
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Fantasi
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35 Chs

Back To The Dream

With a snap, one without fanfare, a pair of dark eyes snapped open, and its owner looked at the white ceiling filled with red-colored drawings.

"Here we are," the owner of the black eyes thought and pushed himself up.

Swinging his legs off the bed and stepping on the ground, Randy, who was now a red-haired boy but with the same face and a bulkier physique, stretched as he stood up.

Unbothered by his current lack of clothes, Randy twisted his waist and arms until he was satisfied, and then he began moving forward.

The room Randy had woken up in was the same spot he had always arrived in when he came to the dream world.

With the room well-decorated with red paintings on the ceiling and pink on the walls, along with several plushies, it was easy for Randy to consider that he was in the room of a pampered girl. Why such a place was his constant point of arrival in the dream world Randy didn't know and had long ago stopped trying to figure out.

With familiarity and laxness that would make one think the room was actually Randy's, he moved towards the door of the room, swung it open, and then, without hesitation, took a left and began moving.

"Well, so far everything seems to be the same, nothing has changed," Randy thought as his steps stopped. He pushed the door to his left open and went into it.

Giving the well-arranged square-shaped room he was in a sweep, Randy moved into it and headed for the wardrobe at the end. Pulling open its doors, he let his eyes feast on the assortment of clothes in there.

Minutes later, dressed in black shorts and a white shirt that had the last three buttons opened, and also wearing black sneakers, Randy stepped out of the room, an excited smile on his face and a jump in his steps.

Who the room belonged to, Randy had no idea, but as had become routine for him, the clothes he would get to wear for the day were definitely not in the room he woke up in.

The house Randy was in was a single-story one, and though there were several other rooms upstairs, having already explored them, he ignored them and took the spiraling stairs to get to the ground floor, not surprised to see the place abandoned and devoid of life, just like the first floor.

Without pause and having no particular great hope for there being an interesting change in the house, Randy walked out of the house, smoothly walking by the several lawns that decorated the exterior of the house, making no pause till he was finally out of the side-open gates. There he took in a deep breath and paused.

The house Randy had just left was located in an isolated area away from the town which Randy was currently staring at.

With a deep breath, Randy kicked his feet and began his jog from the house to the town, barely able to control himself from going into an all-out sprint, after all, though he wanted to get to the temple as fast as possible, he knew that the key to doing that lay in his time management and not in sprinting.

If Randy could jog and burn a certain amount of time in his transition from the house to the town, then he would arrive in the town at a time when he could easily predict the next of events.

With knowledge of what will be happening next in mind, randy could easily navigate his way through the hoards of screaming civilians and pursuing zombies and get himself to the temple which was almost on the other side of the really big town.

Able to keep his excitement and burning curiosity under control, Randy kept on with his paced jog and two minutes into his run, he ran into the first of life.

Two women to the side of the stony dusty Road he was on, one of them lying down unmoving on the ground while the other sat beside her, a look of desolation on her face.

With both women being rather young ladies in their earlier twenties, during his first months of coming to the dream world, randy had in no way missed running over to the women and though the first of times he had tried talking and helping, these days whenever he went there, it was just to molest the very tired women.

Well perhaps another day he would reasoned going to help them but not this time, today he he had a Cury big breasted white-haired woman to meet and possible molest, an activity which as far better than touching slim women.

"Mom did say something about respecting women so maybe I'll first try that on the whitehaired slot.

Passing the two women, randy was busy making plans for how to deal with the white-haired woman in his mind when a ton of glutterous sounds reached his ears and he was made aware to the first of changes in his dream world.

"Welp this is a very big first, I'm still halfway from the town and I'm already meeting zombies."

For meters around Randy there was no one but him and 7 zombies who were scattered on the other side of the road and staring at him.

With limbs in perfect order, these set of zombies charged Randy with relatively average speed, their blood red eyes staring at him, their bleeding mouth opened and releasing uncomfortable guttural sounds.

"Weird, 6 of them slowed down while one is running towards me.

Could this be a sort of tactical attack,but that should be impossible."

Mindless people or living things that had no will or thought of their own and only seeked to eat or turn other people.

This was the definition of zombies that Randy had in his head and the one which he used to define the creatures before him.

Now seeing as Randy had defined the unfortunate human being like people in front of him as zombies, then it meant that they should be mindless and in simple terms all be rushing to get a piece of him.

"Welp, whatever, I'll just keep distance from the rest and beat up the first one as fast as I can."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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