
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs


"My son, my son, somebody please help me."

"Mama, mama, mama."

" Ahhhhh, aargggghhh"

All throughout a village which had once been calm and full of joy, cries of pain, suffering and loss littered the air.

People with cuts, lost limbs and even lost loved ones could be seen all around, bowling and crying out their eyes, and the worst thing about this was that the person responsible for all this suffering was still alive and a few meters outside the village, battling the only villagers capable of standing up to him

"Urgh damn, I missed him again" Randy grumbled as the dangerous shaft of his staff fully swung in vain.

The previous night, Linda had set Randy among a bunch of zombies and then supplied him with a bunch of weapons to find which was most to his liking and in the end he had selected the staff.

During the first moments of the battle, Randy had tried the sword, axe and other close-to-midrange weapons and in the end, have been quick to discard them completely in favour of wielding the glaive.

With its long reach and sharp blade at the end, Randy enjoyed the luxury of standing at a distance and slicing his enemies, his laziness raring its head

The ability to use the shaft of his weapon to block attacks from a good distance worked just well for Randy, and he would have gone with the glaive in the end if it wasn't for Linda's advice to have a feel for some other weapons and see what they had to offer.

Testing the spear, Randy found the need to constantly thrust his weapons quite annoying especially when it was his only method of dealing fatal damage.

Without much hesitation, Randy dropped the pointy weapon and went for the halberd, but in the end, while it was nice to have the option to either slice or pierce he still preferred the dominating blade of the glaive.

Randy had wanted to go back to his glaive and keep having fun when his eyes fell on the staff and he decided to play with it a bit.

Having tested out the sword, axe, halberd and glaive, Randy had developed a like for the convenience of slicing and finishing the opponent but then during his first minutes of using the staff, he was reminded of his days when he was all alone in the drum world and his love for bashing.

Though it took a lot more effort to defeat the enemy, nothing screamed fun like first breaking the several bones in your victim's body, the loud crack along with whimpers being music before then proceeding to splatter the brain with a powerful swing to the head

Just before he had come to the village, Linda had given Randy a white staff, one a bit thicker than what he had used for his training and with several carvings at both ends.

With a fury burning in him, Randy had put the staff to good work, using it to the point that at the moment, both its ends were bathed red in blood.

During the initial stages of the attack, especially when he had been setting fire to the houses of the villagers, Randy had been letting out quite the heartful laughs, but now his face was scrunched up and his breathing was hard.

Beating the lot of the villagers with his staff had been quite fun for Randy and though some of the villagers had put up quite the tough front, Randy's experience with beating up hundreds of zombies came into play and he was able to easily overcome the resistance, but now he was up against people who actually knew what they were doing.

There were just three people before Randy, but they were proving a formidable trio and the blood running down Randy's left arm was proof of this.

With two of the men welding quite shiny swords and one having a spear, these three men had brought an end to Randy's carnage and now they were threatening to end his life.

After getting desperate and making the costly mistake of overreaching with one of his swings, Randy's left arm had gotten a brush with the enemy's spear, and now after failing to extend enough of his staff in his downward swing, Randy had left himself open to an attack, and unfortunately for him the enemy wasn't going to miss the opportunity.

"Welp" Was Randy's last thought as a sword went leaving a nice slice in his side while he put all his effort into moving backward.

"Come on guys, we can't let up, this monster has to die today or he'll come back for us later," one of the men wielding a sword said, his breathing hard but a smile on his face.

"You bet I will" Randy stubbornly gritted out as the trio charged his figure which had retreated.

Holding his staff. with his right hand, Randy's already wounded left hand moved to his right side and he couldn't suppress a wince from coming to his face as he touched his sliced flesh and felt a bit of his injuries depth.

"Welp, this is so going to suck when I wake up" Randy mumbled and then a look of madness filled his eyes and his gaze focused on one of the men with a sword to the side

Expertly doing a flashy spin of his staff, Randy charged forward like he had been. overtaken by rage and wanted to bash the guy in front of him, but then halfway into his run, he made a sharp jump to the side and with a shout easily landed on the body of the surprised man and then opening his mouth as wide as he could, he bit into the man's neck.

Though those times had long passed, Randy could still remember how he had terribly fared against the zombies and at one point had been pissed at how much he was getting killed and had begun using every part of his body as a weapon, his mouth being a most effective tool.

After spending days, months and years fighting zombies, Randy had reached a level of strength that no longer required him to do all those things, but now as he faced foes that were intent on sending him to his grave, Randy figured that going barbaric was the only way he was upping them.

With his sudden movements, he had taken the trio off guard and though now his enemies were down by one man, he now had a cut on his back.