
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Chapter 8

Two years prior, Zero was taking a bath in the river. He left his clothes out to dry on a wooden stand next to the river. "This is the perfect time to execute my plan!," shouted Kunaigai, leaping onto the clothes and snatching them away. "Hey wait, come back!," shouted Zero in response to Kunaigai's actions. He went out of the water and dried himself. He went after Kunaigai after he was dry enough.

He kept on running after Kunaigai, and with each passing step he was getting more and more embarrassed. He didn't have any type of clothes on him, and only had the set of clothes he had when he had arrived on the world. Since he had been working on making things off of his surroundings, he was quickly able to make some clothes. The clothes made him look like a tribal chief and that also made him embarrassed, so he made a mask. What made him embarrassed was that somebody could be wandering around the forest, and that person could spot him.

Having made his clothes, Zero went on to run after Kunaigai. Shortly enough he had found him. "Kunai, give me my clothes," ordered Zero. "Nah, I won't. Consider this training and try to catch me," responded Kunai. "What's the point of stealing my clothes if it's just for training?," asked Zero. "You get too easily embarrassed by pretty much everything. That in itself will definitely hinder you in combat," responded Kunaigai before starting to run away again with the clothes stored inside of him. "Don't think I'll let you run away," said Zero in a low voice. Zero tried to unsummon Kunaigai so that he couldn't run away, but Kunaigai rejected the unsummon. "He can do that?," asked Zero in a dumbfounded manner. [He can summon himself, so rejecting the unsummon is not really that surprising. guess you have no choice but to run after him], said Shadow.

Zero started running after him and made sure to kill any goblins that were along the way. No, that is not correct. He had no choice but to hunt the goblins. Kunaigai kept on running towards the goblins and narrowly dodged their attacks each time. Kunaigai also made sure to keep enough distance from Zero making him have no other choice but to hunt the goblins.

'Damn it,' thought Zero in his head, not being able to say anything out loud thanks to Kunaigai draining his stamina. At this point they had run for many hours, and Zero had hunted many goblins. Zero collapsed to the ground without being able to get close to Kunaigai. "What, you done?," said Kunaigai in a mocking tone. He then threw a water bottle that he had made with his nano machines. "Go ahead and drink that," said Kunaigai, offering the water that he had stored beforehand. "Are you giving me back my clothes as well?," asked Zero. "No, I'm keeping those," responded Kunaigai to Zero's question. "Fine then, I'll play along," said Zero.

They then went on running throughout the forest. Zero drove the goblins of the forest to extinction in the process. He also found animals and learned from Shadow how to hunt and cook them. At some point Zero started to throw things at Kunaigai, and Kunaigai had run while paying more attention behind him. He then relocated one of his eyes behind his head, making sure to watch every movement Zero took and responding accordingly.

Just like that, there came a point where Zero was finally able to catch Kunaigai. "I'm surprised you could think so well while running away from me," said Zero while gasping for air. "Playing racing games help you pay attention to your surroundings," said Kunaigai jokingly. "Can you now give me back my clothes?," asked Zero. "No I won't," said Kunaigai. "What!?," screamed Zero. "Stop screaming already," said Kunaigai before continuing, "You see, I can make more nano machines over time. Throughout the whole time we were running I made some new clothes for you. Of course I didn't design it, though. That was done by Shadow," said Kunaigai before taking out some clothes.

The clothes were ones that he was wearing at present time. He now wore a black long sleeved shirt with a hole for the thumb. He wore a crimson short sleeved hoodie that barely reached to his waist. There were also some black sweat pants. Additionally Kunaigai made some shoes, since Zero had some shabby ones made from plants. And lastly, they also gave him some fingerless gloves.

"Is that so," responded Zero to the person behind the counter. At the moment he was not embarrassed, but he certainly wasn't happy about that memory. He then went on to the elevator. He was planning to find some other job in some other building, but at the moment he stepped towards the elevator, it opened.

-Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Kunaigaicreators' thoughts