
Crush to Lover to Virgin Breaker (C.T.L.T.VB)

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT ! A young girl entering the world of high school where she meets new people and friends. Learn different things in life and encounter dangers of the world of high school. This place is filled with all the desires that one would love to have. She is faced with temptations. She finds herself falling in love with the enemy an intruder to her on kind. Now he owns her heart.

DaoistKtuRIO · Masa Muda
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13 Chs

Inside of her, wet wet wet!!

Furious and furious hoe could one fall into a trsp. What is love to those who hold their gaurd up and when they decide to break the walls they tumble down and destruct the heart. Why do people act like they do not care for the sake of friendship but deep down the turbulence in their hearts is more than the forces of darkness. For one can call love to be a thing or feeling when you get when you see someone but ...is it love though or perhaps it is infatuation? How does one love so deep carrying someone else into their minds.

She could not cope from all of this, her emotions were all over the place, there she sat starring aimlessly at the cracked ceiling. It desplayed her heart, her room was dark you could not see her face yet her pupils were the one's that produced line into the room. She could not see and she did not see this coming, was is it because she cannot see? No it can not be she was naive to trust a man. A man who had all the features she ever wanted he fulfilled all the desires but just one thing he was popular and she hated that.

11th grade

It is not nice at all the first days of school the workload is just too much to handle moreover she still mourns her lover who have not yet spoken to her. He had left for University, oeh no her emotions scribbled the fear of unrequited love. One where the other does not reciprocate the same amount of love. She waited and waited for him to finally talk to her but nothing happened, never had the courage to eat nor step her feet outside the door, to her the sun would burn her heart causing the exposure of the misery.


"Good day ma'am sorry for the interruption may I speak to Lashwentie?"

"Of course you may Mr Park."

"Class please Mr Park has something to say, he was one of our best students a person who was smart and always excell in everything that he does please allow him to have this opportunity to say few words."

"Thank you Mrs Xiau"

Immediately silence occupied the room not you could only hear the wind through the window as that was the only sound before Cheng spoke to the class.

"Good day class, first I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to the class teacher and also I want to appreciate a lovely person in my love. I have brought her flowers to cheer her up for I know that I have not been a good person in her life recently allow me to give her this."

"Oh and I have forgotten this hpw could I do that, I would be tarnished with stones if I did not say this... Lashwentie I am so sorry may you please forgive me. I promise to do better and show more effort than this."

She froze and could not speak, her eyes expressed ger feelings they could tell what she felt at that moment. Her hair stood tall from her skin it never bent at all. The shock in her face was incredible, luckily the bell rang and freed her from the misery.

"I shall not speak to you, leave me alone like you did yesterday for I care none," Lashwentie frowned with anger

"I accept that however I would like to right my wrongs please allow me."

"Okay what do you have to say?"

"Please let me take you out on a journey into the ocean, allow me to freshen up your mind from all of the stress for you to see the beauty far away where the horizon is. Allow me to make things right, I want to see you smile once more."

"Okay fine."

Her dress was snow white her nipples was the compass to the ocean they stood tall pointing out. Her smile was incredible when she saw the yatch it was personalized with her name 'Milady L" she was indeed in love

with a prince with a twist of mafia.

They looked happy together playing with the stones while throwing them deep into the ocean, it felt so right. This was ths beginning to a new love story. Where love lies wuth those who once held their gaurds so high up in the sky not even a bird would fly to that peak and reach it. The walls never tumbled but instead they fell slowly and steady into the ground allowing the word love to enter and change the atmosphere.

"You look amazing Milady, this dress looks like we are getting married in your yatch, you hair is wonder it so long below your hips. Your body is perfectly drawn by this dress, making you look like a sacred piece that none can never dare to touch nor look. You look like a mermaid sitting on a sunny day by the ocean on a stone that glitters from the reflection of the waters."

"Thank you how charming you are My Lord, you words make the soul numb, I cannot feel my face as it is covered with smiles of happiness. You do not look bad yourself."

"I am so honoured to be at your feet Milady."

It turned dark and the stars shined bright leading their way to a place full with love and happiness. A place where no one is judged due to what they have done in the past.

She even wrote her exams with enthusiasm, Lashwentie made sure to pass so that she could be a senior. Next year she shall bein the 12th grade with her friend Moesha these two are unstoppable, they have been through the storms of the sea but found a way to see a boat to rescue their friendship.

