
Avaris Greater Labyrinth (Part VI)

On the fourteenth floor, nothing exciting happened. The monsters and the area were quite plain. No anomalies of some sort, and the boss was easy. It took us about thirty minutes to complete the floor.

Livie and I found ourselves in an old tomb on the fifteenth floor. I had a series of thoughts when looking at the place. 

Did the dungeon spawn a series of floors? Or were they already premade by something else? The monsters were undead creatures like the thirteenth floor. 

Since we were in a tomb, does that make us tomb raiders? I hope there were treasures around since the thirteenth floor owed us artifacts. 

Livie and I looked around the place, the place was dusty and dirty, and Livie and I hoped to leave early. 

There weren't any treasures except for the monster that had come along. The tomb wasn't big but had many monsters due to its small space.