
The Heir

Crystal knew the boys would be here today.

She knew it was time to face her fear now..... without showing any weakness.

She strode in the conference room, which was followed by utter silence.

The chattering had stopped, all eyes were on her now.

It was only her Grandfather speaking.

She refused to glance at the table for now...

She could feel everyone's stare on her, her heart was beating frantically yet she didn't show any hesitation like the old Crystal would show.

She was strong now, she emitted confidence and radiance.

There was something about her aura that kept the men entralled.

Her grandfather took her hand and pulled her over to the conference table.

"Gentlemen, meet my granddaughter Crystal Stanley.

The heir to my business."

Crytsal smiled shyly.

She heard few gasps from men.

"You have a granddaughter?"

"The next heir?"

"Yes, she will be taking over the business." Andrew said proudly.

"Now gentlemen, isn't it rude for you people to not introduce yourself to the lady here?" Will said standing up.

"Oh there's no need Will, I know all of them..." Crystal touched his arm, in silent threat to drop the topic.

She didn't want to shake hands with the billionaire squad boys, especially Watson.

Will raised his brows in question.

"Really? I doubt that." Mr Fox snickered.

Crystal glanced over his way and gave him a cryptic smile, "Mr. Fox, CEO of SYNC Industries. Fought with your brother to acquire entire ownership of the industry as well as property. Recently invested $100 million in Premier Corporation upcoming project. Also linked up with Mrs.Rosemary, thought it was rumour until I saw myself."

She stopped, when she saw all the colour draining from Mr. Fox's face.

All the stares were now directed at him, his cheeks had reddned due to embarrassement.

He coughed and managed to say, "Crystal Stanley, you are quite well informed."

"You doubt that now?" She gave her best mocking smile and heard few snickers from men around the table.

"Now that's enough my dear. He didn't mean it that way..." Andrew patted her shoulders.

"Even I didn't mean it that way...."she said innocently, that made Andrew's and Will's lips twitch in amusement.

Orlando noticed the tension in the room, especially those emitting from the boys.

Crystal didn't glanced their way at all.

He could see Watson's fists clenched and chest heaving.

Several thoughts were running in Watson's mind right now, but nothing was making sense.

He was lost in the woman standing in front of him....

after 7 years....

He desperately wanted to catch her eyes...

He was desperate to get her attention...

He was clenching his fist, before he could get up and kiss the hell out of her.

Romano noticed it and put a hand over his thigh.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Taking the hint, Orlando spoke up, "Miss. Crystal Stanley."

She gazed at him when he continued, "It's a pleasure to meet you. Didn't know that you were Andrew's granddaughter."

"Orlando, cut the formalities. I am very well acquainted with you and your squad." She forced a smile.

"As to your latter statement, I am better known as Crystal Stanley than Andrew's granddaughter."

Orlando's mouth was shut by her response.

The Billionaire squad were shocked to see such a transformation.

The old Crystal would never have the guts to speak in such a way, as she was always sweet and shy around people.

Her comment wasn't rude at all, but still the boys were at loss of words... because this Crystal was different than the one they knew back...

"You know them?" Will asked curiously.

He never knew about Crystal's old days, and knowing Billionaire squad boys acquaintance with her was not doing good to him.

"We were together..." Watson finally spoke up.

Crystal turned her attention towards the man of her nightmares. Her eyes were blank without any emotions. She didn't wanted to show any weakness or give him pleasure of knowing her weakness which was 'HIM'

He was her weakness, her fear and her lost heart.

Yet she didn't show any of it....

"Were together???" Will's voice was little too loud for the audience around the round table.

"He meant.. we were together in the same high school, Will." Crytsal rolled her eyes at his assumption.

Watson wanted to speak more, he meant it when he said we were together as in 'relationship'.... but from both the sides, Romano and Deandre put a strong hand on his thigh.

A clear message to him, 'Drop the topic'.

It hurt him more because she didn't glance his way again.

Nicholas Premier took this opportunity to catch the beauty's eyes, he was sure smitten by her remarks and confidence.

She managed to shut up Mr. Fox and Billionaire squad boys.

He looked at her with quite respect, "Crystal Stanley, you are sure a force to be reckoned with. Andrew, I must say.... your business is in the right hands."

Crystal looked at him with fake appraisal, he was her prey afterall, "Nicholas Premier. You sure know how to compliment a lady."

Will snickered from behind.

The rest of the gentlemen quietly introduced themselves as a formality.

They knew the girl knows much more about them than the tabloids. She had researched them in and out.

They were quite surprised and taken back...

She was indeed a force to be reckoned with..
