
Crush to Lover to Virgin Breaker (C.T.L.T.VB)

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT ! A young girl entering the world of high school where she meets new people and friends. Learn different things in life and encounter dangers of the world of high school. This place is filled with all the desires that one would love to have. She is faced with temptations. She finds herself falling in love with the enemy an intruder to her on kind. Now he owns her heart.

DaoistKtuRIO · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Crush for three years?

The holidays are over students are back at it again. This year one has to forget about all the fun time and put more focus on thier grades and make sure that they pass. A year that will shape your future and determine where you are going for your career will it be what you ever dream of or is it something else? The question can only be answered by the person that will be affected by it.

This year student are no longer in the 8th grade or 9th grade where they don't need to study at all they can just wake up and go and write. Now you have to study and make sure that you know the work perfectly. They are so grown now no more those kids who were facinated by the huge school or perhaps handsome guys now they are looking forward to acing the exams.

Look at them they are so excited for the new subjects and new teachers well it has always been like that where they get new teachers all the time but this time it is different. You will see how different it is.

First period

They are rushing for the physical sciences class, it is their first time doing this and the word says that it is difficult but also Mathematics is also another demon let us see if that's the truth. Everyone is introducing themselves to the new teacher and they took their books and placed them in front of them waiting for the very first class. The first class to be Physics how scary is that.

"Good day class I am Mr Hesoek and I will be your teacher for Physical Sciences it will be a bumpy ride but I promise you that all will be well. Do not panic as long as you buckle up and sit tight you will pass this subject it so easy if you put your all to it."

"Okay let us start with the class, today we will learn about Newtons first law, can someone tell me what it is?"

Pause for 5minutes

"Anyone can answer? Okay let us go on with class it is okay I will teach you about it. "

The class has begun everyone is paying attention, very surprisingly even those who are known as back sitters are listening attentively. This class is very tense some are looking with no clue of what is being taught. Their eyes are widely open while their brains are eroding and steam is exploding from their ears and eyes. The sweat is rushing from their skin into their faces, their mouths are widely opening you'd think that all this information is entering from their mouths.

Bell rang!!

"Okay class has been dismissed, may you please you will have a test on Friday during our period regarding everything we have learnt from today until Thursday. Please take this class seriously as the test will be based on it. Homework is on page 20. See you Tommorrow."

They are rushing to their next period Maths this one is definetly a montser to all students I am sure they can all agree with me on this one. A subject that tortures one's brain cells very close to decomposing but let me tell you it is however a nice and easiest subject if youpay attention to it and make sure you do your work on time. They are so exhausted from all of this work it is very strenuous.

"Good Morning students today we will learn maths it is very easy you will see. Oeh I am Mr Lee. Take out your books and let us begin."

This class was very long than the first period. A subject that causes a huge damage in your life if you fail to understand it. A word of advice associate yourself with smart geek to help you to understand it better.

Bell rang for interval!!!

On the school field students are playing games with their friends, some are laughing others are running aroung chasing each other. They are so happy for this day is hot with no wind at all yet they have the energu to run around and play, kids are like that they don't care whether it is hot or cold they shall play.

A guy he is beautiful, he seems to be the leader of the group, they worship him a lot and he is the prince of the school one would say so. He looks so handsome, his eyes are so gorgeous and brown. When he smile it changes everyone's mood, whenever he enters a room he will always leave a mark. A guy who is tall snow white and handsome. He is also smart in his way of course and he is a senior in the school but not a headboy this time around. He goes by the name of Cheng Park, very talented and plays rugby and very famous. This guy is the same guy who had always had a crush on Lashwentie yes the one who would look at her and not say a word. He would just smile when she is around but not have the guts to say something to her.

He never had a conversation with her at all not even a hello nothing. All his friends knew that he was head over heals inlove with her. She was the goddess to him and he was so afraid because she was perfect. He only sent his friends to have a mini conversation with her and spy on her to see whether she has been cuffed already. Until one day it was his birthday and his best friend make something for them to talk. She was sitting with her friend enjoying the interval and then when they were about to go to the chess class. Yes she has been playing chess and every interval she would go there to play after she has eaten her food.

The best friend named Beo Gao Soo called Lashwentie to talk to her and tell her the news. You know she is very curious and wanted to know about the news what is that. The look in her face when she heard about this news was something else she was so surprised yet interested.

