
Creepypasta's Baby

Eyeless Jack stumbles upon a couple trying to dispose of their newborn baby, overcome by his cravings he butchers them leaving only the baby. Unable to devour the child, Eyeless Jack calls for Slenderman, who appears within seconds, "We'll keep her" he says wrapping one of his tentacles around her. "Oh~ a new person to play with," Sally said quietly observing the sleeping child. "Why is it so small?" asked Jeff poking the child with his classic kitchen knife. "Don't poke her!" said Jane pushing Jeff aside, "She so very cute!" she said. "We will be taking care of this child.." said Slenderman, "so I expect you all to take very good care of her" he continued in a demanding and stern tone Their good at killing, torturing, and manipulating but how will they handle a baby, and will they truly accept her? Not to mention all the trouble babies get in! Coming Soon

NostalgiaRose · Lainnya
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3 Chs

Chapter l: Charm

Nine months ago the residents of the Slender Mansion adopted a baby girl, which they named Aloe. Everyone adored her, but still had lingering questions as to why E.J didn't have the desire to kill her, and what he and Slenderman meant when they said that something was 'off ' about her. But they didn't mind, she had grown on them. And they soon got a first-hand account of her…'  charm'.

The large stained glass windows shattered and glass rained down on the residents of the Slender Mansion, who were frantically dodging incoming furniture, glass plates from expensive china sets, and other things. What's causing this ruckus? Baby Aloe is, she was screaming and crying, and no one had any idea how to calm her down.

"You said you knew what you were doing, Jane!" Jeff yelled

"I do! I just don't have what I need"

"Well then I'll hold her down and YOU go get what you need!"

"You can't hold her down, she's just a baby she's defenseless!"

Jeff barely manages to dodge the incoming sofa "Yeah, so is a rhinoceros!"

"Sorry to interrupt, but now is not the time to have your lovers quarrel," Laughing Jack said, landing on the second-floor railing.

"WHO'S HAVING A LOVERS QUARREL!" Jane and Jeff yelled in unison.

Jane ducked to dodge a sofa pillow, the pillow flew until it reached Jeff's face, knocking him down.

Becoming irritated by the chaos Slenderman extended his tentacles to stop the airborne objects then pushed a pacifier in Aloe's mouth. Everyone fell to the floor and breathed a breath of relief. "Hey, Jeff, your face alright," Jane asked sarcastically with a smug look on her face. Jeff was about to respond when Sally said "Hey, she's bleeding"

Everyone directed their attention to the little baby on the floor, Slenderman walked towards her and picked her up. Aloe had bloody tears, running from her eyes, which she had trouble keeping open, to the tip of her chin. Everyone gathered around Slenderman, "Is she alright?" Jane asked. Slender Man didn't respond but everyone knew the answer. He patted Aloe's back and became even more concerned when she threw up blood and her pacifier fell to the floor. Slender Man gently placed the baby in Jeff's arms, who flinched on contact. "I will be back later, so take care of her until I get back," He said before he vanished.

I noticed that this fanfic is gaining popularity so I decided to pull a chapter out of my ass....



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