
Crypto of the dynasty

" Never seen a naked man before?" The out of world man infront of me asked as I stared at him. His black-brown hair stuck on his forehead as rain drops splattered on his greek god like body. His green eyes stared at me as his lips lifted in a confident smirk walking towards me. " You can touch, if you beg" he drawled out the sentense as i moved back in disgust. "Keep your wet body away from me." I growled out, seeking shelter against the storm that is currently stopping me from leaving this god forsaken castle. "I thought werewolves loved the storm. The thrill to run whilst the raindrops shower over our beings" He spoke in amusement ,clearly enjoying my discomfort brought by his closeness. I can feel the chill brought on by his form. I took a step back with a scowl." Well I dont like the storm so do me a favour and go find something to wear before you freeze your balls out." He seemed to find this especially amusing as he laughed making my mood sour more. 'How can he have such a nice laugh' I thought grumply before he caught be by my neck. " Are you fucking insa-" I stopped as he inhaled my scent. Like a drunk his lips parted in suprise before he stared straight at me with a smile that blocked the line of curses that threatened to fall out of my lips. " Ironic isnt it? You hating the storm yet your eyes bear the grey colour of the stormy clouds. Beautiful, over bearing and dangerous." He spoke like he's in a trance, lost into my eyes as much as i am lost in his emerald green one. My heart drummed at the proximity of our faces, an intoxicating smell of the breeze and sandalwood greeted my senses before I swayed as energy left me momentarily yet the stranger caught me. "Who are you?" We both asked at the same time, the magnetic pull, so strong that i had to push him away from me with my left energy. Panic surging as i ran into the storm that i hate rather than stay with the stranger. Inwardly though, hoping we would meet again. Seneca Darkwood, is plunged in a world that is haunted by their past ancestors. Trying to fight her inner demons whilst on a mission to find the new unknown enemy of VIDA. With an attraction that she is trying to deny, will she be able to make it out alive after uncovering deep cryptic secrets of the O'Adder family, the royalty of the kingdom of VIDA? Follow along the journey between Seneca, the pentagon of Vida and Cervante.

Chorletta_Amora · Fantasi
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2 Chs

The Emergency Howl

A full moon. A holy day for the creatures of the night, for the shape shifters that worshipped this day to morph into beings created by the one and only moon goddess. Creatures like I.


To most this day is as explained above. To me, its another day that I try to escape my nightmares that become especially livid upon the rise of the celestial full moon. Wind whipped past my being as i sped through the forests of Gizah in my wolf form. The fear that i could sense from miles away radiating from small creatures of this forest that covered the territories of all five packs made me content.

Then the scent of metallic blood hit me. Strong and pungent that it made me halt as a group of about eight werewolves passed by me, led by a very white wolf at the front. I could swear that the fur could easily blend in with snow in winter. Beautiful. The size of the wolf is enemorous that it put my wolf to questioning as shame was out of question yet his emerald eyes held mine in hostility.

'I have never seen them before' i thought grimly as I gave back a low growl, signifying a need for reason to trespass the lands of SILAH.

An animal snarl came out of his mouth as the other wolves dragged one of their wounded who was in poor shape. Its usually random that werewolves engage in fights during full moon but...this looked beyond a controlled fight. Just what is going on?

Just then came the sound of the howl. But not just any howl. its the 'HOWL OF VIDA'. Startled and surprised at the same time I gave a brief glance at the white wolf that had suppresing aura that made one want to kneel yet I ignored it as I rushed back to my room. The howl of vida is only done so incase of emergency, requiring people to gather at utmost speed as it pertains the safety of the kingdom of VIDA.

I quickly shifted back to my human form, took a quick shower and donned myself in a pair of cargo pants, a black top and jungle boots. I donned my leather coat to chase away the chillness as I gazed myself in the mirror.

Black-silver hair that flowed in waves to my back, grey dull eyes with a phoenix stretch at the end's, straight nose that merged perfectly with nude pink lips. The girl that stared at me back in the mirror bore a tired look. What else does one expect from her? Seneca Darkwood, daughter of Alpha Garrix of pack SILAH, a hard to please father to add. I sighed before making my way to the royal castle of VIDA.

