
Crimson Seraphim WITH Elysium in DXD.

In the ethereal realm of High School DXD, a crimson-haired enigma known as the "Crimson Seraphim" emerges. Gifted with otherworldly powers and an insatiable thirst for lust and knowledge, the protagonist embarks on a quest to restore balance to a world teetering on the edge of chaos. Up until the point when he was put to the test in a trial, at which point he ultimately lost all desire to be a hero of justice and all and decided to live a peaceful life, his desire for all beautiful girls ultimately caused him to be drawn into the devil's game and the world of the fallen kind. Yet, amidst the chaos, whispers of redemption linger, for even the most enigmatic beings yearn for solace and forgiveness. There, he found a soul body with desires similar to his own, but instead of keeping them all to himself as he would normally do, the young man wantonly and risk-free displayed them to the world. So he made the decision to take control of his body, which he did up until the point when a strong entity entered the boy's soul and ended his existence. The child's soul chip transformed into a new entity while taking over his divinity, allowing it to conquer the world and enter the pantheon of gods with the possibility of artificial divinity and those beyond. // This image and the right of the story did not belong to me, hence if the original creator of the image want me to remove it from the background please contact me at review or comment. //

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Meeting Akeno again...

Rias Gremory was unable to decide on something that had been bothering her as it got later in the day. She was sitting in her chair with a serious expression on her face.

Although it was not a major issue, she had been bothered by it for a while, so the upper echelons, who were working next to her brother, asked her to take action right away.

'This is really a pain.'

She tapped her finger on the table in annoyance when she noticed someone walking in.

She was Akeno, one of her best colleagues and a great friend who had been by her side for quite some time.

Today, however, Akeno had a small smile on her face as she walked into the club room, and she smiled at her with amusement and a gossipy look in her eyes.

"Let me guess: did you find an interesting human or something today? Given, it has been a long time since I have seen you smile like that, Akeno."

Akeno Himejima had a twisted, sadistic personality. She was also the queen of Ria's family and went by the name Thunder Priest.

Although Ria, who was closest to her, had a clear understanding of why Akeno adopted that personality, she did so in order to mask the true suffering she was experiencing.

While there was nothing her current self could do to assist her, Ria wished for Akeno to find a guy on whom she could rely.

"Yeah, I found an interesting junior from our school; he is a little weak on the human side, but he appears to have been working out recently and has a good build."

When Akeno met with Issei, she attempted to explain what had happened, and Ria listened to the story with interest on her face as she realized how unique that child truly was.

Though the lifespan of a human is far too short for devils like them, Ria shook her head, showed little interest in continuing the conversation about that kid topic, and brought up her own issue.

"It is the fallen kind, and they are getting really annoying these days, so I was thinking of raiding one or two bases of theirs as a warning from our side."

Akeno became serious about the subject and looked at her friend, who was actually one of the nicest devils around. After hearing her take such a serious action, Akeno could tell how badly the situation could get out of hand.

"We will follow you..." It was a simple sentence, but at the time, it was the most important thing to her.

Ria smiled in relief and brought up the earlier subject of a boy again, even though it was for her friend's amusement at the moment.

[Morning Master]

"Oh, Belma Good morning to you too." The following morning, Issei awoke as usual, but this time his magic circuit-based tech chart was already complete, and he had already requested that Belma begin producing it inside the soul space.

[Master the production of the first product, Lethal Lightning Rod, which is being completed and has three different modes when used.]

"Oh, that one was truly simple mana usage, so I did not expect it to be produced at this speed. However, I am sorry, but I need the production speed to increase; if necessary, I can use boost gear to boost the mana inside."

Issei is able to cast boost every 10 seconds but is constrained by his frail physique because Ddraig had granted him the ability to boost, and he is now able to bring out his boosted gear in the form of claw Naturally.

[That will be good; I hope host can cast boost while doing physical training.]

"Haha, it seems you just wanted to make the morning work harder, Huh?"

Issei chuckled at the thought and started to imagine his hand being covered in scale as a red flash engulfed it and an armor simultaneously appeared.

It was one of the strongest boosted gears in the world, capable of killing gods and demons and doubling one's strength every ten seconds.

It was also due to this that Issei in this world would have been targeted by the fallen angel, though they were not aware of the threat Issei was posing in his enraged state.

"Issei, you seemed rather battered; did you increase your exercise suddenly?" Issei walked down, and in that instant, his mother caught him off guard, as he could only excuse himself with a dash for the bathroom, where his mother could only shake her head.

"Honey! He is a young man at that age, after all. At a time like this, he needs to test his limits, so let him be and do whatever he wants."

While winking at the Issei, who gave him the thumbs up before entering the bathing room, his father intervened to comfort his wife at this precise moment.

"Just shut up and let me do what I want to, and he is my son, and it is obvious for any mother to worry about her kid at a time like this."

Couples fighting and the vivacious chirping of the birds were very difficult to find, and Issei was well aware of this. It was also the reason he started to like this world and this life of his.

As he walked out of the house and bid his good-bye before heading out for school, he realized that from today onward, he was about to start his fresh second year.

However, he still did not have a girlfriend, which made him very sad because even in his previous life, he lived alone until the very end and did not want to continue living that way.

When the environment around him began to change, a suffocating sensation also hit him at the same time.

[Warning: Four living specimens are currently invading this territory and one of them is obviously targeting the host.]

"Hmm..." When Issei was considering removing the rod from his soul space, he noticed the threat feeling dissipating from his surroundings, and Akeno-senpai emerged from the alley with a cheery expression on her face.

"Akeno-senpai, it is a surprise, but this place is weird. Please come with me; it can be really dangerous for unknown reasons."

Issei could only bring Akeno with him because he was aware that Rias might be nearby and that he needed to reveal his secret weapon right away.

While running out of the alley with a smile on his face and something on his mind, Issei was holding Akeno's arm as he did so.

"Ara! Are you going to hold my hand forever, in this manner?" Issei heard a voice teasing him just as he was about to exhale, at which point he turned to look at Akeno, who had appeared close to him with a smile on her lips.

"I am sorry, Akeno-san. Although it may sound like a ridiculous justification to you, there was actually something there, and I had no choice but to flee the area in that manner."

He muttered as he moved to ensure that Akeno would not have any doubts about his magic or understanding of abnormal existence, just like her.

"Hmm, what should I do? I mean, this is the second meeting we've had, and you just grabbed my hand out of nowhere like that." Issei felt the heat rise on his face because it was the first time he had come in contact with a woman this close.

She had that sly smile on her lips as she drew her face closer to him.

"That is also true. But I am."

"I believe you at this time." She grinned and laughed at him before he could finish his sentence. She then lightly grabbed his hand and dragged him along. As they walked toward their high school, Kuoh Academy.

Although it was not depicted in the anime, this school was really popular around the area and is also known for its beauty. Yes! It was well known for being primarily populated by girls or people of various educational and aesthetic backgrounds.


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Give me a great review and I might end up writting another nice chapter ahead of this...today offer.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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