"Lashwentie I will see you over the holiday right are, are we still going to Busan?"

"Oeh Lord no Moe! I have totaly forgotten that I have made such plans."

"What is the reason for such infamy."

"Cheng will be here and I will spend all the days of my holidays with him. I promise I will make it up to you."

"I am not happy with your naive decision but still you can go ahead."

"How does one be so selfish, why would you say such Moe it make no sense for you to say that."

"It shall make sense once you have returned from your senses, wake up and smellthe coffee. "

"Okay go I will go to Busan even without you."

" Well I am happy for you Moe and that would never bother me even if you leave without me."

She left her still in amaze from this incident Lashwentie would never exchange such words.

Holiday or Holydate

Nothing is more exciting than to spend your holydate with that person who shines up your mood. A person who always make sure that you do not sleep with frowned eyes or a sad face. He values you with all that he has and treats you like an egg afraid to break.

Lashwentie and Cheng were so happy together during the holiday. They went to all the places that Lashwentie has always hpped to visit. She has finally found her soulmate, yes he deserves that because he treats her with kindness and care.

They visited the art gallery and he bought her some acient panting that symbolises their love for each other. The place was classy and beautiful, the paintings were telling a story, each picture came with something deep behind those different shades of colours. She even went to the Mesuem of love where only couples can be able to go there, they even went to the fountain of love and each threw a coin begging for their love to blossom and last for eternity. The smile in her face was perfect she looked like a bride on her wedding day walking towards her husband down the aisle. She felt fearless when she was around him, he was her gaurdian angel always webt the extra mile to please her.

All the things they did were those they both ever wished to do with a loved one. There is nothing more exciting to take your lover to a sentimental place or places. Always capturing the moment so you could have the memories inside a picture because a picture can say everything it only depends tothe reader. How do they interpret this picture, what does it tells them what story does it holds deep from the roots.

They both loved and lived for adrenalin they enjoyed adventurous things. Portraying them as Dora the Explore because they were enthusiastic to explore. Every Sunday they had a date night or perhaps a skin care routine how lovely is that. Friday was their game night and Saterday they went with friends to enjoy thenselves expressing their love for one another to even a fly on the table.

He was head over heals in love with her, she has changed his ways. He became smart and more focused on his schoolwork and mostly to his loved one. Cheng learnt from his mistakes and made sure to prioritise her lover, always there when she needed him.The phone would ring once and he would pick it up immediately, he never missed a day without seeing her. She was his Queen that came to his dark and gloomy castle and she turned upside down into something that shines brighter than the diamond exposed to sunlight...

12th grade

She is finally a senior now she is eighteen years of age and can do anything that she has ever wished for well in this case was to break her virginity. She felt so ready to do so, and Cheng deserves it they have been dating for three years now and she is comfortable with him, he gives her joy and treats her right this time was right definetly.

She committed another crime and lied to her parents, once again begging them to let her go and spend the night at Moesha's house. They believed her because she was so innocent and trustworthy but deep down she had that untrustworthy side in her. It was about to reveal itself soon enough.

Sunday Night!

Her eyers glittered with gold when he came closer to her. His breath was a tortoise, closer he got to her, his nose touching her nose. Cheng's eyes were completely shut yet he could see Lashwenties beautiful face.

His hands wrapped around her waist, her hips shaped like the hour glass. Her nipples were cold they rised with pride, while her heat beating fast. He kissed her, her cherry lips wet more than the beach, they were so juicy and smooth. They kissed and kissed while their body against each other. He pulled her closer agaisnt the wall, she could not move. Her legs were twisted against his body. There she is stranded between his touch as he felt her tights closer and closer he went up and up to her breats. He played with her nipples while carresing her hair. He sucked her breast producing sounds of lust. Finally, he reached her jeans and ubottened them, pours of sweat from her body even her ears dripping into the ground. Closer he was pushing her slowly agaisnt the walls she onced shut but not widely open for him to enter.

Feeling her ass it was so soft like a fresh baked bread, she moved back and he looked at her they paused and continued to exchange saliva. The atmosphere was perfect it felt so right to do it that moment. She was ready to break her virginity he deserved it they were dating for so long now. They moved slowly agaisnt the wall in a rhythm, he took of her jeans and they flew and hanged on the light. Rose petals and candles on the floor while soft music was playing. Slowly he removed her panties and there she layed like a fresh and steamy bread from the oven, innocently she layed on the bed. They were both naked completely you could see everything.