Upon arriving there, I vouldnt help but admire the architecture of the royal castle. The way the pillars rose up in the patterns of transforming werewolves, with sculptures of former rulers of the kingdom of VIDA perfectly sculpted in a row the more one ventured in towards the hall. People had already amassed in numbers and before i could admire the five pillars rising up the side of the-

"SENECA!" I stiffened upon hearing my name called. Or more like a shout, i walked towards the source of the sound, towards a tall middle aged man with whom i bore no resemblance in. Tall, blond, stiff expression that seemed to just cut through me. i had noticed as i approached him, that all people posted themselves according to their packs and am currently headed to the pack of SILAH.

" your late!" he harshly spoke glaring at me as if he's unaware of the fact that i go on nyt runs during full moon. Swallowing back the bitter emotions I apologized.

His silence scared me worse than his words, cause it meant that after we do get back, things wont be pretty.

We therefore waited. Everyone seemed to think, what brought us here today. Other than the battle of the Flamed Valley, thirty years so as i heard, the howl of vida had never been put into action. Gladly we didnt have to wait long before the Royal Beta, Alastair walked in commanding silence in his footsteps and aloof look he always had on. When he reached the front he cleared his throat.


The shuffling as everyone knelt soon went dead silent upon the entrance of king Xavier. His footsteps enough, showed the weight of his whole ordeal and responsiblities he carried. His aura paralyzed the weaker wolves making them want to submit upon his mere presence. No one dared raise his head until he commanded so as he had reached his throne.

"Rise" his voice held so much power and like puppets the whole hall stood upon the given command. He stood a good almost 7 foot tall, dark brown hair crowned his head at neck length. He had worn black fine material pants with a cloak draped over his broad shoulder displaying flesh of muscles that gleamed wet. A sign that he just shifted back to his human form. No crown was needed to act a sign for all to know he's the king of the alpha's.

His eyes rimmed by scarlet glows on the edges whilst the irises resembled the molten gold. Like flames danced in his eyes, dangerous, toxic and lethal flames that scared anyone who held his gaze.

The silence that reigned is enough to deafen the crowd amassed in the hall and only after several minutes did he speak.

"ALPHA GARRIX OF PACK SILAH!" He called out and my father, with his spine as straight as a pole walked forward. His eyes the colour of scarlet, a sign of an alpha.

"ALPHA LARSON OF PACK AGATE!" He called again and this time, a short man about five feet, with puffed muscles and a balding head emerged with confident strides. Bowing to the blood of the descendant.

"QUEEN REGINA OF PACK LUNA" He called almost lovingly as a beautiful woman with emerald eyes and long flowing wavy blond hair walked forward. She wore a peach dress that matches her pale skin tone, making most female insecure due to her unmatched beauty. It is a custom that, whoever is the queen of VIDA, she will lead the pack of luna that is responsible for giving out the spouses for the royalties, especially the king.

"ALPHA BLAKE OF ZION PACK!" The king called out and a tall muscular figure emerged. He had red curls crowning his head and a whip that hanged by his waist. His cowboy boots clang with each step he took before he bowed down to the king.

We all waited for the last summoning of the Luna from pack of vitah yet none came , raising murmurs within the crowd.

"Silence" it was but a low tone yet it rendered the crowd numb with the command. I glanced around towards the pack of vita and did not spot their luna. Where is she?

"Bring her in" the king commanded and the double doors opened as four men carrying a prestigious stretcher walked in. The moment the stretcher passed by us, the strong stench of blood that i had smelled in the forest came back in full force and i held in a gasp as realization hit me.

The moment they reached the front every ones face was ashen and the section where the pack of vita resided became restless as Cyril, the son of the luna who is currently covered by a white cloth made a step towards her.

His hands shook as he took his mother's hand into his only to gasp and let go immediately. Obviously having be met with the stinging coldness of a corpse, the King's lips drew into a thin line as he spoke.