
Crown Of Embers

In a strange world where everything is about fire and people can do impossible things, Elise's father goes missing. She goes on a long journey to find him and accidentally uncovers the plot of a king who is trying to regain control over his people. Elise gets involved and meets a group of people who call themselves the Rebellion. They're trying to stop the king. Elise also makes new friends who help her on her journey. Some are even more than friends. They help her find the truth about herself and what she is capable of. She is no ordinary girl of ashes.

LittleHen · Fantasi
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7 Chs

Chapter Seven

Lyra wrestled with her thin covers and struggled to get comfortable, but she couldn't sleep. Her mind was buzzing with questions and energy. She climbed out of her bed, stepping carefully so she didn't wake her sleeping brothers. She tiptoed across the cheap wooden floors and past her maple wood desk which her father had made for her when she was very young. He had stated that she was getting to be so big and needed a big girl desk. It was now covered in her mother's medicine and various papers. She spotted a picture that Haylo had drawn her when she had reached her fourth stage and smiled at the memory of him scribbling with the different colored chalks. She emerged into the hall and peeked through a crack in Haylo and Tristan's bedroom door. Haylo was sound asleep, snoring softly, and Tristan seemed to be asleep as well. Lyra smiled as she watched her little brothers and eventually unstuck her feet from their spot on the floor and crept down the rickety stairs. She quickly threw on a cream jacket and her trashed shoes over her nightgown and socks and slipped out the door soundlessly. She breathed in the cool night air and let out a big sigh. The warm breeze blew her hair into her face and the stars twinkled brightly in her eyes, but she just stood there, taking in the beauty of the night sky. It looked as if it had been woven by loving hands; as if the stars were little flecks of white in the black wool and the moon was a little patch of pale silk to top it all off. Her neck was starting to ache, so she lowered her head and commenced on the path that led behind their town. She walked the path for a while, watching the acres and acres of green grass go by on the right, and the dark forest on her left. Lyra stopped as she finally reached her destination. There was a break in the trees and she stepped through the small tunnel -that hid the place from unwelcome eyes- and into the meadow. She walked through the long grass and the luscious flowers, brushing her hands gently along the delicate petals. The fireflies flew around happily and the trees swayed calmly in the soft breeze. This was a place of peace for her and she often came here when she was stressed or overwhelmed. She drank in the silence and calmness, savoring every moment.

"I wonder what a girl like you is doing somewhere like this in the middle of the night," said a voice.

Lyra spun around, looking for a body to match the unknown voice. Her eyes landed on a big male figure in dazzling silver armor. In the dim moonlight she could make out very little of his facial features, but he had shoulder-length white hair and dark eyes. He was standing casually by the entrance of the meadow. He had a flower in his hand and was twirling it expertly between his fingers.

"It's dangerous out here at night, you know." He cooed. "What with all the predators around."

Lyra flinched as the strange man suddenly crushed the beautiful flower in his fist. Pale ashes sprinkled to the ground as the man upended his hand.

"You see, I have a proposition for you... Lyra."

* * *

Elise woke to the glaring sun in her eyes. She rose to a sitting position and rubbed her eyes groggily. Everything was hazy and seemed illuminated by the warm morning light. She looked to her left to see Wren still sleeping silently. His ruffled black hair was shining in the sun which gave it a bright sheen. His dark eyelashes were a stark contrast against his ghostly pale skin. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping, it was kind of cute. She mentally slapped herself for such a ridiculous thought. She left him there and walked towards the wagon. She hid behind the rock and watched. Neither of the guards were up yet and seemed to have given up on repairing the wheel, but the horses were roaming around nearby. She sucked in a deep breath and marveled at the silence and warmth, soaking in the morning sun. She felt a light tap on her shoulder and let out a deep sigh when she saw Wren.

"You surprised me." She exclaimed.

Wren smiled shyly. "My apologies." He answered. "I wanted to ask if you are bored of this rest stop as I am."

"What do you mean?" Asked Elise, not quite understanding him.

"Well, I have a plan to get the wagon back on the road." He explained. One small strand of his hair went silver.

"Alright what is it?"

Elise watched Wren in confusion as he scouted around nearby.

"What are you looking for?" She asked him, very confused.

He didn't answer. He picked something up off the ground and broke it in half. She hoped the guards couldn't hear all the noise. He walked back toward her with a stick in his hand and a grin on his face. He pulled his cloak over his head and around his body tightly; concealing it.

"Just watch." He told her.

His grin faded and he stumbled out from behind the rock into sight of the sleeping guards. It took all Elise's willpower not to grab him and stop him from doing whatever crazy thing he was planning. The guard's trained ears must have heard him and their heads snapped up.

"Hey, you! What are ya doing?" Demanded the first guard as he raised his spear. There is no way this is going to work, Elise thought.

"Ohhh, I'm so thirsty I would do anything for a fresh bowl of water!" Exclaimed Wren in a squeaky high-pitched voice. Elise had to shove a fist into her mouth to keep herself from giggling. The guards eyed each other.

"Hey, old man! Would you trade a bit-o manual labor for some food and water?" Asked the second guard. The first guard shoved him in the shoulder.

"He's an old man! He can't do no manual labor!"

"Well, we need someone to fix our wagon!"

"We'll find someone else!"

Wren suddenly cleared his throat loudly. "Excuse me, men, I've had lots of practice fixin' up old vehicles like your own. O-course I would trade some food and water for fixin' up your rickety wagon."

Elise had a feeling that Wren had not had as much practice as he claimed.