He paused and stopped kissing her and looked her deep in her eyes and said, "Are you sure you are ready for this, after your first time life will never be the same?" She looked at him with yearns and moans as she wanted him so bad her actions answered for her.

"Yes I am ready, I promise."

He opened her legs wide slowly while sucking his fingers, they were wet and placed them in the joy box slowly he moved up and down her, toes twisted on the sheets with sexy moans. He kissed her down her

heading towards the stimulus package he paused and placed his tongue covered with moisture, moving it inside and out of her for an hour and then placing his fingers inside with the tongue. She was so wet while crying for more, it was so nice and good.

Faster and faster then slower and slower as she lays on the bed his hands covered with juice and placed them on the rigid source of heat, allowing the saliva to make it moist. He came closer, her eyes were completely shut she could not see a thing but loved what she was doing. He rubbed it on her joy of box slowly and slowly making her more wet, then finally put it in, the fiery brand could not move pass these walls. He moved slowly in and out she jumped towards the headboard, her legs pushing him but he was so strong. He pushed hard inside her and finally after an hour of struggle for it to enter it went in halfway because she just broke it it was not easy for it to be in all the way. He moved in her up and down pulling it out and then back in. His pace was faster and faster and faster her legs twisted around his waist. She screamed out his name louder for the neighbours to hear.

He did not stop faster and faster and faster and faster she was begging for more, their breaths were so fast while the hearts beating fast. He grabbed her bumps spanking them hard leaving a pink hand on it as a signiture that he was inside her. He was inside of her and she enjoyed it, she scratched his back with her long nails and that made him to want her more. He groaned louder and louder as she moaned helping him it felt like they were singing a song.

He was turning and twisting inside of her while his waist danced from side to side. He loved it and she enjoyed it so bad and did not want him to stop. The spear moved out of the happy hole, she quickly grabbed and placed it back in, he looked at her and smile while kissing her. She is loving it how is it possible that she has been missing out on something so incredible like this one. It felt so right and juicy the more he moved in and out the more she wanted him not to stop.

This time he was so fast his pace was faster than the cheetah, she was crying and screaming for him to stop he did not stop he could not stop. His veins pooped out of his body while he grabbed both her legs. Her legs were up on his neck sometimes flying on the air as he moved in and out of her. His eyes were white while he groaned in pain, he was screaming and screaming in pain.

Then finally milk was produced from the engorged flesh and quickly removed the engorged flesh allowing the milk to fall on her breasts. They both laughed and she layed on his chest as they both were breathing fast. The sheets was so wet it was filled with blood, he took it and went to wash it as she lays on the bed. Cheng came back and she layed on his chest, they were chatting, laughing and cuddled. He stood up and went to fetched her water to drink, furthemore he opened the water so she could shower herself. Everything was ready and they were both showering each other scratching. She held his sword and it was so hard and thick and long and... He pulled her and grabbed her against the wall and he fucked her hard this time too hard and so bad.

"Do you want this!!"

"Yes so bad"

"Say my name!!"

"Aaahhhhhh Parkkkk do not stop yes right that it feels so good dammmmmmnnnnn!!!!"

"Aaaaaahhhh your pussy is fire dammmmn never felt so good!"

"Aaah aaah (moans) harder harder!!"

"Yes Milady yes (faster and faster), oeh yeah oeh yeah aaahhhhhhhhhrhrhhhhhhh (cumed)"

"That felt so good baby!!"

They were done for now and went to bed to sleep from all this work. Laying on the bed peacefully, she still looked innocent her body was gorgeous in his white long t-shirt with no underwear while he slept naked next to her. They cuddled and cuddled until she fell asleep in his arms.


She woke up with a smile very happy that she has done it with someone who loves her more than she does and she also loves him. Her smile disappeared as she saw that he was not there next to her. Lashwentie sat upstraight facing the door anxiously.

"What no ways! He would never leave me no that is not him. I can not believe it. All this time he wanted to just have sex with me and leave me no I will not be able to cope with this. No ways Lord!! (sobbing with pain)..."

He was not there next to her when she woke up, where could he possibly be?
