
Crystal Constellations

Lin Songmei is poor. Getting dropped off at the doorstep of an orphanage while she was a baby—the classic baby in the basket situation—she didn’t have much of a childhood, and spent most of her days doing schoolwork or reading in the library. However, in a world where modern society is intertwined with cultivators that have lived for as long as anyone remembers, everyone’s life has a chance to turn around at the aptitude tests held at 16 years old. So, when Songmei goes into the aptitude tests crossing her fingers and hoping for a smidge of talent, just enough to get her a comfy home and a stable future, but finds out she has more talent than she could ever imagine... what next? Dream of a bigger house? 'And why does the second child of a super rich family clan keep showing up? Her family has enough influence to move nations... So why is she hanging out in my room?' --------------- This is going to be a kinda slice of life, fluff GL story-... kinda what I always write if you’ve read my other books... Cover art is not mine! Updates will be... T~T bad(?) I’ll try and be consistent but I’m bad at being consistent during the school year Join my discord! It’ll be fun I promise! Also there are reference images and name explanations which are like... free bonus content free dlc! (i don’t play games idk sorry) https://discord.gg/aEzwY9dR5c

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175 Chs

Those Inner Disciples Have Some... Extra... XL Egos

After the murmurs died down, Jiang Yonghang clicked a button, causing the projection of the slides to disappear. Putting down the remote that was controlling the machine that projected the slides, Jiang Yonghang turned towards the classroom, spreading his arms out. "Let's do some introductions shall we? I can start!"

"I'm Jiang Yonghang as you all know, I'm an elder part of the Hall of Learning. My hobbies outside of teaching and cultivating are reading and playing video games. Out of everyone in the sect I'm ranked top 10 in our bricklaying game."

Lin Songmei almost choked on her own spit as she heard the end of that introduction. Gripping onto Yan Mingqing's shoulder, Songmei steadied herself, clearing her throat.

Why was that bricklaying game everywhere in the sect??

With that though, the introductions began. The room itself was a rectangle, but because the seats were arranged in a more sorta half circle, or rounded square, the introductions went clockwise.

Songmei and Mingqing, who were sitting in a corner, well... a rounded corner going by the shape the desks were in, went not long after the introductions began. As they introduced themselves, a round of murmurs broke out among the 20-25 inner disciples. Songmei had talked to a couple of the inner disciples, but Mingqing in particular hadn't.

Mingqing's ice queen aura really did intimidate the inner disciples though...

After their introduction though, a similar situation happened when Lu Qiang and Cai Yufei introduced themselves. However, other than that, not much happened during the introductions.

Songmei did notice that there was a small group of inner disciples that seemed to have some animosity towards the direct disciples though...

As the introductions finished up and people chatter began to sprout out among the disciples, Jiang Yonghang clapped a few times, silencing the room before beginning the morning lessons.

Math, History, then Science.

Each an hour long...

To Songmei it was... painful to say the least. There wasn't anything hard, she had already learned a fair bit of what was being taught, but still! Who in the right state of mind would want to start the day doing math!

Songmei just wanted to do some cultivation... it was so much easier...

All she had to do was breathe in, breathe out, and circulate the Qi inside of her to open up her meridians step by step, bit by bit.

The classes went by in a flash though, Songmei took some light notes, and just listened along, spending a fair bit of time daydreaming.

Overall, first day of classes? They weren't too bad, not too fast paced, but not too slow-paced either. And, in stark contrast to the school she used to go to, only about an hour of homework.

It was quite relaxing, in all honesty...

Everyone went to the canteen, had some lunch, and then returned to the classroom, ready for the afternoon lessons. These were the ones that everyone was excited for! Cultivation! These were the dreams they'd had since childhood!

When Songmei and Mingqing along with the rest of the class returned to the classroom after eating lunch, Jiang Yonghang was waiting for them, having decided to eat in his classroom.

"Welcome, welcome, everyone, no need to take your seats, just gather around in the center of the classroom." Jiang Yonghang explained, waving over the students who were walking over to their seats. "We'll be going to a training field for this next part. I'd like to ask though, just in case, have all of you taken the first step of cultivation already? Can you all see your three dantians?"


"Yep, was pretty easy."

"Of course, shit's easyyyy"

As the direct disciples, Songmei and Mingqing both nodded to show they had taken that step, but decided to stay quiet as the inner disciples began to brag about how long it had taken them to do it.

Songmei was... surprised to say the least.

Unlike the normal cultivation realms, where there were several age markers that everyone accepted to represent how talented someone was, to take the first step of cultivation, there weren't many markers.

It didn't take that long after all...

Yet, listening to the conversations that the inner disciples were having, Songmei reached up, making sure her jaw hadn't fallen.

Several of the disciples were bragging to others but... the fastest time that they had mentioned was a couple of days!


... Maybe she was talented to a certain extent after all...

Jiang Yonghang though, satisfied that everyone had indeed taken that first step, gathered everyone's attention, "Follow me then, everyone, I'll guide you all to the training field we'll be using."


The group had made some turns, crossed a bridge onto a new island, filed through some doors, but... after about 5-10 minutes of walking, they had made it!

The training field wasn't too big, big enough for everyone to have a comfortable space around them to move. The training field itself was enclosed inside a building, the building was lined with windows though, allowing for a clear view of the outside world. There were several of these buildings all dotted around, free to use by the members of the sect, some were on the floating islands, some were on the ring of mountains that surrounded the floating islands.

In fact, Songmei and the other direct disciples frequented the one near their residences, going there to workout together.

Once they had spread out though, Jiang Yonghang walked around, handing everyone a small packet from the pile that he had stored inside his storage ring.

Songmei flipped through the packet, taking a quick glance through it as the teacher set up the large projector.

It was... pretty nice.

It was a brief summary of a martial arts technique, just a simple fist technique. Through the small definitions and pictures provided of a small, fat panda going through the motions, Songmei could tell that it wasn't too much. The technique was very basic, just allowing one to strengthen their fist with Qi.

Jiang Yonghang turned on the large projector, making a 3-dimensional projection of the small, fat panda appear in the air above the students. "So... The first few cultivation lessons will be to allow you all to familiarize yourselves with the movement and usage of Qi. Therefore, just... try your best! I'll be around to help out, but just follow the movements of the little bear and try your best to figure out the technique, that's... the best way to learn really."

"Good luck everyone!"

And with that a chorus of "Good luck"s rang out, and everyone began to practice, trying their best to learn the technique.

Orz I didn't post the references again today...

i was soooo lazy T~T i didn't do anything today... i just wrote a cute chapter and called it a day...

it was really cute tho... i'm like oop... 16 chapters ahead? 15? but a lot of the recent chapters have uhmm... cute gayyyyy stuffff ehehehehehehe look forward to it yes yes

took a bunch of pictures the other day while hiking of the place that the sect is based on thooo so that's fun...

Thanks for reading~!!

Take care reader friendsss~!!


Esiyxcreators' thoughts