
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Prologue 01

There he stood.

A young man who was as average as can be.

In a world that is at war with the demon race, he was enlisted in the military to fight such beings.

However, there was one problem.

Every human being in the military had been genetically modified.

Every human except him was modified to be stronger so that they could fight against the demons.

At the present time he stood in front of the commander, who had called him into his office.

"Soldier, you are to go through with the surgery for the modifications immediately!"

The commander said to the young man in front of him.

"I refuse"

The young man replied in stern voice.


The commander replied with a hint of anger, but he calmed himself down and continued speaking.

"Did you not enlist yourself so that you could protect your country, your world?"

"No, sir. I was forced to enlist thanks to my familial situation."

The young man said to the commander as calmly as possible.

"Might I add that the survival rate of the surgery is less than 30%, and that I'd prefer not risking my life in such a manner."

The young man added.

"Now listen here soldier. If you do not follow the rules it is taken as if you're rebelling against humanity. Are you sure you want me to take action and get you arrested?"

The commander said with a slight grin on his face. As if he was waiting for a person like this to come forth.

The young man, however, wasn't looking at the commander.

He felt as if something wasn't making sense.

"I read the entire rulebook and it didn't..."

His voice was cut off by a loud siren, and while confused, looked at the commander.

He could see that he had a creepy, evil smile on his face.

He then looked at the desk in front of the commander and saw that a red button had been pushed.

Immediately after seeing that, he dashed out the door and ran towards the camp's exit.

He knew the layout of the camp, and the soldier's posts and routines, so he tried his best to avoid as many people as possible.

Luckily for him, he didn't run into anyone, but thanks to that, he felt something was wrong.

He then went on to hide in what he thought of as the safest storage room.

What made the storage room the safest was that it was the one he knew best, and it was also one of the closest ones to the exit.

He hid in a corner to see if he could hear any voices or any footsteps.

Surely enough in a couple of seconds he could hear a couple of people talking.

"Did you find him?"

A male soldier asked another.

"No, but since the hero is in the camp that outcast will be caught in no time."


The young man knew that the hero was supposed to be the strongest among the humans, but he didn't know what they looked like.

Thankfully, since he knew what everyone in the camp looked like, he should be able to deduce who the hero is.

He then decided to wait in the storage room until the soldiers walked away.

Meanwhile, he packed clothing, that he hid in the storage room, in a bag to use in different scenarios.

After a couple of minutes they finally walked away and he immediately dashed towards the camp's exit.

Once he reached the exit he saw the forest that surrounded the camp, which he would use to escape as safely as possible.