
C118- Popalis (4)

"Your dad is the Margrave, isn't he?", asked Andy.

"Yes. And unfortunately, he will side with the Emperor."

"A-are you sure? Can you not talk to him? I really don't want to fight against him, for more than one reasons..."

"Do you think I want to, Corvin?"

"N-No... I didn't say that."

"I know. Sorry..."

"How strong is the Margrave, Noah?", asked Russet.

"He is strong enough to fight against a colossus on his own depending on how strong the monster is..."

"I see..."

"There are actually people I met who were physically stronger than him. But, he is more than pure power. He uses his magic cleverly, especially with his sword.", said Corvin.

"Mordais, was it?"

"Yes, his sword's name is that. It is not a basic sword. He can use that sword like how I use mine."

"What do you mean?"

"The blunt edge of the blade is thick. There are many small air tunnels at the back of it's edge. He uses his magic to heat those pockets up, kind of similar to how the rifle works. He heats the air inside of the pockets and speed up his sword. That's why it's handle is like a glove almost. When he also heats the sword up as well, it basically turns into a sword that can melt anything and also move absurdly fast."

"I see..."

"But that's not all.", added Roz. "The most important problem is his leadership. Being a good fighter doesn't make you a margrave. It makes you a knight. He is also a good general. When you are trying to play a game, you will find yourself at his palm, spinning like a toy if you aren't careful. Really... He is kind of unfair, isn't he?"

"Ah, right. You fought against him, didn't you, Mrs. Roz?"

She sighed, smiled and said.

"Yeah. Your father gave me a really hard time when I was young. I was defeated so fast. But, from that experience I can tell a weakness of his."

"Weakness? What is it?"

"It's because of him that I didn't lose my life back then. He was the one who appealed to the Emperor to just cut my ring fingers as a punishment. He is kinder than a normal general, which is a weakness in the battlefield."

After Roz finished her sentence, Noah took a deep breath and spoke.

"It's probably because you were young. He isn't that kind to older people. He just thinks younger people shouldn't be involved in wars. But, even that kindness has a limit. We will still need to properly fight against him."

"Can't you convince him, Noah?", asked Corvin once again.

"No... Our family has been loyal to the Empire since forever. Just like the swan that symbolizes our family, we are loyal to our bone. Our family has never once betrayed the Empire. I am most likely the first person in the Vyolor family that is plotting against the Empire."

Everyone went silent, thinking. After a while, Corvin lifted his head and broke the silence.

"If we have a weakness, all we have to do is cover that weakness with our strengths. As you said, we may be behind in military experience, but we also have the economical advantage. Let's work on utilizing that advantage the best instead of brooding over our weaknesses.", said Corvin.

Roz nodded her head and spoke.

"I agree. A better army is not everything in warfare. You need to have the money to keep fighting that war, and the logistics to feed your army."

Corvin stood up in excitement and spoke with enthusiasm.

"That's right! Logistics and better weapons! We can do all of those! Clair and I are almost there, we are about to change logistics forever!"

"I know that, but how long will it take, Corvin? It hasn't been long since you all started working on it, right?", asked Noah.

"Y-Yes, that's true. But! Most of it is things we already have, we just have to put them together! If we had some help, I am sure it wouldn't take too long."

Noah turned towards Bely.

"Can we request help from the Duke for this? We need people experienced in machines and vehicles."

"I will convey your request to the Duke as fast as possible.", he said.

"Thank you."

After that, the meeting continued on the topic of economical investments and production. From a secret weapons manufactory in the Pevo territory, to expand the Parres shipyards to start the development of an engine that could move a steel ship, they planned new projects. If the Duke accepted their request, a few craftsmen would come to Demice city to help Clair and Corvin to invent new vehicles.

After the meeting concluded with decisions about the next issue of the newspaper, everybody got up from the table and shook hands.

"Honestly, it felt like a business meeting more than anything.", said Andy.

"Well, what can you do about it? Things are getting tense. We can't have a relaxing chat like the meetings before anymore.", said Russet.

"More than chatting, wasn't it kind of just Noah speaking about his dreams?", said Roz.

"U-Uh... It wasn't just me talking, right?", asked Noah.

Russet snickered and shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, we could get our opinions in as well.", he said.

"Well, that's it for today, right? I am returning to Piscea, so I should leave early. Good night, everyone.", said Roz and headed towards the door.


"Corvin? What happened?"


'I think I felt something faint, but I don't think that was a human so, it's okay....'

After Roz, the others also left. Noah and Corvin were the last ones to leave.


'I had guessed something fishy was going on but... to think that little Noah was plotting something like this... And with the disciple as well...'

The brown hair of a tall man flapped on his head as he flew under the orange sky. Jack was sent to the capitol to observe what was going on in the capitol by the Margrave. He had been watching for a few days, and today, he came across Noah and Corvin. Before he could call out to them, they started running towards a building.

Curious, he watched them from afar. They descended down a secret stair and entered a room. He hid inside the building and used his magic very carefully to eavesdrop on the conversation inside.