Sexy stories of Giantesses crushing Tiny people.
Milly sat the box down on the floor then opened the lid. She sat down as she was looked up upon by five tiny men.
Milly was a stunner, a white woman with dark black hair in a messy bun. She wore a light red bra, brown short, and tan platform wedges with red straps.
"Hello." She said in a whispery voice
"My name is Milly, and I've gathered you all here today for a little experiment." She continued.
"Where are we?" One tiny man asked
"Are you going to kill us?" Another questioned
"This is inhumane!" One shouted
"Shh. I have the answers to all your questions." Milly said
She flipped the box over and let the tiny men come crashing down to the floor. She then lifted the box off of them revealing the scope of her size.
The men were dwarfed by her mighty shoes that her feet were perched upon.
They tried to run but Milly was too quick for them, she gaffled them all up in the box again in one swoop before they could get anywhere.
"I see I can't trust you guys not to run away." She said
"Please let us go." One man pleaded
"I will not be a slave!" Another shouted
"I don't intend to enslave you, I intend to kill you." Milly stated
The air from the box was all sucked in in a quick gasp.
"But why?" One questioned
"I mean to experiment with you. I have five of you and I intend to crush you all in five different ways. You see I've never crushed one of you but a lot of my friends have. I've recently become curious about how it feels. You see, I'm a very curious person. So I've devised a plan to crush you, under my shoe, under my bare feet, with my hand, with my ass, and breasts."
"This is sick!" One of then shouted
"You go first." Milly said
She grabbed out of the box kicking and screaming and dropped him on the ground.
"No! I have a tiny family." He pleaded
"Since I already have my shoes on, I think I might as well." Milly said
She raised her foot and slowly let her foot descend onto the tiny man. His innards were slowly compressed into liquid as they splattered out of him. His bones crunched under foot. She lifted her foot to reveal a fresh crimson stain on the floor and the sole of her shoe.
"Well that was incredible fun." Milly said in the same whispery voice as she kicked her shoes off her feet.
"The crunch was my favorite part, but the thick platform didn't really carry over the feel of the kill. I want to try this with my bare feet." Milly said in her same whispery voice
"Ah!" One man screamed as he fell to the ground flailing.
"I don't want to die." He screamed
Milly grabbed him out of the box and placed him on the ground. She tilted her foot up while her heel was still on the ground.
"Ah, this just breaks my heart. I know how it feels to have panic attacks. It's not good. Here instead of just letting you suffer, I'll mercy kill you here." She said
She instantly dropped her foot onto him crushing him under her foot. The crunch was more pronounced with this one. The feel was more personal and more up close. This really brought to light how violent of a death crushing was.
"Oh, interesting. I don't really like it. It's too close up and personal for me. Barefoot allows me to feel their death, which I thought I wanted but. Now I realize I don't really want that. Pretty weird." Milly whispered
Milly looked into the box and just stared.
"I don't know which one of you I want to crush next. Any volunteers?" She asked
One man pointed towards another and shouted.
"He wants to go next! Kill him next!"
The once calm demeanor of Milly was instantly replaced by one of rage. She plucked the tiny man who had pointed towards the other one.
"Behavior like that reminds me of my ex boyfriend." She said
She placed the man in the palm of her hand
"It does?" The man asked with a tremble in his voice
"Yeah, I really wished that prick was Tny so I could crush him. But I got you. So I guess you'll have to do it." Milly said
"Wait! No! Please!"
Milly clenched her hand into a fist squishing the tiny man in between them. Though this was more violent than the foot crushing she laughed as memories of her ex were flushed from her brain in some suck form of closure. Three tiny drops of blood fell from her hand and she opened her palm to reveal a small stain. She wiped her hand together and then stomped on the blood droplets.
"Hahahahaha. How'd that feel Todd." She said
She looked at the box and a red swath grew over her face.
"Sorry you had to see that." She said
She giggled a bit.
"Hehe. Again sorry. But which one of you wants to go next?"
The last two looked scary. She pointed down at one and said
"You're kinda cute. I think you're going next. I want to sit on your face." She giggled
She grabbed him and plopped him down in the chair. She flicked her hair back smiled and said
"You're so lucky, you really are."
She then turned around and instantly began to slowly descend into the seat. To the tiny man an object the size of a planet appears to be coming at him. As it got closer it blocked the light and then began to squeeze him. His bones were crushed to dust and his innards splattered out.
Milly crossed her legs and sat in the chair for a couple more moments. Before looking into the box again.
"That felt great. The feel of my body just destroying something like that was so empowering." She said
She smiled as she looked at the last one left.
"So do you want to talk for a bit to get to know each other?"
The man pointed to his mouth and shook his head.
"Oh you're mute. Wow. Bless your sweet little heart." Milly said
Milly grabbed her shoes and began to put them back on.
"Right after I crush you I want to go back out and find some more of you. I really have had such fun."
She grabbed him and placed him into her breast with little resistance from him.
"You're super lucky. I hope you realize that." She said
She then squeezed her tits together. His bones cracked but he didn't die instantly. Instead he was left to suffocate in between her chest.
"That was pretty fun, I heard his bones crush, but I don't think it killed him. Pretty fun but I like it when you die instantly. I don't like for them to suffer. That was fun though, I'm gonna go find some more." She said as she walked out of the room.