
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Troublesome Child

"Is there a problem?" Randy asked his young face scrunched up innocently.

"I specifically told you to forget about the village, run and find somewhere safe. Did you do as I said?" Linda asked her teeth grinding against each other.

"Ehhh not exactly" Randy said with a bashful smile but unfortunately his smile did not placate Linda's heart, as the woman instead stretched both her hands toward Randy, looking like she was to strangle him before getting a grip on herself and pulling her hands back.

"Arghhh you're such a stubborn child" Linda cried in exasperation and then quickly went silent regaining her calm and air of superiority.

"While I'm sure you have a lot of questions, first let's deal with the most important issue at hand.

If you haven't noticed it, then you should look now and observe that your body isn't as it usually is when you come to the dream world.

The thing is that right now you are just a soul, while your body is in another real world, a world that is similar to Earth but not Earth.

Your body right now is in that world and since your consciousness is here, it is in a sort of comatose state with nobody to protect it.

Right now I'll show you a set of hand signs which you will copy and repeat when you get back to the real world.

Properly doing these hand signs in the real world will activate a rune I have placed on your body that will keep it safe whenever you want to come here in the future.

Is that clear" Linda said her figure giving off a pressure that compelled Kruxe to succumb to her, but unfortunately for her, the boy was completely immune to her tactics and strength and with genuine honesty blinked and replied.

"Nope, I don't understand you."

Linda's eyes narrowed at Randy and then she snorted, dropped her haughty appearance and looked at Randy seriously.

"Watch what I'm doing, copy it and remember it unless you want to die and cut short whatever dream you have of saving your mother."

Without waiting for Randy's acknowledgement, Linda clasped her hands together and under Randy's gaze began going through a set of movements that involved her fingers changing positions.

No matter how unbright Randy was, he got the gist of what Linda was telling him, so with focus, he paid attention to what the woman was doing and copied every movement she did.

For 10 minutes straight, Randy found himself going through a series of hand movements without pause and soon he couldn't help but make the feelings of his mind known.

"Linda, I'm tired, let's take a break." Randy pleaded already separating his hands and leaning backwards in relief.

"If this is how far your dedication goes, I can only feel sorry for your mother and hope she has another son who isn't as lazy as you."

Randy froze at Linda's words and then looked at her with a glare,

"You should be careful what you say," he warned.

"Perhaps, but am I wrong, you know this is something that concerns your life, yet see how weak-willed you are."

"Fine, you win, keep going" Randy suddenly said surprisingly offering no further argument.

"No Randy this isn't a matter of me winning, but a matter of you taking this seriously.

This isn't a game, what would you have done if a truly powerful person had been sent to the village, do you think your fumbling self would have survived that?

You need to understand that we both need 100% of your commitment if we actually want to succeed in this." Linda said exasperatingly, her breathing noticeably heavy by the time she was finished talking.

"Welp hahaha hahaha, okay I hear you," Randy said with a laugh and then smiled, now can we get back to business?

Seeing Randy still being all smiles and not having a single shred of remorse Linda felt like exploding, but in the end, she could only calm down and once more began going through the hand signs.

This time 15 minutes flew by before Randy stopped copying Linda and looked at her with a grin,

"Okay, I think I got it, watch"

Seeing Randy suddenly stop, a loud scream of frustration went through Linda's head as the woman thought he had gotten tired again, but when she heard his words and saw him begin going through the appropriate hand signs, Linda's mouth slowly fell open.

All 73 hand signs, Randy correctly made them and when he was done he gave the woman before him a lewd smile.

"You open your mouth quite wide, I bet you could take in a lot."

Coming out of her shock at Randy's performance, Linda ignored his words and the double meaning behind them and regained her composure.

"When you go back, first churn your energy and then perform this hand sign while circulating the energy all through your body and if the rune is activated, you will know."

"Okay, but ehh, how do I channel the energy all through myself."

"Same way you figured out how to throw destructive punches, now go."

Without giving Randy a chance to speak, Linda waved her hand at him, sending his translucent figure disappearing and then seconds later when she realized what she had done in a moment of annoyance, a loud groan left her lips.

"I should have just properly shown it to him, it's too risky to leave him to figure it out on his own when he's in such a dangerous place." The woman lamented.

"That boy is just too troublesome." The woman cried loudly to no one

While Linda lamented Randy's stubbornness, the boy in question was opening his eyes to the sight of branches and the smell of nature once more.