
Crush to Lover to Virgin Breaker (C.T.L.T.VB)

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT ! A young girl entering the world of high school where she meets new people and friends. Learn different things in life and encounter dangers of the world of high school. This place is filled with all the desires that one would love to have. She is faced with temptations. She finds herself falling in love with the enemy an intruder to her on kind. Now he owns her heart.

DaoistKtuRIO · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Heaven's Door widely opened! Heart betrayed??

The sheets are so cold, she laid starring aimlessly at the ceiling, her mind was all over the place. How can one be so naive, why would he do such?

It was so cold the wind blowing from the east shaking and moving the rage in her heart. Her eyes turned with flares when she could see the empty room that was filled with just her emotions. He was not there yet his scent and milk from the engorged flesh was still on the sheets. She saw him right there in her mind carresing her thights while brushing her hair.

How he would feel her cold nose and kiss it with joy as he whispers the words of sweet nothings. Her eyes completely shut and there she laid thinking about her man and what has just happened.


Here is standing tall with his flesh shining and his smile glittering from her heart. He was breathing deep in her ears, furthermore begging for her to bend her eyes for him to show her his love. She curled her skin and raised her toes into the air. He came closer and closer, undressing her completely, her innocence was on the floor. He waved his sword softly up her innocence reaching for the heaven's door.

Footsteps heading towards the bed with intense breathing...

"Milady you look so beautiful when you wear my shirt."


"Your eyes completely shut seeking for me to dive in with my spear into your Joy box."


"Milady!!!! who has taken my Queen's attention?"

"Oeh I am pissed at your face, I wish not to see it, my Lord", she claimed with anger

"What did I do that would make you despise me."

"You have made a fool of me and my emotions, I laid at this filthy bed alone while you were..."

"No, no please I plead for forgiveness, my heart shatters to hear this horror."

"I hate what you did, never leave without..."

" 'Your consent' wow that sounds amazing, it is making me drenched with water, I yearn for that Joy box while my mouth licks it."

She smiled with happiness as he kissed her fluffy cheeks.


The sun is baking every creasure on the planet, they run with fear towards trunk of the trees hoping for a shadow to keep them cool. Everyone was sweating with terror in their eyes, faces smoldering and their feets on slow motions because they are drained from all the walking. The lady who has let go of her innocence appears with her long legged jeans clinging on her like a baby from the mother's back. Her eyes glitters with happiness as her smile covered everyone from the sun, she was glowing after she has opened her Heaven's Door.

Moesha suspects something has caused the change in her friends appearance. She no longer walk with pride but with happiness and joy. She does no longer look up above the people like she is seeing pumpkins, moreover she stares at them with warm eyes.

"Hey Moesha you look amazing today how was your day?"

"Hello sister your eyes wabts to share something with me?"

"No they speak not, you just seek for gossip."

"Okay but these eyes say something to me?", shouted with curiosity.

"Something like what perhaps?"

"I think you have received something or perhaps form of pleasure because you are definetly glowing honey bubu?"

"Well I must say your speculations have some kind of correctness to it...Well I have..."

"What no ways, you mean you have given in already?"

"Yes that is true I have openly allowed an enemy to have a taste of my Joy box."

"How was it tell me everything Lashwentie, DETAILS( widely opened eyes)."

"Well he was breathing down my neck and for some reason my joy box was unusual, he kissed me down my skin heading towards the joy box, when he arrived he paused and stared at me asking if I want this?"

"What did you say, I know for sure you wanted it."

"I could not speak my Joy box spoke itself, he carried on and then took out his sword carresing it and knocking on my Heaven's Door, I was drenced I do not want to speak no false information. He rubbed his engirged flesh and after that... I felt..."

"Wow how I yearned to be burned to a cinder."

"Well I was burned multiple times to tell the truth, he found his way up and he was twisting and turning inside me, oh my gosh that felt so amazing."

"You do not say such mouth watering news."

"Yes I did it and it felt scrumptious especially on the shower damn I do not want to tell much but it felt so nice."

"I am happy for you, yet I envy you shame."

They carried on with their interesting conversation as they walked around the mall enjoying themselves, having the best time of their lives.You could tell from their eyes that these news wore happiness and juice.

Sunday Night

The day has arrived for her to get dressed and go on date with her prince charming. She was too tired from yesterday and decided to wear a mini dress tightly sqeezing her breast out to be seen. Her hair was tired up and wore her sneakers and carried a purse.

"Milady I am outside at our spot please show your face I am summoning for you."

"I am on my way I promise."

"One thing about you, is being late unprovoked."

"I will try and be early if I must say."

An hour later she appeared with a different look, ladies are unpredictably she was dazzling in gold with curly flare hair. She smiled with guilt as she came closer to her man. There he stood with a handsome look designed by one if the best in town (he came from a wealthy bloodline).

"You look stunning you have astonished my eyes and frozen my jaws with no speech."

"Thank you, am I forgiven for my lateness?"

"I shall not respond but you will receive your punishment soon."

They stared deep into their souls with lust seeking for frenzy of simultaneous explosions. He pictured her already without this stunning dress soared over the edge of the kitchen door. In his mind she was already wiggling her hips experimentally as he guide her with his spear.

"Earth to my Lord may I not be the course of your death please, drive carefully I wish not to die."

"I apologise, today we are going to the beach I have booked my dad's yacht for the night, smirked."

"Oh really that is so nice you are something else or you want to experiment 'sex on the beach 9' I refuse to be a character to your movie."

"What no how could you think of such infamy."

"Fine it was just a mere joke relax your muscles."

The looked so happy together, it seems early to give him the title of being a saviour in her miserable love life, he came and shaken her walls producing such excellent results. She is definetly a changed woman, she speaks highly with a posture of nobility.

The arrived to their destination, he opened the door for her like he always does, what a gentleman he is. A man who takes care of his girl even though she is not around. He always made sure that she is happy with no sense of not being given attention, until that changed tonight when he...

Sua approached them she looked so beautiful with her pink dress it was so shirt one could see her sacred fruit. He walked rushing towards Cheng and gave him a hug, she jumped into him as he held her bumps with his hands. Lashwentie was furious she wanted to commit a crime, and be the girl on 'Acrimony' because the scene was the same at the beach.

He saw nothing wrong in that incidence, Sua just waved at Lashwentie with oceanic hands and that was it nothing else no hug, just starring and chatting with Cheng apparently they know each from back then something interesting behind closed doors one would guess so since they spoke cossy. He was enjoying her gazing at her dress as if he wanted to be in her at that moment. How could they shut her out of the conversation, she felt betrayed and tarnished her ego was bruised into the mud. Everything that wss beautiful turned gloomy right at that moment, she felt like puking on the food.

"Is everything okay my love."

"Yes I feel happy this is beautiful," with a sarcastic face.

"Okay but are you sure?"

"Yeah eat it will get cold."

"Fine but you are stressing me tell me did I do something to put a frown in this gorgeous face."

"You know what I am fine, infact I am not okay I want to go and leave you here alone. I am tired of this face and everything here is just annoying me especially you. You are something else I feel like strangling you, you gazed at her with lust pleading for her to allow you to rocked inside of her over and over... I am done here call me a cab."

"Wait please do not do this to me I humbly apologize for my behaviour, she is just an old friend."

"An old friend wow how nice you see that phrase 'She is just an old phase.' Leave me alone I want to go."

"Baby please do not do me like this."

"Look do not touch me okay."

"We only did it once and it meant nothing absolutely nothing please it was before I had you please."

She stormed out of the room with her heart stabbed multiple times, the room was filled with blood...