

Next morning,

Vaishnavi was cooking breakfast while the rest sat at the dining table. There was a dejected expression on everyone's face.

Why? -------Flashback----------

'[*Ring, Ring,Ring*]' Vishwanath's mobile phone rang. He picked up and answered the call. It was from the lab.

"Sir, there is something wrong with the experiment subject number 95, please come quickly." came from the other line.

"Yes I will be there in a few" replied Vishwanath as he hung up the phone. Then he turned towards his children who was looking forward to their trip today and said with a dejected voice "I've got some urgent work. I am sorry I'm unable to accompany you guys to the amusement park."

"It's okay! Dad" replied Krishna while Keerthu was sad and said "why? Isn't it a holiday for you? You already took leave why are they calling you? Don't work there anymore that place doesn't have any morals".

Listening to this Vishwanath sighed and squatted down to his daughter's height and started to explain his daughter "Keerthu, my work is different from others dear, they work and can get holidays but I'm not like that I work in lab and I do research about things which needs to be watched over daily. If something goes wrong I'm responsible for it . so please forgive daddy."

"okay, I will forgive you but you must promise me that it won't repeat next time I want to spend time with you. I alwaysspend time rarely with you." Said Keerthu with a sad and expectant face.

"Okay, next time I will take you somewhere I promise" said Vishwanath as he got up and kissed his daughter's forehead and left for work.

----------Flash back ends----------

Vaishnavi placed the breakfast on the table. Seeing the expression of her children she thought to send them out, she turned towards Krishna and said "Krishna take Keerthu with you and go to the amusement park. Go and have fun."

On hearing this Keerthu was elated and exclaimed "Yay!!" and was smiling brightly.

Krishna replied "okay! Mom, I will take her" and he smiled understandingly towards his mother.

After breakfast Keerthu and Krishna got ready and went out bidding good bye to Vaishnavi.

---*Meanwhile in the lab*----

Vishwanath was checking on subject number 95. He turned towards one of his assistant Gopi and asked "Did you give it the final dose?"

"No sir we did not give it yet" replied Gopi. " That's why it's having strange reactions. I've told you guys to give the final dose on time right." Said Vishwanath a little bit annoyed.

"Sir you haven't informed me to give it the dose." replied Gopi.

"Oh! Yes I said it to Girish, where is he?" asked Vishwanath.

John came and replied "He applied for a leave due to his mother's death."

"Oh! What a pity he was a hardworking and good guy" said Vishwanath taking the syringe and injecting the final dose to subject number 95.

"Yup he is and he has performed well over all the year. It's time for him to be promoted." John praised his ability.

"I think so too, he is a quick learner." Vishwanath replied John while noting the changes and progress happening to the test subject number 95.

Slowly the condition of it is becoming stable.

After few hours....

The condition of it has become stable. "Finally the experiment is successful. The 95th trail is the one." Said Vishwanath voice filled with tiredness and happiness.

"Congrats sir" said Gopi.

"Congratulations Vishwa. You've finally achieved it." said John.

"Thanks but it still needs to be under observation for few days" replied Vishwanath.

"That's fine it did not die immediately like last ones. We need to celebrate this moment. So when are you going to treat us." asked John who was expectant about free food.

"Tomorrow John. Wait till then." Vishwanath replied with a tease.

John pouted like a little kid. Vishwanth laughed on seeing such an expression on a 35 year old man which made John look like a dumb idiot than a researcher.

"Okay, It's late I must go home. The kids are already feeling down due to my sudden departure" said Vishwanath while grabbing his car keys.

"Ok! Bye see you tomorrow and don't foregt to give us a treat" said John.

"Okay! I won't forget bye!" Vishwanath soon drove to his home.

----In the amusement park----

"I am tired from all of these rides, let me rest a bit Keerthu" said Krishna drenched in sweat as it was summer and the temperature is usually high.

