

Menaka_Shrestha · perkotaan
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4 Chs

The Secret, Deep In The Wood

The moment he uprooted the tree everyone around him were scared and looked at him as if he were a monster. None of his friends, he played with came near him. They were frightened by his overwhelming strength. Then his parents came running through the wood calling out his name" Ash! Ash! , Where are you Ash?" When he heard his parents desperate call he followed his parents voice into the forest. There I stood watching everything, I shouldn't have been but I was curious, curious out that handsome face, curious about that unbelievable strength.

The next day the village was in chaos, they were shocked with the unexpected event that came across their live. But I was was more excited than shocked. I decided to go in the woods and unfold the secret myself. Everyone told me not to go but I refused to remain in the dark. I, Alexa went in the forest alone with an ax as an object for self defense, some food, water, torch light, a rope, few spare batteries, a thin blanket, change of clothes. I was prepared to unfold the secret that lied deep with that dense forest.

I started moving inside the forest, the deeper I went the creepier and darker the forest got. To be honest I was scared, afraid of meeting a wild animal which only haunted and wanted food. I travelled for four days on foot, I spent the night on a tree or a cave and fortunately I didn't come across any wild animal. It was fortunate as well as weird. In such a dense forest there wasn't a single animal. I went deeper in the forest. and after traveling for 8 days I finally came across a huge castle. I couldn't capture the whole image of the castle in my eyes, it was that huge.

It was pretty old castle and so I decided to go inside and check the content within. I didn't expect any human to reside there as it was deep within the forest with no other houses around. I walked closer to the main gate and opened the gate. When I entered the gate closed by itself and no matter how much I tried to open the gate it didn't budge. So I had no other options rather to go inside the castle. I opened the castle's door and found a huge hall. I walked inside and inside one of the room I saw a boy who was on his teens turning into a werewolf when the light of the moon fell on his body.