"Great!" Exclaimed the second guard and pointed toward the wagon.

The first guard crossed his arms and sighed in exasperation.

"Fine, let's make this interesting then shall we? The amount of food and water you get depends on how fast you fix it up." He suggested. Wren nodded cheerfully and went to study the broken vehicle, all the while humming a happy tune.

* * *

Tristan had pretended to sleep when Lyra had come. The door had closed and her steps had receded down the stairs. When he was sure she wasn't upstairs anymore, he had thrown aside his covers and crept down the stairs after her. The front door had just been closing and he had quickly pulled on his worn leather hunting boots. With the idea that she was escaping fast, he had opened the door to follow but had seen her just outside, staring at the sky. He had instantly shut it again and she hadn't seemed to see him. He had opened the door just a crack and after about thirty seconds, she had lowered her gaze and started along the path that led to their beloved meadow. Tristan had followed her all the way in silence, keeping 15 feet away at all times. Most of the time, his footsteps were masked by the humming and growling of nocturnal creatures, but at one point, he had stepped on a twig and there was a loud snapping sound. Lyra had glanced quickly in his direction but obviously passed it off as a small animal. Lyra would come here sometimes in the middle of the night when things were especially tough, but this time it was something else, he could feel it. And he was right. Tristan had waited for Lyra to reply, hoping with all the power inside him that she would not agree to this man's "proposition". In the end, she had shaken her head and had started to walk away. The big man shook his head slowly and chuckled.

"What if I add another variable?" It was more of a demand than a question. But Tristan had inched away before he could suggest his offer. He didn't want to know what Lyra would say. He didn't want her to leave him.

He was now sitting by the back of the house, crying quietly. His whole body shook as salty tears ran down his cheeks like a river. Lyra called him her brave boy, but he was anything but brave. As a little boy, he would get bullied at school and in the streets because of his size. Every day, he would come home and cry into Lyra's shoulder. And later, when he had graduated from school, he would get beat up and picked on while running errands. Sometimes, he would even pee himself. Now, he had more responsibility and he had realized the harsh conditions they lived in. Obviously, he would keep it to himself, but every once and in a while, it was too much. He would come out here and cry himself dry. Lyra treated him like an adult, and he was grateful for it, but he wasn't ready to be treated like that. He was only in his third stage anyway. Sometime during his pity party, he had stopped crying. His eyes were probably swollen and red like they always were.

"Tris?" said a concerned familiar voice, using his childhood nickname.

Tristan wiped his eyes to dry them. He didn't respond. Lyra sat down beside him and looked into his eyes. Her silver ones were glistening with worry.

"Why are you out here all alone?" She asked gently.

He still didn't answer. He didn't want to be a pain for his sister but he didn't want to talk. He just wanted her to hold him like she had when he was younger.

"Tell me what's wrong." Her voice was now tinged with fear.

Tristan raised his head to look back into her eyes.

"You're leaving aren't you?" He asked softly. The moment he said the words, he started sobbing again. They racked his body like a disease, sucking up all his energy. Lyra shuffled closer and let out a deep sigh. She put her arms around him and held on tight. He leaned into her comforting arms gratefully, finding peace in her touch.

"I don't want to leave you and Haylo." She said after a moment. "But when I come back, everything will be all better."

She really seemed to believe it. Even though Tristan didn't want her to leave, he tried to believe it too. He nodded and wiped his eyes again. Lyra poked him in the side playfully, all plans of leaving forgotten. When he didn't smile, Lyra poked him again, this time in the belly. Right where he was ticklish. He let out a sudden peal of laughter and poked her back. Lyra pointed.

"Race you to that tree." She exclaimed and took off.

"Hey! You cheated!" He yelled after her, but he was beaming childishly.

He missed this. Just spending time and playing with Lyra. He got up and ran, trying to catch his sister. She was almost at the tree and was grinning like a fool. Joy bubbled up inside him as he jogged up to her and tackled her to the ground, suspending her jog towards the finish line. She squealed. While Lyra was struggling to get up, Tristan walked slowly toward the big oak tree. He put his hand against the rough bark.

"I win!"

* * *

Elise shoved hard. She threw a shoulder in. All the food wouldn't fit in Wren's small leather satchel. Wren had fixed the guard's wagon in a grand total of one minute. They had won two packs of dried fruit, a loaf of stale bread, a few apples, and some dried meat. The guards had also given over two flagons of clean water. As she struggled, Wren tried to make conversation.

"So, you never told me why you're going to the palace." He inquired.

Elise sighed. "I don't need to share my personal information with you."

"Well, I did tell you my name and my age." He said. "I think that's pretty personal."

Her eyes almost popped out of her sockets.

"While," he continued. "you haven't even told me your name."

Elise sighed again. She had no interest in sharing her secrets, but lying was not honorable.

"I'm following the wagon to get to the palace so that I can free the prisoner that's in that wagon." She told him.

"Ah I see, so it's for a totally selfless reason?" He asked in a tone that suggested he knew otherwise. "Anyway, I think if the royal guards captured a prisoner, the prisoner is in there for a reason." He continued. "And if they're in there for no reason, there's more than one of them."

Elise was surprised at his wisdom and intelligence, but she didn't show it.

"Fine, I'm actually going to the palace to rescue my father." She told him in defeat. She had meant to say that it was to rescue a friend, but there was something about Wren that made her want to be honest and tell the truth. Wren only smiled.

"I'm here for the opposite. I'm here to escape my father."