
C113- Janeen and the Copy (6)

Standing still and looking at the view, Janeen muttered a question.

"Where is this? Where are we?"

She expected an answer but none came back.


Hearing a grunt, she turned towards the noise. There he was, the boy she was after. She had to kill him and finally live freely, without any worries. So, she tightened her trembling hands and gripped the spear tighter.

The boy's arms twitched from time to time. Janeen stopped a few steps away from him, the right amount of distance for her spear. She gulped and lifted her arms. She swung the spear towards the boy.


Just as the spear was going to hit him, Janeen missed the target. She gripped the spear even tighter with her shaking hands and lifted it up once again.

'Come on... You can do it, you have to do it...'

Janeen closed her eyes and swung the spear once again.


After hearing the spear hit something, she opened her eyes slowly.

"I-Is it done?"

But at where the boy were, there was only a small puddle of blood and a spear tip stabbed to the ground.

"Hah~ No. Too... bad.", said the boy with a growling voice.

Janeen's eyes shot open and turned towards the voice.

"H-How are you able to get up?"

The boy smiled creepily and answered.

"Hah~ I don't know. It Hah~ doesn't hurt as much anymore... It's just Hah~ tiring..."

Corvin took a step towards Janeen. Janeen took a step back and pointed her spear towards him.

"D-Don't get closer."

"Or what? Aren't we trying to kill each other anyways?"

"No. I am going to kill you, that's all."

"Really? Hah~ You look pretty scared though..."

Corvin took a step towards Janeen. Janeen's hands shook a little but she quickly tightened her grip and kept the spear towards Corvin.

"Sh-shut up."

Janeen closed her eyes and thrusted the spear towards Corvin. The spear glowed green faintly but the glow disappeared quickly. Corvin tried to dodge the thrust but he wasn't fast enough and the spear stabbed him in the shoulder before he held it with his hand.

"Ugh! I guess I am too tired to use magic, huh?"

With his hands trembling from injuries, Corvin pulled the spear out of his shoulder. For some reason, he was feeling less pain so he could do this. He knew he was losing a lot of blood but that was better than dying, so he continued.

His eyes weren't seeing clearly, but as he pulled himself using the spear towards the girl holding it, he could see she was terrified. He could feel the trembling of her hands through the spear. 

With blood dripping from all over his body, he slowly made his way towards the girl, who was standing there like she was frozen. Her body refused to let go of the spear, she wanted to run away but she couldn't give the weapon to the boy so she had to hold it tightly. She wanted to swing the boy off the spear but somehow, he was stronger than her even with all those injuries.

As Corvin came closer, fear won over and she let go of the spear and ran towards Corvin. He was heavily injured and she had to be faster than him. Suddenly losing his balance, Corvin fell to the ground and Janeen got on top of him. Her trembling hands reached towards his neck.

"Ugh... Ghh..."

Corvin's hand that was still holding the spear moved and he tried to use it but it was too long to be of any help. As Janeen strangled him, he reached for his belt. His sword wasn't there but the sheath was still there. While trying to get her hands away from his throat with one hand, he struggled to grip the sheath.

Janeen shook his head and hit it on the ground. Corvin forced himself to use magic and managed to loosen Janeen's hands for a few seconds. His nose and eyes were bleeding because of straining himself and he only had a few seconds to move. He quickly gripped the sheath and thrusted it's tip towards her neck.

The pointy tip of the sheath pierced through Janeen's neck. She had a shocked expression but her face was lifeless. Corvin's whole body gave up and he slumped down, out of breath. He turned his head towards Janeen's lifeless body and the puddle of blood under them.

'I-I just... killed someone....'

Just before passing out, he caught the glimpse of a dark smoke with blue glint. The smoke approached him and touched his head as his eyes closed.


Whoosh~ Whoosh~

Under the moonlight, accompanied by the noise of the ocean, a pair of blue eyes stared at the sky. He lifted his hand and tried to reach them, but the stars were too far away.

'Oh, I am dreaming... I was wondering where I was...', thought Corvin.

After giving up on touching the sky, he lowered his arm and turned to his left. On the balcony, he was alone. The seat next to him was empty. The table in front of his seat was filled with metal cans and glass bottles. He picked the glass on the table and took a sip of the wine in it.

'Is this one of those dreams? Where is everyone?', asked Corvin in his mind. A feeling of unease crept up his nerves.


The man exhaled a deep sigh and lowered his head to his knees, looking down at the feet of his chair. As his lips quivered, he rubbed his eyes hard. Just then, he heard a whine and felt something softly bump to his head.

Lifting his head, he saw a big and fluffy dog with golden fur. The dog looked sad and concerned. It whined once again and placed it's paw on his knee. The man got down on the ground and hugged the big dog. The tears he was trying to hold back were pouring out one again. He continued to cry while hugging the dog for a while.

After his tears dried up for today, he looked at the dog with a smile and kissed it's head.

"Thank you Chrys, you are a good boy."

He got up and patted the dog.

"Do you want some treats? You get extra today."

He wiped his eyes once again and then walked inside. The dog wagged it's tail and walked into the house with the man.

'Why... Why do I feel so suffocated?', asked Corvin before the world around him faded away.