She hated Cheng Park with all that she has, because he was popular and she hated guys who are popular. To her eyes they all seemed like douchebags and she despised that. The reason is that he was a douche he would changegirlfriends like nobodies business. He carried himself like a boss since girls were head over hills for him but this girl Lashwentie she could not care less at all. When she saw him she wished to rip off his skin and peel off his eyes so he can not see the misery he has caused all the girls he has been playing. He would make her vomit just by his presence and this would be the reason for him not to confess his feeling for her.

Beo:" Hello are you fine?"

Lashwnetie:" I am well thanks and yourself?"

"I am good my name is Beo but you can also call me Gao if you like."

"Nice to know, well I am Lashwentie and you can call me by just that."

"Okay fiesty huh, I like that, you are very interesting I would say. So it is my friends birthday today may you wish him."

"Why should I do that and what is it in for me?"

"Please you will shine up his day he will appreciate that a lot."

"No I refuse to do so and besides I don't like you and your friends at all so no."

His friends appeared from the corner while they were bickering from all this. They look fresh and their scent were so wonderful. It called upon all the bees of the school to look at them.

"Hey Park I think Lashwentie wants to say something."

"What the fuck is wrong with you jerk?", frowned her eyebrows while looking into Beo

"Hey Lashwentie are you okay.... emhyou look like a... beautiful I mean you are okay like fine beacuse I am good or okay, okay I am saying too much?" (Shaking Cheng)

"Hello Mr and how did you know my name are you a stalker?"

"Yeah I mean no not really I am not."

"Okay I hear it is your birthday today. Hapoy birthday."

"Wow (smiled with joy) thank you so much. I really appreciate that you have made my day. May you give me a hug or emh if you do not mind?"

She hugged him and he smiled while looking at her it was strange her heart was beating fast she felt the chills in her skin something that has never happened to any guy especially a douche.

Group of friends of Cheng "Ncwaaaaaaaaaaaa (Laughed while looking at them hugging each other)."

Everyone looked at ber with mad faces they are so furious for him to hug her of all people and especially on his birthday could it be possibly that he is dating her. Why would his friend do this and say that for the world to see no ways this is not. It can't be she has nothing that is interesting for him. She is just a girl with nothing but a science freak.

She ran to tell Moesha about this moment and they laughed together while walking back home. She was so excited and happy from all of this. Her skin stood tall when he hugged her. Her eyes dialected she could feel him inside of her already too soon for that. His scent filled her nostrils with forbidden fragrance. How could it be that he is making her feel this way, could it be like the Beauty and the Beast no ways this is not a fantasy or movie it is real life. Her heart running around in circle all over her body moving pass the ribcage into her teeth causing a huge smile.

On ger way to the shop she bumped into him Cheng Park.

"How is this possible why am I seeing him again and so soon?"

"Hey Lashwentie are you okay?"

"Yeah I am fine thanks and yourself? What are you doing here?"

"This is my neighbourhood I stay here. I am also good to see you... I mean I am okay."

"You live here wow that is strange same here."

"Nice I will be seeing you more often right... I want to tell you something."

"Sure what is that?"


"It can't be a confession no ways."


"I have liked you since the 8th grade. I always had a crush on you the very first time I saw you. You always made my day and you were the reason forme to go to school. I felt the urge to go to school and study just so I could see your beautiful smile. Your eyes made me think that there is a possibility for us. I know you hate me but please giveme a chance to love you. You have changed me to be a better person I always study so that I cpuld impress you since you are so smart. You are just different from everyone else and that made me fall in love for you. Please give me a chance. All my friends know about this and after what they did today made me realise that I should tell you this after so many years I have kept this deep in my lungs where not even my heart could tell it but now I am ready to risk it all."

She looked at him deep in his eyes and said nothing her eyes were watery she could not believe that someone she hated turned out to have a crush on her how is this possible. Look at this guy he is well known and she is just a girl and a nerd it won't work. She had all of these emotions in her head and mostly she is scared to take this chance because she hated this guys and spoke bad about him how can she betray her feelings and fall for him. This needs time her mind is rushing and filling the air she is suffocating and can not see even him standing infront of her.

Clears her throat

"Okay this is new and yeah it is true I hate you... emmh wow I can't believe this woah no ways it can't be real somebody pinch me... I well I okay mmh I..."