a chosen one test that I gave you stupid. Well the only thing I can help you with is cultivation supply. Here, this is an emblem that will only work on you. No one else can activate it. It will help you pass the gate to the inner and core disciple area to see your daughter. You also can look at the library up to intermidiate cultivation and techniques on the first and second floor. The 3rd and 4th floor are for senior inner disciples and the 5th floor is for core disciples only. There 5 core disciple. My aunties disciple, my dad's, my mom's and myself which is your daughter Ji Shuangxue. Once she pass the 4th stage, she will automatically be an elder and be 9th on line to be sect master if something happens to us."

Joseph: "Thank you master!"

Li Yangde: "Tell you what. In 1 year and 1 year only. If you reach the peak of 2nd stage cultivator. I will help you with your transcendent to the 3rd stage and make you a core disciple instead of a normal inner disciple. As a core disciple, you will learn a secret art of mine. I already taught your daughter. It can even split the earth if not careful."


Li Yangde: "Okay, I have to go! Remember one year."

He the disappeared to his dimension.

Li Yangde: "Finally I'm free from hardship for a year. I already pass the equivalence test for graduation. I just have to wait for the graduation day. I can now focus on just cultivating!"