
Crossing in the Gambling City

Once, I was a hardworking soul toiling for many years, yet unable to afford a down payment for a house. I lived in a rented room, eating instant noodles, daydreaming of a wealthy life. Now, the tides have turned, and I've been reborn as the sole heir to a gambling tycoon in the city of casinos. The world inside the casino turns out to be more exhilarating and wild than I could have ever imagined...

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34 Chs

The Old Street and the Fortune Teller

Less than a week had passed since the accident.

Jason Hart found himself in a whirlwind of luxury - fancy cars, lavish homes, a fortune worth billions, and a bevy of beautiful women. It all left him bewildered, struggling to adapt to his new reality.

However, it was the experience of being pampered while depositing money that truly opened his eyes. Invited to the exclusive VIP room, showered with compliments, and offered gifts by the manager, even solicited to invest in various financial products, Jason couldn't help but feel elated. He realized that his life had taken a dramatic turn.

The irony of criticizing others, only to find oneself in similar circumstances, was not lost on Jason.

After having a female teller wash his cup and brew green tea for him, Jason leisurely strolled out with the cup in hand.

Wearing a safety helmet felt reminiscent of his days of slacking off at the construction site.

Observing the scene, the bank manager couldn't help but feel like he was watching an old man taking a leisurely stroll. He couldn't resist muttering, "The young master of a wealthy family is truly different, so handsome... Hey you, remember to call soon and find a good fund or insurance to recommend to him! If we can secure it, we won't have to worry about our performance targets this year!"

A teller, puzzled by a recent call, remarked, "The head office seems quite nervous. The private banking VIP service manager instructed us to treat our wealthy clients well. They must have noticed a significant influx of funds into the accounts."

As Jason got into his car, the manager sighed, "That's it, the head office will definitely intercept him. It won't be our turn to market to him. A Rolls-Royce with a single-digit license plate? Unbelievable! Whose is that, number 3 in the casino? George the real estate mogul? I remember seeing news about him spending over a million on a license plate."

Jason left, but the chatter continued within the bank...

The driver knew where to buy sandalwood.

They went to buy sandalwood first.

Jason had arranged to meet Liam at the bar at half past seven that evening, but it was only just past five in the evening. In a city like the gambling capital, everything was conveniently close by, so there was no need to rush.

After parking the car, Jason followed the driver to an old street bustling with people.

Toys, groceries, breakfast foods, cooked meats, and more were being sold along the street.

There were also Southeast Asian girls with slightly dark skin, speaking in a peculiar accent.

The Indian flatbread was being sold by Indians, but the hygiene conditions were a bit poor. Despite the tempting aroma, Jason opted to keep his distance.

There was also a Japanese-run video tape rental store, with posters and some cover images sparking endless imagination.

It was this kind of unhealthy vibe that made Jason stop and take note of the locations, silently planning to come back later to buy some tapes... mainly to learn Japanese.

With the driver in tow, he felt awkward going in.

Continuing down the street, they saw numerous hair salons and massage parlors in the adjacent alleys, all closed and shuttered. There must have been twenty to thirty of them at a glance.

It was easy to guess that while the main street was lively during the day, the action shifted to these alleys at night.

Jason grinned, feeling that the local atmosphere was quite liberal, without any ulterior motives.


"Jason Hart, we've arrived," the driver reminded as he noticed Jason still walking ahead.

The driver was a burly figure who had previously worked as a sergeant at the police station. After an unexpected resignation, he ended up at Jason Hart's house. He didn't talk much, but he was considered a bodyguard, albeit one with few words.

Jason followed the driver into the shop.

The shopkeeper recognized the driver and, after a brief conversation, realized that it was George's son buying the incense. He immediately followed the usual protocol.

He took out some stock from the cabinet and packed ten boxes. It was said that these were incense sticks that had been offered in temples, imbued with the aura of the Buddha and worshipped by thousands.

Therefore, the price was relatively high, at four hundred yuan per box.

Accustomed to buying bundles of incense for just three yuan, Jason felt a sense of being swindled upon hearing the price.

However, the scent of this sandalwood incense, after burning, was indeed identical to the ones at home. The packaging was plain, but the price was exorbitant.

This only reinforced Jason's belief that his father cared deeply about these things. He casually asked, "Why is it so expensive? What material is used to make this incense? I smell it every day at home, and if anything goes wrong..."

The owner of the candle and paper shop couldn't discern Jason's background and asked the driver, "Is he your master?"

The driver quickly shook his head and gestured, "He's George's son. I'm just responsible for driving."

Upon hearing this, the shop owner perked up.

Enthusiastically, he explained, "You can rest assured about the items we sell in our shop, young master Jason Hart. These incenses are made by monks from temples using the finest Indian sandalwood from the mountains. Prolonged exposure is not only harmless but beneficial! Your father has been a regular customer for over ten years."

"...Alright then."

The scent was indeed quite pleasant, but the only downside was the price.

Reluctantly, Jason paid, and the driver helped carry the bags.

At this time, the street was bustling with activity.

Seeing a pizza shop bustling with customers, Jason felt hungry and invited the driver to join him for a meal.

Having driven for Jason for almost a year, the driver was surprised. It was the first time Jason had invited him to eat together.

Even more surprising was Jason crossing his legs and casually sipping tea, saying, "There are so many fools like my dad, making a fortune for the incense vendors. I can't see what's so good about it. Selling a box for four hundred, equivalent to twenty-one sticks? Instead of offering incense, they might as well just burn money."


The driver's astonishment was evident on his face.

He wondered, could this guy actually do simple math?

Usually, after drinking, Jason would give tips of hundreds or even thousands of yuan, freely spending money everywhere. But now, he seemed to be stingy about a mere four thousand?

Was he still the same spendthrift and arrogant prodigal son as usual?

Had his family cut off his pocket money? Gone broke? Learned to live within his means?

A series of questions flashed through the driver's mind, but he just smiled and said, "Yeah, despite the small size of his shop, many influential figures come to buy things. The profit margins should be quite substantial."

Opening the lid again, Jason took a slow sip of tea, complaining, "The water is too hot, the tea leaves are overcooked, and I don't really like this taste. Let's find another teahouse later."

"...I've known you for so long, and I've never seen you drink tea."

The driver felt that something was off about Jason today.

Usually responsible for driving, they had spent nearly a year together, with Jason often ignoring him. The driver was fine with that, as he preferred a quiet ride. Their relationship was limited to discussions about where to go, what time to arrive, and how long to wait.

Seeing Jason suddenly change his behavior, the driver felt uncomfortable. He continued, "I know a teahouse run by a friend of mine. The prices are fair, and he has connections with many tea farmers from the mainland, so the quality is guaranteed."

"Great! I heard they have new products. I want to try all the new teas when we go there."

With a few million yuan in his account, Jason was feeling generous.

He decided to improve his lifestyle, stocking up on good tea before the new year and enjoying it until the spring.

Just then, a short, round-faced middle-aged man approached.

Sitting next to Jason, he looked nervous as he said, "Young man! I just did a divination for you nearby, and I discovered something incredible! You're in great danger! But with your aura, you're definitely a dragon among men. I have a way to help you avert disaster!"

A strong smell of steamed buns wafted over.

Only then did Jason realize that this person was a fortune teller.

The driver's face turned dark as he stood up to shoo the man away.

Ignoring him, the fortune teller continued, "My shop is right next door, with fair prices and no deceit!"

The anger of the pizza shop owner flared up first. Throwing the rag on the ground, he shouted, "You scoundrel! Always disturbing my customers' meals. Get lost!"
