
Crossing Dimensions

Since ancient times, humans have dreamed of possessing supernatural powers, such as flying, controlling the elements, and even traveling through time and space. However, no one has achieved this dream despite all attempts, whether through magic, meditation, or other means. This dream reached a point where it became merely an unattainable hope, as superhuman powers cannot be obtained through current human methods. Follow the journey of Earth and humanity in achieving the dream of superpowers.

FantasyScribe · Fantasi
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The Journey of Discovery

Since ancient times, humans have dreamed of possessing supernatural powers, such as flying, controlling the elements, and even traveling through time and space. However, no one has achieved this dream despite all attempts, whether through magic, meditation, or other means. This dream reached a point where it became merely an unattainable hope, as superhuman powers cannot be obtained through current human methods.

On June 24th, 2024, the joint secret mission of the world powers approached the South Pole of the Earth, the mysterious place that remained unknown to ordinary earth dwellers.

Approximately two kilometers below the Earth's surface, the mission members encountered a massive stone door, ten meters long and six meters wide, adorned with unknown and beautiful decorations and drawings.

Drawings that could render all known art inferior in their beauty and splendor. But expressions of shock never left the faces of the mission members; how could a stone door of this size defy the laws of physics and remain standing in the sky?

"It seems we need to contact the main base before deciding what to do," whispered the mission leader under his breath before continuing with an order. "Corporal Jayden, prepare the communication device with the main base." Without any further words, Corporal Ahmed complied with the orders and began preparing the communication tools with the base.

After a few minutes, Corporal Jayden finished his preparations, and the commander proceeded to communicate with the base. "Commander Peter to main base, please respond as soon as possible. I repeat, please respond as soon as possible." In fact, people on the other side did not delay, as they quickly responded.

"This is the main base, Commander Peter, what's the situation?" replied the other side in a cold voice. In fact, this did not bother the commander; all this was part of military arrangements.

"In response to the base's question, we are at the specified location after several hours of drilling towards the Earth's depths. After receiving the signal from this location, our team spared no effort in performing their duty." He paused for a second before continuing. "Upon reaching the site, we were surprised to find what appeared to be a natural stone chamber. However, the strange thing is that in the middle of this chamber stands a massive stone door in the air, defying the laws of physics."

The base took nearly half an hour to respond. "Commander Peter, you can take the necessary measures to discover the truth behind these supernatural phenomena, you and your crew. Furthermore, after discussion, the base has decided to grant you the authority to make decisions in all subsequent events. Best of luck, Commander Peter."

It took only a second for the commander to salute and end the call.

"Alright, folks, we have a lot of work ahead of us. Everyone to their positions, let's go." Peter gave a series of orders in preparation to advance towards the mysterious door in an attempt to discover the secret of its suspension in the air, disregarding Earth's gravity.

After a period of continuous effort and setting up protection and monitoring, Peter, who was wearing a full black suit covering his entire body with vision holes, approached the door. With every step he took towards the door, tension, anxiety, and a hint of fear grew in Peter's heart. This feeling did not leave him until he stood in front of the door. He felt a strange desire to touch the door, and without realizing it, his hand began to reach for the door until he touched it.

The surprise was that the door, which was obviously stone and ancient, emitted a bright white light from its edges, and it began to penetrate towards the center of the door, which seemed like a depiction of the sun. And although the anxiety continued to grow inside Peter, he could not move or express himself, as if he were magnetically paralyzed in front of this enchanting sight.

As the bright light continued to penetrate into the door, it reached the drawn sun in the center, where it disappeared and turned into a hole in the next moment. Meanwhile, Peter struggled internally, trying to determine the next step. But this struggle did not last long, as thoughts from an unknown entity intervened in Peter's internal dialogues, pushing him to pass his hand through the hole.

Peter, a veteran of wars and torture, with a strong mentality and psyche, could not resist those overwhelming thoughts that controlled him.

In compliance with those thoughts, he passed his hand through the hole, only to be severed moments later. It seemed as if he had awakened from a terrible nightmare, as his scream filled the room. In an attempt to distance himself from the hole, he tried to turn and flee, but a mysterious force kept him attached, sucking his blood and transporting it through the decorations and drawings of the door towards the edges.

Incredibly fast, all the blood was drained from his body, turning him into what resembled a mummy. The door, which had emitted white light through it, quickly turned red due to Peter's blood, and a wave of energy emanated from it, pushing Peter and everyone else in the room towards its walls, where they fell on their knees.

Corporal Jayden, responsible for communications, was on his knees, trying to redirect his gaze towards the door, but when his eyes met it, fear overcame him. The door began to open slowly, to fully open in a few seconds, and from it emerged what appeared to be dense black fog, causing severe burns to the skin of anyone who inhaled it, resulting in the death of the majority of the mission members, except for those who quickly realized what happened to their colleagues and held their breaths. This fog or perhaps gas lingered in the room for five minutes, resulting in more casualties, as the mission members, initially numbering 300, were reduced to only five.

Afterward, the door absorbed this black substance, and from the same door emerged five cards that strangely corresponded to the number of surviving members of the mission, as if everything was planned. Each of the five cards stood in front of one member of the mission.

After these horrifying events, the door closed quickly and forcefully, causing a deafening sound, leaving the five remaining members of the mission in a state of terror and despair.

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