
Chapter 6: Haruko Matsumoto (The Crystal Guardian) NEO New World ORDERS. Part 0

Part 0

Date: Friday, May 29th, 2009, 12:00:24 a.m.

Location:Joseph Yancey Track and Field, The Bronx, NEO New York City.









(Those are the abilities that make up Crystal Guardian's powers)

(Those words refer to both the title and abilities one would possess, should they be worthy of either)

(So why…)

A loud roar broke out, coming from a dragon whose body was composed of lightning in the sky.

(Why is this mortal a Crystal Guardian?)

"Haruko …" Aoi said in a soft tone with a worried look on her face.

Haruko's body twitched as he heard the voice.

Nereus created a white sword in his right hand.

In a quick blur and a trail of lightning, Haruko appeared behind Nereus in front of Aoi.

(His speed) Nereus thought as he gripped his sword tighter.

Both men spun around clockwise, with Nereus swinging his sword and Haruko swinging his right arm across with his hand covered in lightning.

A shockwave broke out as both the sword and hand collided against each other.

Both Haruko and Nereus stared at each other as sparks flew around them.

Nereus placed his other forearm on the sword for added strength, but-

With a growl that sounded like it was coming from a lion, the lightning around Haruko's arm began to intensify.

The lightning began to overpower the sword in Nereus hands.

(He is pushing me back)

With his right hand covered in lightning, he grabbed the sword, pulled his left arm back, and closed his fist.

Sparks engulfed his fist, creating a huge fist of lightning.

Haruko then punched Nereus with the force of what felt like a hundred freight trains, hitting him all at once and pushing him several feet away.

Nereus grunted as he crashed into the ground, sliding across the dirt before coming to a complete stop.

Aoi watched on as Haruko stood there in front of her, sparks radiating from his body.

(Every fiber of my rationale wants to believe that the events before are not real, but-)

As Nereus stood up from the ground, lightning began to surround Haruko's feet. He jumped from the ground into the air above Nereus.

(Is he really a Crystal Guardian?)

Nereus stared at Haruko as he jumped in the air.

His right finger twitched.

(That boy, there is no doubt about it now; he is a Crystal Guardian; how he has this power no longer matters, but at this point I can't beat him head-on. My only choice is to pour more of my soul into this weapon)

Nereus jumped into the air towards Haruko.

Lightning emerged from Haruko's right hand.

Both men got closer to each other; Haruko thrust his right arm forward, and Nereus swung his sword across, followed by a bright flash in the sky.

Aoi watched the flash in the sky, her eyes widening as Haruko's lightning-covered arm twirled off into the distance. As the arm hit the ground, an explosion of lightning broke out, causing Aoi to look back.

Haruko and Nereus descended from the sky, their feet breaking the ground beneath them.

Neither one of them was moving, as they had their backs to each other. Nereus stared at his sword and smirked when he saw blood on it.

He turned his head to the teen to see that he was missing his right arm as blood was profusely pouring on the ground.

"A clean cut" Nereus said.

"HARUKO!" Aoi shouted as she saw Haruko's wound, and still the teen did not react.

(I don't understand; being a Crystal Guardian doesn't remove one's ability to feel pain) Nereus thought as he looked at the teen. (Yet not so much as a whimper after losing his arm…It's almost like he is not fully there)

Suddenly, the bones that made up his shoulder blade began to regenerate, causing Nereus to open his eyes.

The next bone to follow suit was the humerus bone. Nereus watched as the bone protruded from the empty socket. Soon, the skeletal muscles of his shoulders began to form and travel down the humerus, connecting themselves to the still-forming bone holding it in place.

(This is high-speed regeneration, but how…no Crystal Guardian ability allow regeneration of this caliber)

Nereus watched in shock as more bones and muscles formed. The blood vessels and muscles began to wrap around the bones that made up his hand. The skin tissue started to form, traveling down his shoulder to his hand, completing the regeneration of his arm.

(Just what is this kid?)

There was silence as Haruko raised his hand to examine it.

He quickly turned around and swung his right arm upward, creating a huge wave of lightning towards Nereus.

Because of its speed, Nereus blocked the wave by placing his sword sideways and holding each side with his hands. He struggled as the wave pushed him back slightly. Nereus eyes widen as his sword begins to crack.

(No) Nereus thought as the sword broke apart.

With nothing to shield him, Nereus was hit by the wave of lightning pushing back across the open field.

As the wave sent him flying, he let out a loud, desperate yell as a sword formed in his right hand.


He stabbed the sword into the lightning wave, dragging the blade down, splitting it apart.

He landed on the ground as the two parts broke away and scattered into the night sky. Staring at the teen, he gripped his new sword tightly in his hand.

Quickly, blood began to pour out of his mouth as he coughed. He placed his hand on his mouth and examined it.

The sword began to crumble away in his hands.

(My body is failing; at this level, the remnant of my soul will no longer be enough to keep this body moving. His regeneration is one thing; he also possesses the ability of a Crystal Guardian. At my current state, I can't match up against a power that is absolute and limitless, but….) Nereus thought as he glanced over to the statue. (…I can steal it)

The statue flew off the ground and landed behind him, crashing with a huge thud.

(No, he is going to try and steal Haruko's ability) Aoi thought.

"Forget the girl; if I can't have her soul, then yours will suffice"

Nereus claps his hands, causing the chains of the statue to shoot out and impale his back. The chains emerged from his chest, flying towards Haruko.

Aoi watched on in horror.

"Haruko, move; don't let those chains touch you" Aoi shouted out, but Haruko did not react.


The chains pierced Haruko's body.

"Now everything... that you have is now….. mine" Nereus spoke as he was breathing hard.

Haruko grabbed the chains piercing his chest and slowly started pulling the chains out.

Nereus raised his right palm to target the teenager's soul, immobilizing him.

His body began to twitch as he took several steps forward, holding the chains. Nereus started to close his palm, preventing Haruko from moving.

(Now for the deepest part of your soul)

The chains began vibrating as several bell tolls rang out in the area.

As he did, a blank, empty feeling washed over him for just an instance, and he wasn't able to feel anything within the teen's soul.

In an instant, all the bones in his outstretched arm began to break as his arm violently contorted back, causing him to wince in pain.

With his free hand, Haruko swung his right hand, which was engulfed in lightning, against the chains, shattering them.

Nereus watched on in pain and disbelief.

It was just a blur, but Nereus did not have time to react as Haruko appeared in front of him, crouched with a burst of speed, as sparks flew past him.

He attempted to backstep, but his back hit the statue behind him.

Haruko grabbed the chains protruding out of his chest.

Nereus eyes began to widen when Haruko began to rise up with his fist swinging upwards, the lightning that surround it tearing into the dirt ground.

With an uppercut, Haruko punched Nereus in the chest, knocking him off his feet and several inches into the air. There were a few seconds of silence, followed by a single spark of lightning that came out of his back.


Suddenly, a pillar of lightning emerged from the ground, reaching all the way to the sky and swallowing both Nereus and the statue whole, thus bringing this battle to an end.

Its victor: Haruko Matsumoto.

The Lightning Crystal Guardian