
Crowned Pawn

In the dark alleys of Victorian London, Eros Corciato, a brilliant physicist and anatomist, finds himself entangled in a game of chess where the pieces are not ivory and ebony, but the very fabric of existence. His journey begins with a futile quest for immortality, but as the pawns fall and the chessboard extends beyond time, he discovers a deeper purpose. Lucas Dawnbringer, a mysterious visitor with secrets written in the ink of fallen angels, unveils a riddle encoded in the whispers of Paradise Lost. Psyche Lamperouge, a thief with a heart entwined with Eros's, becomes the shadow that dances through the enigma. "Crowned Pawn" is a symphony of shadows and echoes, a riddle whispered across time and dimensions. In this tale where every move is a revelation, the only certainty is the uncertainty of the next move. The game, it seems, is never truly over.

Kyuseishu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

XVII: "Vi et Animo: The City of Love"

Psyche indulged in a bath, and upon her completion, I followed suit. As I emerged, my damp hair cascading freely rather than restrained in the customary ponytail, Psyche remarked, "Mon amour, you appear quite fetching with your hair unbound. Perhaps you should let it flow freely, rather than confining it with a ponytail." While drying my hair, I responded, "I appreciate the compliment, but the practicality and professionalism of a ponytail suit my role as a physicist and professor."

We reclined together on the bed, succumbing to the embrace of sleep, until a sensation stirred me—a touch upon my foot. It was Psyche, gently caressing my foot with hers. Stirring from my slumber, I inquired, "You're still awake after our recent endeavors? How do you maintain such playfulness?" With laughter, she approached my ear, whispering, "Quite the opposite, my love. Stress and daring escapades exhilarate me." She playfully bit my ear, prompting a swift reaction. Seizing her by the neck, I drew close and asserted, "So be it; I shall leave you thoroughly exhausted." The subsequent moments unfolded in primal euphoria, culminating in restful slumber.

Midway through a dream, the scene shifted to the familiar café with Lucas. His voice echoed, "Awaken, Corciato. You lag behind, and your pursuit of the stone is endangered; it will be pilfered before your arrival." Abruptly, I awoke to the dawn, finding Psyche absent. A letter on the table conveyed, "Good morning, darling. Last night was delightful. I venture to Paris ahead of you to secure the stone. Catch me if you can. Let the race begin. Au Revoir." Laughter erupted from me—such an incorrigible spirit, forever defiant. Nevertheless, a thrilling challenge lay ahead—to determine who would claim the stone first.

Perched upon the bed, unclothed, I assumed a contemplative posture—ankles resting on knees, hands entwined beneath my chin. A cascade of thoughts flooded my mind as I pondered the impending chess match of wits. The allure of facing adversity fueled my excitement, for within the crucible of challenge, heroes are forged through cunning and perseverance. A devious yet contented smile adorned my face, relishing the prospect of overcoming obstacles.

Immersed in thought, I savored the intricate dance of strategy. Challenges were my playground, and emerging victorious from their intricate web was a testament to my love for the game. In the recesses of my mind, a simple yet calculated plan unfurled—board a train from Frankfurt to Paris, Psyche's anticipated battleground. The stage was set for a high-stakes confrontation.

Anticipating Psyche's calculated response, I envisioned her audacious move—opting for a daring daylight heist, veering from her usual nocturnal endeavors. The unpredictability of this plan was her hallmark, a reckless gambit designed to outwit and confound. I reveled in the prospect of a strategic duel, fully aware that her every move would be a calculated risk.

Swiftly gathering my belongings, I bade farewell to Herr Wagner and embarked on an automobile journey to Frankfurt. The first train to Paris awaited, a vessel hurtling through the tracks, bound for the City of Lights. Doubts lingered about Psyche's ability to secure an early train from Frankfurt, prompting the assumption that she might divert to Strasbourg before proceeding to Paris. The temporal disparity gained by her detour amounted to a mere 3 or 4 hours—an advantage insufficient for executing the stone's theft, unless clandestine preparations had been set in motion.

Yet, my present state was one of apparent helplessness, confined within the temporal cocoon of travel. Only upon reaching Paris could the pieces of my counterstrategy be set into motion, aligning with the intricate dance of Psyche's grand design.

Upon my arrival in Paris, a recollection surfaced, shedding light on Psyche's potential machinations. Paris, with its grandeur and intrigue, held a special place in her affections. In the recesses of my memory, I recalled her liaison with a skilled thief known as LeBlanc, aptly titled The White Magician.

LeBlanc, a masterful practitioner of thievery, boasted a triumphant record in numerous daring heists. Although their romantic entanglement had dissolved, the connection lingered, leaving a trail of possibilities. Could Psyche be scheming to manipulate LeBlanc, invoking his expertise for her clandestine endeavors? Only time would unfurl the answers in the unfolding of our mystifying pursuit.

Emerging onto the cold streets of Victorian Paris in the waning light of evening, I found myself enveloped in an exquisite blend of grandeur and mystique. The gas lamps cast an amber hue upon the cobbled boulevards, weaving a curtain of sophistication that adorned the city.

Paris, a realm of hidden intrigues and whispered confidences, unfolded like a finely spun narrative before me. The architectural wonders lining the streets, each bearing tales of an era steeped in romance and splendor, reached skyward with timeless elegance. The spires of cathedrals and opulent facades of mansions contributed to the ethereal beauty of the cityscape.

Beneath the glow of gaslight, Parisians elegantly attired in silks and waistcoats strolled along the Seine, their laughter harmonizing with the melodic strains of street musicians. Carriages, marked by the insignias of noble houses, traversed the serpentine streets, imparting an air of aristocratic grace to the nocturnal panorama.

The air itself, scented with perfumes and occasional wafts of tobacco, surrounded me in a sensory ballet. Vendors, hawking their goods, added market cries to the symphony of city life. The well-trodden cobblestones, weathered by the march of time, murmured tales of clandestine liaisons and concealed transactions.

Navigating the grand boulevards and winding alleys, the silhouette of the Eiffel Tower, absent from the skyline, yielded to the spires of Notre-Dame Cathedral—an emblem of faith and antiquity. The Seine River, a liquid mirror reflecting the city lights, wound through the heart of Paris, a sinuous ribbon linking disparate facets of this enigmatic metropolis.

In Victorian Paris, where shadows and light played in chiaroscuro, an enchanting energy pulsed through the air. Every corner hinted at an untold narrative, and every cobblestone whispered secrets of a bygone age. As I embraced the captivating allure of this city, I sensed that within its mazy lanes and majestic boulevards, a compelling chapter awaited in the unfolding drama of my quest.