
Crowned Pawn

In the dark alleys of Victorian London, Eros Corciato, a brilliant physicist and anatomist, finds himself entangled in a game of chess where the pieces are not ivory and ebony, but the very fabric of existence. His journey begins with a futile quest for immortality, but as the pawns fall and the chessboard extends beyond time, he discovers a deeper purpose. Lucas Dawnbringer, a mysterious visitor with secrets written in the ink of fallen angels, unveils a riddle encoded in the whispers of Paradise Lost. Psyche Lamperouge, a thief with a heart entwined with Eros's, becomes the shadow that dances through the enigma. "Crowned Pawn" is a symphony of shadows and echoes, a riddle whispered across time and dimensions. In this tale where every move is a revelation, the only certainty is the uncertainty of the next move. The game, it seems, is never truly over.

Kyuseishu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

XIII: "The Modern Prometheus: Ignis Faatus"

As Psyche and I traversed the threshold of Frankenstein Castle, a timeless hush enveloped the air within. Our meager candle's feeble flame struggled against the pervasive darkness that clung to the stone walls, as though the very architecture resisted the intrusion of illumination.

The expansive entrance hall unfolded before us, a cavernous chamber echoing with the echoes of epochs long past. Armor, once proud and gleaming, now stood in a state of disrepair, draped in cobwebs that spoke of ages of neglect.

Tapestries, ancient and faded, adorned the towering walls, capturing scenes from bygone eras. The dancing candlelight momentarily breathed life into the muted threads, offering fleeting glimpses into the tales woven within.

The timeworn floor beneath our footsteps creaked with the weight of history, its echoes resonating through the vast hall. Dust, stirred by our presence, hung suspended in the air, caught in an ethereal ballet of ephemeral particles.

Our flickering candle cast feeble rays, revealing mere fragments of the vast expanse. Elongated shadows writhed upon the walls, seemingly animated by a spectral presence that pervaded the castle's corridors. Each door, ancient and ponderous, hinted at concealed mysteries or concealed dangers.

A subtle draft whispered through the passages, rustling remnants of once-luxurious curtains. The scent of aged wood and musty tomes lingered, as if the very essence of the castle exhaled the fragrance of its own antiquity.

Ascending a worn spiral staircase, each groaning step propelled us further into the heart of silence. The walls closed in, shadows deepened, and the ethereal abyss seemed to await us around every twist and turn.

In a dimly lit corridor, branching rooms beckoned like secretive sanctuaries. Our footsteps, echoing through the stillness, resonated with the quietude that filled the castle's core. The occasional scurrying of unseen creatures added a spectral cadence to our explorations.

One slightly ajar door led us to a forgotten library, shelves burdened with volumes made fragile by the hands of time. Dust-coated tomes, their spines cracked and pages yellowed, held the weight of intellectual pursuits now consigned to neglect.

At a dilapidated desk, remnants of scholarly endeavors stood frozen in time. Tattered parchments and the faint scent of dried ink lingered, testament to intellectual pursuits abandoned amidst the march of years.

As we delved deeper into the library's recesses, the feeble candlelight flickered, casting uncertain shadows that seemed to dance with the whispers of scholars from eras past. The air, pregnant with knowledge, carried the weight of countless thoughts yearning for recognition.

Frankenstein Castle, with its labyrinthine corridors and concealed chambers, hinted at the promise of unraveling mysteries and confronting the echoes of its enigmatic past. Yet, as our candle's light diminished, casting uncertainty upon our path, the journey into the unknown persisted.

Psyche's exuberant voice resounded within the library's hallowed confines, a playful invocation to the elusive denizen of Frankenstein Castle. "Yoohooooo, Franky, come out come out wherever you are," she called, her words weaving through the labyrinthine shelves, only to return to us in haunting echoes.

As her melodious summons faded, a subtle disturbance caught my senses—a fleeting movement that materialized into the shadowy silhouette of a figure hastening away from the library's depths. Reacting swiftly, I beckoned to Psyche, "Follow me, my dear. Let us pursue this elusive presence."

Through the castle's winding corridors and dimly lit halls, our pursuit ensued, a delicate dance with the enigmatic figure that remained just beyond our grasp. Yet, as we neared what seemed like a climax, the figure vanished, leaving us at an unexpected impasse—a dead end.

Perplexed, I contemplated the sudden disappearance until a realization dawned upon me. "Wait, Psyche. A ruse, a clever deception," I exclaimed.

The redolence that assailed my heightened senses bore the unmistakable trace of iron, a metallic tang that danced upon the air with an eerie familiarity. The scent of blood, rich and robust, unfolded in layers, hinting at an intricacy that transcended the mundane. The fragrance, both unsettling and primal, whispered the age-old tale of vitality and transience, leaving an indelible mark upon the atmospheric canvas of the clandestine corridor.

This scent, a fragrance that overwhelmed my olfactory senses, permeated the air. Guided by this discerning ability, I traced the elusive aroma to the very wall before us.

Fingers probing the surface, I listened intently, detecting a subtle current of air emanating from behind the seemingly solid barrier. With an astute deduction, I postulated, "A concealed passage, cleverly veiled. We need only discover the mechanism that unlocks this hidden portal."

Upon the wall, inscribed in enigmatic script, a puzzling inquiry was etched...

"In shadows born of electric glow,

A creature forged, yet not to sow.

A child of science, stitched and scarred,

A nameless being, forever marred.

His eyes, like flames, with tales untold

, A wanderer, in moonlit cold.

What creature walks this lonely line?

Speak its name, this riddle define."

I exclaimed, "Manifestly, the elucidation to this enigma lies in the Modern Prometheus, Viktor's created being. Yet, think, Eros, think."

Engulfed in contemplation for a brief span, a mere ten seconds, I unraveled the intricacy of this stratagem. With a sudden burst of revelation, I declared, "Modern Prometheus, entwined with the narrative of Prometheus, famed for challenging the divine order by purloining fire from the Olympian deities. Bestowing this stolen fire upon humanity, Prometheus bequeathed knowledge, technology, and the foundations of civilization. Some renditions of the myth even attribute to him the creation of humankind from the very clay. Let us capitalize on this inference."

Seizing a candle, I ignited the torch adorning the left side of the wall. In an ephemeral moment of illumination, the wall commenced movement, unveiling a concealed passage to the subterranean depths.

As anticipated by Psyche, an entrance to an enigmatic underground domain materialized, possibly the dwelling and laboratory of Frankenstein himself.

Psyche commended, "Astute thinking, my clever companion. Your acumen remains as keen as ever." Subsequently, we descended the stairs leading to an uncharted subterranean realm...