

My name isn't important, after all, who wants to know the name of some random dead girl. I used to be an orphan, My parents died when I was young and from them, I received a very small sum of money. Enough to ensure that I get fed in my childhood.

I led a very hard-working life as a kid. Because I did not have any parents I was forced to mature early to take care of myself. My guardians were more like my neighbors as they never gave a single damn about me. The only reason they fed me was because my parents left a little money for them to buy food for me.

Due to this, I developed a frugal nature where I saved as much as I could, This led to the money my parents left me lasting until my 10th year of life where then I had to get a job to get more money. However, I was blessed with exceptional intelligence and beauty from which I got a job as a poster girl and my life started going up from there. I was very popular and did very good in school.

You could say that my death was a somewhat heroic one as I was working part-time in a store when a bunch of robbers came in shouting and waving their guns around. Naturally, everyone screamed and panicked. One good thing about me was that I had good control over my emotions so whereas everyone else panicked, I remained silent and obeyed their instructions while silently pushing the emergency button that our manager installed. I then waited for the police to come. Of course, that was before one of them got trigger happy and tried to kill a 4-year-old girl. While you could call me slightly apathetic, letting a 4-year-old die was not something I would ever even think about. So naturally, I jumped in front of her and got shot while the robbers fled.

As I lay there bleeding to death, my entire life flashed before my eyes. As it did, I raged in my heart. Even though my life wasn't bad it certainly wasn't good. Only I knew just how hard I worked so that I could have a good life. Even though most people are happy with a poor lifestyle as long as they are comfortable and safe, that is not the life I want. I want to become someone great and powerful and

for that reason, I worked hard. Harder than most other people. Yet hard work is not enough as here I am dying on the floor of a random store as a nobody.

This incident will probably be featured in tomorrow's local news and then everyone will forget about me. 'Haah' I signed in my heart, 'Damn it' as my heart stopped beating and my vision went dark.

When I woke up I was screaming. That confused me for a few seconds until I realized that my body hurt.'Huh' I thought, 'What's happening, didn't I die?'. It took me a few moments but my brain finally started to function properly and look at what was happening.

The very first thing I noticed was that I was tiny. Like, baby tiny. The next thing I noticed was that I was wrapped in a blanket and I couldn't move my body. It was at this point that I began to have an inkling of what was happening. 'Death, small as a baby, can't move my body and screaming. I've probably been reincarnated' I thought, 'Well now, that's truly unexpected'. While I was wondering why the hell I, some no-name orphan girl, would possibly reincarnate, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps. I was then picked up by someone and as I focused my eyes trying to see who picked me up, my brain froze in shock.

For I was in the arms of the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. Like, this woman puts most anime girls I have seen to shame, much less real-life ones. I am not ashamed to admit that even though I am a girl, it took me 10 minutes for my brain to unfreeze.

It was only at this time that I noticed the look this woman was sending me. It was a look that I have never seen before, a look that I thought impossible for someone to make for me. When I saw the warmth in her eyes and the amount of care with how she handled me I finally figured out what it was.

'So, this is love huh' I thought, 'So that would make her my mother'. Tears appeared in my eyes when I thought of what this meant. 'So, that means that I have a family now.' Any thoughts of my death and being reincarnated were wiped clean as I gazed into my mother's eyes and cuddled in her warmth.

"Ara Ara," She said as she looked at my face filled with tears "is my baby crying. Don't worry, mommy's here. You don't need to cry".

At this point, my mind finally gave out at everything that happened and drove me to unconsciousness while still in my mother's loving grasp. As my gaze began to darken, I thought 'You know, this might not be so bad after all'. After that, my mind shut down as I want to sleep.