
One Year old

Today is my birthday and I am now one year old. The past year can only be described in one word. BORING.

Seriously, if I knew it was going to be this boring I would have never been excited to be reincarnated. I guess the saying is true that you only truly appreciate things when you lose them. The technology in this world is weird in that only things of military importance have been developed.

So we have the radio, synthetic fiber clothes, hell even trains but no fridge, cars, etc. It's like technology was only developed for military use, which thinking about it, it probably was.

Anyways, by the end of the first year, I have accomplished three very crucial things. First, I have long since learned the language of this world(there's only one and it is not Japanese), second due to my almost consistent meditation I have learned how to sense my own chakra and three, I know a couple of things about this world.

Over the past year, I have been forced to stick to a very strict schedule. The first couple of months were nothing more than sleeping, popping and drinking breast milk. Crawling was also incorporated in it when I was able to do it. I shall tell you no lies and say that I am officially addicted to my mother's breast milk.

Why, because it was DELICIOUS. I have never drunk something so amazing in my previous life. The first few times I swear I almost had a milkgasm(is that a thing?) due to the sheer awesome taste of the milk. I later understood from my mother's ramblings that it was because of Chakra.

For the past thousand years, ever since the sage of the six paths taught humanity chakra, their bodies gradually evolved to facilitate the change. So at this point, the biology of humans was completely different from the biology of humans in my previous life.

This is most prevalent if ninja clans with body-based bloodlines. This is why I loved her milk. As an Uzumaki, they were descended from the sage of the six paths and were blessed with the sage's body. Their whole body was saturated in potent Yang chakra and yes that includes her milk.

Breast milk is immensely beneficial to a baby. Due to humans bodies depending on chakra, if a baby is presented with high-quality pure chakra early, they gain various benefits. Most prominent among them being an increased quality of our body, chakra reserves, chakra density, better senses, etc.

This is why all shinobi clans typically breastfed babies till their third year of life and sometimes even beyond that. Well, it's not like I had a problem with that. This simply gives me more time to drink that amazing breast milk.

Humans having an evolved body also solved another problem for me. Mainly, how was I going to act like a kid? As it turns out, that is unnecessary as kids from shinobi clans grow up very fast in comparison to civilians due to the difference is chakra levels. Clan kids are born with increased chakra reserves and thus, their bodies mature at an extremely fast rate.

How fast, that depends on chakra levels. Most normal clan kids at 11 years of age usually have the mentality of an adult. While geniuses like Kakashi Hatake and the newly born Itachi Uchiha have an adult mentality when they turn 5 YEARS OLD. That's madness.

Course, this benefits me as my mother said that due to my chakra levels I would also be at adult mentality levels at age 6. So, I do not need to pretend as anything I do will be automatically interpreted as me being a genius.

Another extremely important thing that I learned was that this world was not 'cannon' naruto world. Why, because it had cultivation in it. Yeah, the Chinese wuxia/xianxia kind. The only difference is that instead of cultivating Qi or whatever, these guys cultivated Chakra. I didn't really learn a whole lot as mother wasn't keen on telling me until I was older and my training started.

Now, you may be asking how the hell I know all of this. Am I not a one-year-old baby. The answer to this is my mother. She is a chatterbox, she literally never stops talking. Ever since I accidentally showed her that I had developed enough brainpower to understand her to a certain degree she started talking to me about everything under the sun. Everything from our neighbors, gossip and rumors and even the flowers we have planted in the front garden.

She probably did this to alleviate her boredom and did not expect me to understand everything. I did though, and let me say that it has been an incredible blessing in disguise.

Her talking to me gives me something to focus on and not go crazy. I had, to alleviate my boredom, started to meditate but how long can one possibly meditate for before it becomes tedious and repetitive.

The very first word I spoke (when I was capable of speaking) was Mother. It made her so happy that we had a party, just the two of us though.

Another thing, my mother hates the leaf village with a passion. Goddamn, where do I even start on this one? It all started when mother came to the leaf village after the destruction of Uzushiogakure. When she came, as per clan rules dictated, she was supposed to hand over all Uzumaki clan secret scrolls to the next head of the clan or close family member.

The problem was that that person was Kushina who was the daughter of the previous Uzukage. But, mother considered it unfair as she was the one who risked her life to bring it to the leaf village. As she was Kushina's cousin, as well as tutored in politics from a young due to being part of the Uzumaki royal family even if not a direct descendant, she knew that the moment she gave it to Kushina, she and the Hokage will never let her see it again.

So she kept it a secret and used the Uzumaki secret scrolls to cultivate her strength. She was forced to join the shinobi force and quickly became strong and raised her rank from genin to Chinin. She never went beyond Chunin however as she didn't want to be given harder missions. Unfortunately, the third shinobi war started and she along with every other shinobi was sent to the front lines where she was forced to demonstrate secret techniques she had no business knowing.

When she came back Kushina found out about mom possessing the secret scrolls and not giving it to her. Unfortunately for her, mother in a stroke of genius used multiple Uzumaki clan laws and named herself as the clan head. So, it was totally up to her whether to let Kushina see the secret scrolls or not.

This infuriated Kushina so much that using her connections she gained from being friends with Minato, Jiraiya, and the Third Hokage to increase her mother's rank to Jonin by way of war promotion and sent her on suicide mission after suicide mission. In addition, after the war was over, she and the Hokage, who wanted the Uzumaki clan secret scrolls for Konoha, pulled a few strings and somehow forced mother to marry into the Uchiha clan knowing of her intense dislike of that clan.

Wow, Kushina can be a b*tch when she wants to be. Well, at first when I learned I was born in the naruto world I had no problems being a Konoha shinobi and even helping Naruto (If he still exists) have a better life. Now, I officially hate them. After mother married into the Uchiha clan, my 'father' practically tortured her most likely under the Hokage's orders. Mother almost died several times and if not for them underestimating the Jutsu written in the scrolls, she really would have.

They even sent assassins after her, although that was most likely Danzo going under Sarutobi's orders so that he could get the scrolls for himself. Things calmed down thanks to the Kyuubi attack as Kushina and Minato died, and Konoha was severely damaged. My father died a couple of weeks before that during a mission gone wrong. My mother burst into tears of both sadness and intense joy as she narrated the story to me and would not calm down for a while.

It was on that day that any plans I had on becoming a leaf shinobi burned to ashes and never came back. I would still be a shinobi, just not one contracted to the leaf. They hurt my mother and didn't owe them anything. I would also become a strong shinobi in the future so that the same things cannot happen to me. 'Well, I certainly have all the resources required for the task' I thought. Indeed, mother amassed quite a fortune due to inheriting everything Minato and Kushina left behind due to being the Uzumaki clan head and Minato having no immediate family to give to.

I'm pretty sure that nobody knows that both of them have a child as it was an S class secret in Cannon. I also have the Uzumaki clan scrolls which will give me all the Jutsu and Techniques I need. All that is left is lots of Hard work