
Crush to Lover to Virgin Breaker (C.T.L.T.VB)

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT ! A young girl entering the world of high school where she meets new people and friends. Learn different things in life and encounter dangers of the world of high school. This place is filled with all the desires that one would love to have. She is faced with temptations. She finds herself falling in love with the enemy an intruder to her on kind. Now he owns her heart.

DaoistKtuRIO · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

My love

"I appologies for pausing your class Mrs Oscar's but I have someone whom needs to have a chat with me together with the principal....."


"Nash Sua you are summoned by the principal to have a word with you"

Everyone was whispering wondering what could have led to him being called by the principal of all people

A school where the principal or should I say headmaster is highly respected only those who did wrong would be called to go there. He stood up from his chair while his legs were shaking all of his jelly fell of the ground, he had no idea what could be reason for this. He walked in a hurry like a snail rushing from the danger.

Complete silence in the classroom as the teacher carried on with the lesson. Those who spoke had the courage to know what was asked of them by the teacher. You shall not speak unless one is spoken too, in this way there shall be peace in the class.

"I wonder why would he call him instead of me, how I wonder how it is to walk with him down the corridor into the headmaster office. It feels like wedding bells as we walk down the aisle. Our families looking from outside the window. How I wish to be in his arms as he pulls me closer to his chest. His heart beating faster bom bom bom, writing my name out" Lashwentie dreaming

"How I would love to oppose that wedding you are surely day dreaming about" Moesha encountered

"How did you know I was dreaming, you are one of a villian if you were not my friend I would say you are a spy wanting to kill me yet fell inlove with me."

"I wish to be a spy so I could understand what you see in that man that I see not."

"You shall see soon he will be mine."

The bell rang for the dismissal of school...

Children rushing for the door to go back to their comfort zone as today was overwhelming for them. Others rode cars some bicycles and other walked. The school is over parents and friends fetching their kids while other are still workinv to feed them.

Principal office

Nash Sua sitting on the chair scared for his life as he does not know what to expect. The principal's office is neat, the floor is spotless clean it is as almost you could see your face on the floor. Deep on the floor a face very frowned and angry his eyes were starring aimlessly on the boy who was almost dead from all these stares and awkward silence. The headboy how can I forget him he is there watching and waiting like a lion waiting to attack it's prey.

Principal :" Mr Sua your mother called in to tell you that she shall be leaving for a month and that we should take a good look because you are a very troublesome child."

"Okay sir I understand but I see no need in one keeping an eye on me as I will not cause any disrupt."

"May you please leave us for a moment Headboy we need to talk privately" the principal acquired.

"Oeh boy you have no manners it is your mothers fault that you have become this spoilt brat."

"Mmh okay may I be excused now, seeing the school is over."

"I see you have gone to the States for your primary ,is this what they have taught you there to speak over your elders? Oeh I regret you for leaving and not stay here with ..."

"You shall not speak of my mother that way as you do not have the right to do so, please let me go before I say what I shall regret Mr."

"Dare to leave this office and you will face the consequences..."

He left the room and shut the door. Running fast as he can while the headboy was still there waiting, he went back to the office with questions on his face. This is really shocking how can one be in such a rush and be with a angry face. Could be a person that he knows well than just a principal I don't think so there is more to this than just that. Look at how he had the guts to speak so little of his mother and the boy had the nerve to answer back to a well respected man.

He is in horror with all the disrespect that has just happened, thoughts were rushing down his medula oblangata while he stares at the photo that he took from the drawer. It seemed cracked with no glass left only a frame and picture. He looked so terrible and tears were falling from his face while his heart acged from all of this. He sat there questioning his doings and what he has done wrong but no one could answer this.

Luyeng Chi entered asking questions but none were responded too. The principal quickly placed the photo back and wiped off his tears, he enquired the boy to leave him alone as he gathered all of his emotions.

Lashwentie and Moesha on their way back home they were cycling on their bicycles. They stopped for a while and spoke about how mysterious Nash is and how the headboy is so handsome. Could it be her love one could think that can only happen in the afterlife. The guy was handsome and he carried himself with honour he was a genues who always win all the medals that are placed infront of him.

"Lashwentie what name does this boy have as I seek to know he seems hot in some way."

" Oeh dear he goes by Luyeng Chi and I am soon to be Mrs Chi how wonderful is that Moe?"

"I would like that but you still need to have a conversation with him."

"I will I just wish to see him or bump into him as he holds me tight I would never let go at all. My love how I missed you."

Luyeng Chi approaching from the corner Lashwentie slipped and he held her tightin his arms while they looked at each other with compassion. Water fell from the eyes of soon to be Mrs Chi was she dreaming it can not be this is real he is there holding her tight and staring at her with love....