
Cultivating Stars

What is even harder than surpassing the heavens and reaching the source of the dao? Guiding your disciples to do it. Being a Teacher is truly the most burdensome of jobs. Read the not so epic tale of the most untalented teacher of all realms.

Masked_Clown · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

Chapter 21 - A fox

Under the canopy of the night, the sky hung like an inky tapestry, embroidered with a multitude of stars shimmering like diamonds strewn across velvet. At the zenith, a full moon reigned supreme, casting its luminous embrace upon the earth below, bathing the landscape in a soft, ethereal glow. Its gentle radiance kissed every leaf, every blade of grass, infusing the night with a tranquil luminescence that seemed to breathe life into the darkness.

Beneath the celestial spectacle, the night air held a crispness that whispered of approaching autumn, wrapping the forest in a comforting coolness. A hushed stillness pervaded the atmosphere, broken only by the occasional chorus of nocturnal insects, their symphony weaving through the trees like a delicate melody. Each buzz, each rustle of leaves carried on the wings of a gentle breeze, adding depth to the serene nocturne that enveloped the woodland.

In the quietude of the night, the forest stirred with a subtle vitality, its ancient trees swaying in rhythmic cadence to the song of the wind. Branches danced gracefully, their leaves rustling in harmonious accompaniment, releasing the sweet, wooden fragrance that lingered in the air like a whispered secret. Amidst the tranquil embrace of the forest, another beautiful night unfolded.

But beneath the peaceful image, a game of death was unfolding.

Through the shadowed depths of the forest, a fox pursued a rabbit with relentless determination, the thrill of the chase driving its every move. The rabbit, in a desperate bid for survival, employed every maneuver within its repertoire, darting and twisting through the underbrush, attempting to outwit its predator.

Despite the rabbit's agile evasion tactics, the fox remained resolute, its keen eyes glimmering with unwavering focus and intelligence. Each step, each calculated leap brought it closer to its elusive prey, unperturbed by the rabbit's attempts to confuse and disorient. With a predator's patience, the fox awaited the perfect moment to strike, a silent predator amidst the nocturnal symphony.

In the heart-pounding climax of the chase, the rabbit's agility faltered, a fatal misstep sending it tumbling into vulnerability. With instinctual precision, the fox seized the fleeting opportunity, its jaws closing around the rabbit's neck in a swift, decisive motion. In one heavy crunch, life seeped out from the rabbit, its whole body falling limp. In this game of life and death, the fox emerged victorious.

The fox looked up to the moon with its prey firmly grasped in its teeth, as if savoring the taste of victory. Basking in the moon's gentle light, it let itself be consumed by the sense of victory that was bubbling inside.

Once satisfied, the little fox began dashing forward. Like a ghost in the night, it nimbly moved about, dancing between the trees and bushes. The rabbit in its mouth swung wildly with each step the fox took.

Eventually, the fox disappeared into the night, and peace returned to the forest.

Deep within the heart of a rugged mountain, nestled within the embrace of darkness, lay a small cave, its entrance shrouded in dim obscurity. As the moon cast its feeble light, barely penetrating five steps beyond the threshold, the cavern beckoned with an air of mystery and allure. Stretching like a winding tunnel into the unknown depths, the cave promised a journey of discovery to those brave enough to venture forth, undeterred by the daunting expanse of shadow.

For those who dared to press onward, guided by an unwavering resolve, a revelation awaited amidst the enveloping darkness. As the tunnel unfurled its secrets, a flickering light emerged on the horizon, faint and ephemeral, teasing the boundaries of perception. Yet, with each advancing step, the light blossomed, casting aside doubt and uncertainty, illuminating the path with a gentle radiance reminiscent of the moonlit entrance.

Drawing closer, the veil of darkness dissolved, unveiling a hidden sanctuary of breathtaking splendor. At its heart, a circular chamber unfolded, adorned with the tranquil melody of water cascading from a crystalline waterfall into a pristine pool below. The air hummed with an aura of mystique, as if the waters possessed the power to cleanse both body and spirit of all impurities.

Adorning the walls, vibrant stones glimmered with an otherworldly glow, casting hues of iridescence that danced in the flickering light. Above, a yawning chasm pierced the mountain's core, offering a portal to the celestial realm beyond. Against the canvas of the night sky, the moon radiated with a transcendent beauty, its luminescence casting an ethereal glow upon the enchanted scene below.

In this hidden sanctuary, where darkness gave way to light, nature's wonders intertwined with the realm of dreams, offering a glimpse of a world suspended between reality and fantasy.

In the middle of this beautiful scene, a fox could be seen, basking in the moonlight. In front of it was a rabbit, unmoving and unresponsive.

The fox was laying down on a little nest made of leaves. It was certainly an odd sight. How had those leaves gotten there? The closest tree to that place was located a tremendous distance away. Not even the most powerful of winds would be capable of bringing them over.

Was it the fox that brought those leaves over? Was it the fox who, stumbling upon this place, decided to make it its lair and brought over those leaves to create a nest for itself?

Even if foxes were known for their cunningness, this seemed a little too much even for their race. Traversing the tunnel multiple times to reach the forest, grab as many leaves as it could, and bring them back.

This seemed like too much work for a regular animal, especially for one that doesn't hibernate. There were certainly easier and more accessible places for a nest, so why go through all the trouble for this one?

Seemingly oblivious to how peculiar its actions were, the fox kept gazing at the moon. In its eyes, a layer of profound sadness and longing could be seen. A feeling of solitude permeated around it, the moon its only companion in that lonely night.

The rabbit in front of it seemingly not capable of filling whatever emptiness the fox might be feeling.

This scene lasts for a long time.

Eventually, a seemingly resigned expression appears in the fox's eyes. It lowers its eyes, abandoning the comfort of the moon, and looks down at the rabbit at its feet.

It was the meal it had caught for itself earlier that night. By now, its body had already grown cold.

Normally, by now, the rabbit would be nothing more than bones. But, for some reason, it remained untouched, not a single bite taken out of it. Wasn't the fox hungry? After all the work it had done, chasing, catching, and bringing its prey back to its nest, you would expect it to build up an appetite, right?

That's what you would normally expect, but it seemed like this particular fox had other considerations.

It looked down at the rabbit for a long time. Some apprehension clearly present in its gaze.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity of hesitation, the fox decides to take the first bite.

Its jaws bite into the rabbit's stomach. Barely any blood streaks down from the rabbit, its body already mostly dried of liquids by that point.

The fox's jaws swing wildly from left to right, trying to get a portion it would be able to swallow. 

Finally, after a considerable ammount of work, a piece of meat finally separates itself from the rabbit's body, free to be enjoyed by its hunter. It's the reward for its efforts.

An audible gulp sounds out as the fox swallows its first bite after a quick and certainly not thorough chewing session.

Its expression, however, is not what you'd expect from a fox indulging in its late-night feast.

"Disgusting," it mutters.