

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs


"where did you say you got him again?" christian asked for the fifth time

"fuck you" growled Horace beginning to feel annoyed

"I'm sorry but I just need to be sure he's your slave and he truly belongs to you" christian said smiling

"what's there to be sure of,I just showed you the sire mark, my mark is on him"

"I'm not doubting that " christian said laughing and waving his friend off

"did you perhaps take him against his will,I mean see the perfect job you did in concealing what you did to his face" he said as he up in his chair

"that, Christian Conrad is none of your business " Horace answered through gritted teeth

"but it is,he's going to be serving me.."

"temporarily" cut in Horace

"that wasn't the agreement" christian answered

"temporarily" Horace said again stressing on the word

"okay temporarily, I'm just worried he'll end up doing something that'll make me want to send him to hell, I mean look at him, he's been glaring at you with pure hatred since he got here"

Horace closed his eyes in frustration "Christian..."

"what if he harms mason out of spite?" he asked pretending to be truly worried

"I can always take him with me,if you don't want him,he has a job and he will do it whether he likes it or not" said Horace getting up, spending more time with christian could lead to both of them going at each other

He walked towards the door and turned back "I need to talk to him for a minute" he said grabbing Tyler by the shirt and dragging him to the door but christian stopped him

"I don't think he wants to talk outside" christian said smiling at the scared Tyler who looked relieved after he spoke but his horror came back when he said

"talk in here, break a few things,I've been thinking of replacing some furnitures" he said as he got up from his chair

when he got close to Tyler,he patted him on the shoulder and left.

The moment he was out, Horace lifted his fist to punch Tyler on the face but he already had his hands up to protect his face so he punched him hard on his stomach.

Tyler groaned in pain as he gasped for air, Horace grabbed and pulled at his hair to drag him back on his feet.

he brought his mouth close to his ear and said "you will behave yourself while you're here do you understand?"

"y_yes" Tyler said as he held on to Horace hand that kept pulling at his hair

Horace tossed him against the wall and he hit his head hard but he didn't say or make a sound,he only adjusted his clothes properly and went to stand behind Horace with his head down.

"let's go" he said and they both walked out.

Christian was waiting by the door when they stepped outside, looking behind Horace he saw Tyler with his hands together and his head down in submission

He smiled and said to Horace "I see now that there's nothing to worry about"

Horace rolled his eyes and looked at the man behind him,he nodded at christian and left them

"not even a goodbye" christian said mockingly and got middle finger from Horace who still didn't look back.

"well" he said to Tyler "let me introduce you to the servants"

Tyler didn't say anything but followed meekly.

later that evening, Martha went to serve dinner in mason's room, upon getting to the room she placed the food on the table and called out to Mason but he didn't answer

There was movement under the blanket so she knew he was there, thinking he was still angry at the king she went to him and removed the covers from over him

She jumped back in fear when she saw him, he was very pale and looked as if he was dead if not for the fact that he was shivering badly she would have thought that he dead indeed

once she quickly recovered from her shock she went back to him and covered him back leaving his face,she went to the closet and brought out more blankets and used it to cover him all the while asking him to be strong and fight the cold.

she left him and went to look for christian but he was nowhere to be found so instead they sent for the physician.

When the physician came, Martha, Charles and Tyler stood in the room while the physician tends to him.when he finished, Tyler ushered them out and stayed with mason.

He locked the door behind them as they left and went to lie down on the bed next to Mason

'so this was the mason' he thought to himself as he moved closer to mason on the bed and held him in an embrace so he could warm him up

Mason didn't move away from Tyler's embrace,he instead held him tight then asked in a whisper "where is Christian?"

"he's not here,he left earlier for a meeting with one of the court ministers,is there anything you need me to do?" Tyler asked

"I need to speak with him, he's in danger" mason stated as began panting for breath

having being instructed on what to do on days like this Tyler said to mason " I'll reach my master, he'll know what to do" and as he spoke,a blue ring formed around his iris as he connected to Horace

" speak,he can hear and see you"

" he's in danger,he's sorrounded by 10...no there's more. demons , they came with spears, i don't know" he panted " the rest is a blur" he said and the golden ring around his eyes disappeared.

"do not leave him for even a second,I believe you know if something happens to him you will not be spared" Horace stated and broke off the connection and immediately apparated out of his den.

Tyler pulled mason closer and held him tighter " he'll be fine " he said " master has gone to look for him "they'll both come home".

' stupid bond' he thought,if not for the stupid sire bond why would he be bothered about someone he wished he could kill.