
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Golden Knight

Half a minute passed after Randy made his call and then after racking his brain for a solution and only coming up with ideas that might possibly see him losing more of his arm Randy called out to Linda once more but this time in a more special way.

"Linda, Linda, Linda, you better speak up or I'll keep calling your name"

Seconds passed and then a very not amused voice sounded in Randy's head.

"What do you want."

Randy wasn't sure if it was the calling of her name thrice or the threat of continuously calling out to her that got Linda to answer, but when the woman replied to him, he was sure to lay down to her his problem and eventually how he had gotten into it.

There was silence for a few seconds after Randy spoke and then Linda's voice came reverberating in his mind.

"While still running can you perform the hand signs I taught you while also channelling your energy around your body."

"Yeah, I can but I don't think that will work because I already tried it and nothing happened."

"Oh you mean, you've initially tried out the technique and when it works rather than picking the option that would take you to me, you instead decided to cancel out the technique.

"Yes, you figured that out quite fast," Randy said praise in his voice but unfortunately the person he was talking to was not amused.

"You idiot, what is wrong with you, does every advice I give you simply fly over your head, that technique can only be performed once every month and after I specifically told you to use it to come back to me you decided to go do as you wish."

"Well, you didn't warn me about its limited usage."

"Shut up, do you know how much trouble you currently are in, that man Baz isn't just some normal enemy, that is a golden Knight Randy, a golden Knight how on earth did you even come in contact with a contact Knight, I specifically put you in the far extreme regions so you wouldn't come in contact with such individuals, and yet you did."

"Maybe it's the mission, I guess all those deaths attracted attention."

"Don't be foolish, even if you burnt down 9 other similar villages and killed everyone it still wouldn't be enough to attract a golden knight" Linda spat, and though he couldn't see her, Randy could hear the heaves of her chest.

"Is a golden Knight that scary? "Randy tentatively asked.

"In the grand scheme of things no, but when it comes to you a greenhorn in combat and even in the use of your own strength and energy, they are your death rippers, I still haven't even gotten over the shock of the fact that you clashed with him twice and are still alive."

"Thanks for the compliment, but now can we get back on track, stop bitching about stubbornness and begin to give me solutions," Randy said flatly.

Linda went silent like she was considering whether to be angered by Randy's words, and in the end, she decided to help the poor fellow.

"I unfortunately can no longer observe you, so I have no idea how fast you are going, but if you are correct in that Baz is nowhere close to you, but you feel a sense of danger when you slow down, then the best can say is that you are probably trapped in a common illusion array. "Linda said.

"Oh," Randy muttered his eyebrows furrowing.

"What about my hands, remember that I lost them, I can't do a thing without them." Kruxe hurriedly said thinking Linda had forgotten this part of his predicament.

"Your energy has regenerative ability, channel your energy to your hands and see what happens."

Though sceptical about Linda's words, Kruxe hurriedly did as the woman said his eyes focusing on his hands and his eyes gradually widening as new flesh began rapidly growing on his stump.

"No way, this is incredible" Kruxe shouted seconds later his movements slowing down.

One of the factors that had strongly compelled Kruxe to flee from Baz was the loss of his hands as he could not imagine a scenario where he stood up to the man without one of his most important assets.

Despite seeking out Linda's help, Kruxe's plan had always been to find a way to escape Baz but now, as he watched his hands literally regenerate as they were flooded with purple energy right before his very eyes, he stopped running and with a shout turned around, his face fearless as a familiar great sword appeared before him, heading for his face but was immediately stopped by a white staff, which he had just swung.

For a moment all was silent as both Baz and Randy stayed pushing their weapon against the other person's, their eyes locked in a staring contest.

"That was a very annoying illusion," Randy said a bright smile on his face.

"Where did that staff come from," Baz asked, his eyes scanning the long white weapon which had popped into existence in Rnady's hand, no energy fluctuations preceding its appearance.

"None of your business" Randy answered.

"Hmm, who would have known, so you aren't completely dumb after all" Baz grumbled and then with a grunt, he jumped back from Randy and looked at the boy from head to toe, his eyes narrowed.

"Who are you, why is a demon of your level running around burning villages," Baz asked rubbing his beard with his left hand while his right tightly clutched his blade. 

When the information that some mad person was out trying to massacre an entire village reached the ears of Baz, the older man had tagged it as another everyday sad event, having no interest in knowing more about the situation, but then Melissa had been concerned and by her command, they set a course for the village.

Despite the several fleeing victims they had seen on their way here, never had Baz imagined that the situation would require his intervention or even be something stressful for him to deal with, but in the end, here he was, preparing to have an incredibly tough battle with a boy that seemed to have the strength of an aged demon and the brain of a child.