

Menaka_Shrestha · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


In the deepest part of the forest, there was a huge castle and there lived a handsome young man with his parents. He was very proud of his handsome face and loathed everything that was ugly. Even after that he lived a happy life with his parents in that castle away from the outside world. He often used to ask his parents about why they used to live alone in a forest with no other being like them but he never got the answer.

On his sixteenth birthday, in order to find out the truth he stepped his foot outside of the castle without letting his parents know. He crossed the dense forest easily without facing any casualty. Outside that forest, he saw houses which was far smaller than his huge castle and people who looked just like him. He was shocked to see that there was a world outside that forest and there were similar looking people. He saw few children his age playing with a ball. He wished to join them with their play . He asked "Can I join you all to play that? " The children welcomed him freely.

They played for a while and he found that he was far more stronger than his friends, when they were of similar age. He was much taller than them. He was superior than them in everything. His looks, his height, his strength everything. Everyone was shocked to see his inhuman strength. He was able to uproot a tree just my pushing it. I, Alexa was there watching everything.