

Menaka_Shrestha · perkotaan
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4 Chs

My First Encounter With The Werewolf

That was the first time I ever saw a human turning into a werewolf. I got scared I gasped in disbelief. When that werewolf saw me started running towards me, I unconsciously started running towards the main door, but the door closed and I was left alone with that werewolf with nowhere to run. I didn't know what to do I thought that my end was near. He was approaching me, I was super nervous so I shut my eyes and grasped the hem of my skirt. The werewolf pounced upon me when he suddenly changed into a human and he was naked at that. When I saw him naked I screamed and shut my eyes then he told me to keep quiet.

I just zipped my mouth. He then put on his clothes and then he asked to to sit down and gave me a glass of water. "That werewolf that.. that I saw just now....Ash! you are Ash right? I saw You turning into a werewolf just now. Is that even real? Are you even real? I started muttering to myself. When he saw me this scared he grasped my hands." Whatever you saw just now keep that a secret?" Ash plead in a desperate voice. I nodded my head vigorously. His parents then came downstairs and told me to keep that a secret as well. Since I found out about their secret I was told to stay there in that castle.

Later at night Ash came in the room in which I was staying and told me a story. He told me how he was from the royal family and how his family was cursed from the goddess when they failed the test and unknowingly disrespected the goddess. Their whole descendent was cursed and only the chosen one and break their curse. The one which has the power of light and the only human who will accept Ash in his beast form. "Now that I know about your curse I will definitely try to help you find the chosen one." was what I said but there was no clue about this chosen person.

They had already given up on finding the chosen one as both Ash's parents were werewolves and there was no one who married a human. The first human who found out about their secret was me. So this was a huge burden on me. I decided to sleep for that night and search hints about the chosen one the next day. Ash also went into his room but I couldn't sleep as a lot of things happened that day.