
Cultivating Stars

What is even harder than surpassing the heavens and reaching the source of the dao? Guiding your disciples to do it. Being a Teacher is truly the most burdensome of jobs. Read the not so epic tale of the most untalented teacher of all realms.

Masked_Clown · Fantasi
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38 Chs

Chapter 05 - Luminara

Oddly, the process comes naturally to him, as though it were ingrained in his very being.

Despite never having personally engaged with this process, it felt as if he had been honing these skills since birth. It wasn't merely the memories from Lao Jianming that entered his mind, they seemed to have permeated deep his very bones.

Lao's experience with cultivation was now truly his as well. A most welcome surprise.

Using this newfound confidence, he begins the process. 

Arthur channels profound concentration, recognizing it as the fundamental prerequisite for any cultivation endeavor. A lapse in focus could result in diminished benefits at best or, in more dire circumstances, lead to severe injury or even death.

With determination, Arthur resolves to isolate himself entirely from the external world, liberating his mind from intrusive thoughts and purifying his spirit of any tether to the outside realm. He now stands as an untarnished and pristine slate.

Prepared and focused, he initiates a thorough examination of his own body.

His cultivation was now at the Foundation Establishment (middle). 

This was different from what he expected. From the memories he got, Lao Jianming should have still been in the Foundation Establishment (low) realm.

Foundation Establishment (low) was the level he was at at the time of his father's death. 

Throughout his time away from the sect, he struggled to secure both the resources and time required for proper cultivation. Every bit of his time and time was invested in recovering from the daily toll of injuries he endured.

In the end, not only did his cultivation fail to progress, but his foundation deteriorated further with accumulating damage in his body. The only thing preventing his cultivation from regressing to the Qi Condensation realm was the initial strength of his foundation, built upon his exceptional talent, unwavering dedication, and the abundant resources supplied by his father.

His current cultivation not only surpassed its previous state but his foundation stood much stronger and solid than it was before the tragedy that derailed his life.

Arthur didn't know exactly the reason behind this phenomenon. His best guess was that it had something to do with the green light incident Lao Jianming was involved in on the last day of his life.

Though uncertain, it seemed to be the most reasonable explanation based on the information he could gather.

Indeed, the prospect of not only increasing your cultivation but also of restoring one's foundation and eradicating years of accumulated internal damage seemed nearly impossible—unless an unforeseen and extraordinary event were to occur. That green light seemed like the most likely suspect.

Speaking of which, Arthur remembered that Lao Jianming had acquired a unique power from that peculiar incident.

Examining his body more closely, Arthur directed his attention to his head. Everything appeared mostly normal, with no noticeable changes. Only if you focused intensely could discern a faint, flickering green light.

Intrigued, Arthur probed the green light with his divine sense, and almost instantly, a transformation unfolded. The light intensified, and a potent suction force emanated from it, drawing in Arthur's senses. Before he could react, his divine sense was entirely engulfed by the brilliance of the light.

Arthur's body collapses.

>Inside an unknown space

Arthur wakes up, somewhat startled.

Gradually regaining his composure, Arthur rises to his feet, shaky for the second time that day.

Examining his hands, Arthur notices a peculiar change. They seem to have taken on a transparent complexion, allowing him almost complete visibility through them. Bringing his hands together, he still senses both, but the sensation is distinctly altered.

It's as though the very essence or material constituting his hands has undergone a profound alteration, transforming him into a kind of ghostly being.

Surveying his surroundings, Arthur realizes he's no longer in the cave. Did he reincarnate again? Did the green light kill him? Was he about to join Lao Jianming as a tragic character with no impact on the plot?

Somehow he didn't think so. Even though there was no logic behind this acessment, that's how he felt like. Something felt distinctively different. The pervasive scent of death wasn't as thick and oppressive as it had been before.

He turned around. 

In an instant, shock coursed through him.

Before him stood a colossal bookshelf, towering at least 3 meters high and boasting 15 meticulously crafted shelves. Its perfection suggested the work of the most skilled artists, as if they had devoted their entire lives to sculpting this beautiful piece.

Running a hand across it felt akin to touching an ancient tree from a mythical forest. It felt like some sort of sacred aura ran through it.

It wasn't alone though. Behind it stood another bookshelf. Beyond that, yet another, and another, forming an infinite expanse of bookshelves. They lined up in a mesmerizing arrangement, almost like the corridors of a labyrinth.


He breathes out in incredulity. What an immense library. The end of it eluded his sight completely. The bookshelves seamlessly blended into each other, stretching beyond the horizon.

He takes a moment to compose himself.

By the ground next to the bookshelf, Arthur spots a broken piece of wood, a sign bearing the word 'Luminara.' Closer inspection reveals a flawless cut, as if someone had sliced it in half with unnatural precision. The break created a straight line, forever separating the original phrase that once adorned it.

He looks around trying to find the other part, but it seemed like it wan't meant to be.

Despite a hopeful search, the missing piece eludes Arthur. It appears his questions will remain unanswered for the time being. 

He turns back to the bookshelf.

Observing it more calmly this time, Arthur notices that between each bookshelf lay a paved path adorned with distinct patterns. These intricate designs seemed to unfold indefinitely, as though narrating a tale of a long-forgotten world.

Following the path, Arthur invites himself into this mysterious library, unable to resist the pull of curiosity. Embarking on a journey, he sets out to explore the unknown realms within the endless expanse of books and corridors.


Sorry for the 2 days with no chapter. Was a bit busy.

This chapter is a bit smaller than the others. To be honest, the other chapters should have been this lenghth to begin with, I just could not pace myself properly ahah

From now on I'll try to keep chapters around 1000 words.

Tomorrow another one will be coming out. Stay tuned.

Masked_Clowncreators' thoughts