
cultivating body

archean, a reincarnator from earth, carves out his unique path in a world of cultivation

jankian · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

chapter 7

Arc began cultivating using his qi to explore his body, the lighting flowed freely tempering his body before returning to the dantain, snd refining his earth elements

He explored every organ, every cell, his purpose today was not to increase his cultivation, but to have a better understanding of his physique, of his limits

Normally a qi cultivator can only contain qi within the dantian, when the qi is elsewhere in the body it is due to the flow of aura and it would soon return to the dantain

Arc's body seemed to not require that flow, he found that deep in his muscles and bones remained qi, it seemed when he generated qi from world qi, His body was converting it from within the bone marrow and muscles

He could generate qi from his body the way a body tempering cultivator generates ki

He used his storage ring, and began to draw the parts of his body broken down into sections

His bones and how the aura flows through them

His muscles and how aura radiates from them

His meridians, that act as a road for his qi to travel to his dantain

His skin which can contain these energy without leaking

He continued to draw this ripping out pages he found to be inadequate, and he improved them, he wrote with his qi so the pages seemed to resonate when stacked on top of each other.

Page after page, notebook after notebook

He seemed to have finished more than 12 notebooks to completion before he reached what he considered a rough draft

This was different from his normal drawing this isn't a fun representation of his feeling, this was him drawing the essence of his body

Aurora came a few days ago to introduce him to her other disciples but when she saw him in what she would consider an epiphany, she set a barrier around the room so nothing outside could disturb him during this time

His flesh, blood, and bone, he continued to draw for weeks

His mind, his soul, his flesh synchronized in a way they've never been before, Arc now realizes that due to his reincarnation his mind was not completely synchronized, there was an incompatibly small gap in-between them, and he figured out the reason why

The soul is formed of many parts, the spiritual side and the physical side

His brain was his soul, and his soul was his brain in a different manifestation

The same manifestation that world qi and spiritual qi take

This world was different from earth, physical and spiritual bodies blended and remained in the same space,

While a thin vail of space separated them on earth,

Using his qi Arc slowly removed this vail,and from this his soul and brain merged completely, his brain started to develop further and his physique finally fully manifested

A forcibly awakened physique, than seemed to have unified his past on earth, and his new life in this world

After this change, he found that even without the use of qi he could see into his own body, and so he continued to draw finishing his drawing, he looked and felt that it was accurate, and understood that drawing was the core of his essence, he has drawn the shape of his soul

"Yes i see, so that is who i am" Arc spoke before look around the room and noticing hundreds of ripped pages on the floor, and notebooks everywhere

'Seems that i got a bit carried away'

Arc thought to himself before getting up and placing everything in his storage ring, he then did a deep cleaning of his room, before heading to the kitchen, he hadn't eaten since becoming a qi cultivator and watched to eat something from earth as he was feeling nostalgic

He decided to have some burgers, the kitchen was well stocked and he managed to find everything needed to make some good grilled burgers, as there even was a small grill,

'it seemed one of Aurora students enjoys cooking'

Arc thought to himself before making several patties,

he made them by mixing onions and beef before adding them to the grill and making them flat,

he added cheese, and began toasting the bread as there were no burger buns,

There was no mayo but there was eggs and oil, so Arc made a simple mayo, and mixed this with a mustard sauce that was already prepared in the kitchen

He assembled the burgers, with tomatoes, onions, no pickles, lettuce, and the sauce,

Seeing the finished burgers Arc felt joy, as if he brought a part of his home to this world

It seemed that his cooking attracted Aurora other students, as Mia, and another girl who seemed to be extremely interested appeared


Mia, spoke expectingly

"Thats rude Mia, your supposed to say please"

The other girl spoke correcting Mia

"Im iris, you must be Archean, nice to meet you, that smells delicious by the way"

Since Arc made several burgers, he decided to share with them,

"You can call me Arc, nice to meet you iris"

Arc spoke as he handed both her and Mia a plate with a burger on it

The 3 sat down and began to eat and chat, iris began to refresh Arc on everything that has happened while he was in seclusion

"Master had breakthrough and has reached the last stage of golden Core, she might become the youngest nascent soul cultivator in the history of the sect"

"Thats great news"

Arc said happily

"I forged a good sword"

Mia spoke proudly, she still hadn't forgotten their meeting in the forge

"Let me see"

Arc was interested to see it, considering how bad the last one was

Mia left the dining room skipping before returning several mins later holding, a small short sword

Arc looked at it, and was genuinely impressed, it was a higher quality weapon than the spear he forged

"Thats incredible how did you do it"

Before Mia could respond iris spoke

"Its made entirely of Mithril, it would be difficult to fail"

Iris spoke

Arc's hands shook, an entirely Mithril blade, it would be worth hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, you could buy a sect with that amount of money


"I found it"

Mia spoke once again proudly

"a meteor made entirely of Mithril landed in the backyard of her vacation house, she gave half of it to master leading to her breakthrough, them used some of the remainder to forge that sword"

Iris spoke bitterly, seemingly regretting it didn't happen to her

Arc laughed and spoke

"have any left over? i'll make you more burgers"

Mia eyes lit up as she ran to her room and she then returned with a stone the size of Arc's head

Iris felt a headache form as she thought to herself

'why didn't i think of that'

Arc handed Mia the remaining burger before taking the stone, he then excitedly ran all the way to the Forge

After arriving he used his authority as a core disciple to skip the line and rented a room

He the prepared everything to forge, with no forge aid as he didn't want anymore people to know of the Mithril

He first prepared the forge with earth fire, and began melting gold and silver, he was going to make more electrum

Mithril has a property that allows it to bond to most metals, it is also one of the most aura conductive metals in the world

After mixing the gold and silver, he heated and added the Mithril

After making the new ingot, countless thoughts flooded Arc's head

Arc had a completely new understanding of the soul, after his epiphany,

He understood the shape of his soul, and could now roughly see the souls of others, this was amplified by his ability to absorb world qi, which is the physical body of spirit qi

He began to make a Weapon that would resonate with his soul, a weapon meant for only him

The spear, took form and the energy it radiated was near identical to Arc's

this made him realized that the weapon would only complete synchronize with his soul, when he makes it his natal weapon

This made Arc want to reach foundation establishment even faster

After completing this spear Arc was tired without measure, he is been pushing his body and mind to its limits for weeks now

He slowly made it to his room where he promptly collapsed onto his bed

if you see any errors or spelling mistakes please let me know, thankyou lol

jankiancreators' thoughts