They sat on a nearby bench. "Come on brother gather your energy soon we still have the roller coaster, haunted house and Ferris wheel left." Said Keerthu enjoying every moment they spent on various rdes and games.

"Ok! Just 5 minutes Keerthu! Next stop is the haunted house. Are you sure you want to go there?" said Krishna a little playfully.

Keerthu was annoyed and said "yes I want to I am not like someone who is afraid of horror movies, ghosts and all." And she puffed her cheeks in anger.

Krishna seeing her adorable expression couldn't help but pinch her cheeks again to which Keerthu became angry and started to hit Krishna with her tiny fists and Krishna playfully irritated her even more.

After calming down they went to the haunted house.

They first bought the tickets and entered it and sat on a little train which was covered with weds, toy bones and red ink. Slowly the train started to move after few other people entered. They first went to a big hall like room covered in skeletons, red paint lie blood, zombies, webs, wolves looking like a Halloween party theme and the next second the door closed lights blinked differently , sounds were being heard like crawling, crying. The skeletons and zombies started to shake and move a little but the train did not stop while the other kids screamed and few were thrilled.

Sruthakeerthi and Krishna were looking around with sparkling eyes as they were a big fan of horror movies and ghost stories.

Next the train moved to another room which appeared to be a kitchen. There was a cupboard as big as a man and very long in height and width. The lights flickered to red and the cupboard door opened with a creak sound. A man came out of it who was having a disfigured face and only an eye. He took out a large sword like knife about the length of half meter and then he chopped a few animals which were at the side and turned towards the train with blood all on his hands and shirt which was obviously red paint or ketchup. He looked like a psychopathic killer and started to move towards the train with a murderous look on his face. The lights started to turn darker making the blood marks on the walls and the blade of the knife more scary as if he was going to kill everyone. He walked a little bit fast after the first few steps and the train was moving slowly towards the exit and his pace quickened he raised his sword like knife when he was nearing the train making the kids scared as if the grim reaper was after them by the time the sword like knife was about to touch the train and it's people it reached near the exit missing the attack and everyone released their breath which they did not realize when they had held it in.

As they passed the exit and entered the next destination in the house. The corridors were filled with paintings but uniquely different from ordinary or any horror related paintings. It was more like a combined version of them. The room did not hold much light making them unable to deduct the movements in the paintings yet. Slowly one by one the lights went off and the lights on the train track's side were being turned on which had a faint glow. Shadow like figures started to come out of the paintings hung on the walls. They looked like zombies. The place soon lit up with fire near the zombies which made them look terrifying. The kids were shaking from the sight in front of them as the zombies looked too realistic and a few were like having a decaying body, making it horrifying and soon the train reached towards the next door. Keerthu and Krishna were enjoying each and every bit of it though they were shaking with fear, but it was still thrilling for them. They were getting excited for the next one, while the rest were shaking with fear and want to get out as soon as possible.

Next the train entered a pitch black room there were no lights at all only the small lights in the train helped them to see the one sitting beside them. The tracks were also not visible anymore. The train with a jerking sound started moving at a high speed to downwards. As if falling down from top of a cliff, few kids screamed and few had got upset stomach because of it. At the end of it there was a little light coming nearer and nearer and everyone exited out of the ghost house.

After the train stopped few ran to the bathroom. Krishna vomited all the contents of his stomach as the last one was something he did not like at all as it made his stomach upset. He was afraid of heights, meanwhile Keerthu was laughing at her brother who even after growing so big is afraid of heights.

Krishna seeing Keerthu laughing got annoyed and said "Stop laughing!"

"Sorry but I can't help it even after you have grown up you are still afraid of heights" replied Keerthu clutching her stomach from laughing too much.

"If you don't stop laughing we will not go on the next ride" at this statement from Krishna, Keerthu at once stopped laughing and made pleading eyes.

"Okay, what shall we ride next?" said Krishna melting due to her adorable expression.

"Roller coaster" