

between time and space, I'm the golden one, Between existence and time, I'm the god, It's not like someone Is going to die, It's not like someone Is going to rule a world, It's the existence before creation, that values our time to make the impossible to possible.

Several Slashes were heard In a cave, rampaging. Xian Lee standing there, Thinking what to do Next, The Mysterious Creature who were rampaging around the cave was un-known. Xian Lee stood still, retails his form, and throws multiple slashes without thinking around the floor, his sword Is pretty golden also, very expensive but, that didn't damage the creature at all.

The Mysterious Creature came out face to face, stood there, without revealing anything, not It's face not It's mouth, nor It's mysterious eyes. 

Xian Lee, grips his sword and slashes the Black Creature, The Creature evades the attack, and attacks from behind, Xian Lee quickly shifts position and defends It with his sword, Just as everything was looking good.

Bang! Bang!

The sword broke, Leaving Xian Lee hopeless, just as before Xian Lee, a black hair, Young Looking Man Is about to feel the fate of death. a Beam of light contracted the diamond rock, and faced The Black Creature, It hit It's eye, The Black Creature mysteriously feeling pain, hurried away, Leaving Xian Lee With one last chance to escape, Xian Lee picks up his broken sword and examines it. 

''Damn It!'' ''I Lost that thing again!'' ''God has given me one last chance, and I'm not going to lose it'' ''You're safe now'' ''Just wait, I Will Kill u!'' 

Xian Lee hurried outside with his broken sword and, the mysterious creature disappeared.

Xian Lee walks all the way down off the hill he fought the creature, To his home, Xian Lee, a 17 Year Old, Dungeon Hunter, Is getting paid to kill of this lurking monster Inside the cave he had been.

Since, Xian Lee has lost this mysterious creature, there Is nothing to do. Xian Lee got off the hill, and kicks rock, and looks down, feeling unsatisfied, Only to realize there Is going to be more chances, Xian Lee Is met with his mom, a gentle women, who takes care of him. 

His father, Missing, 31 Year old, Bai Lee, Went off to a country, but never returned, so they are depending on ''Dungeon Killing'' Dungeon Killing/Dungeon Hunting Is a simultaneously a solo/duo/squad match, where u have to fight mysterious creatures that lurk around, either solo or with a person.

Xian Lee feeling lost, His mother Ignores, seeing that he lost the monster, cheering him up, She asks ''Sit on the counter, I will make you're favorite dish'' As Xian Lee sit's on the Counter, he opens up his WebNovel he has been reading for a long time, He finally finishes It, His mom prepares his dish, and proudly finishes all of it, Its about night time. He thinks as he climbs up the stairs.

''If Only I slashed more carefully, I would've had it'' Xian Lee got on his bed and folds his hands around himself, thinking about tomorrow. (End Of Chapter 1)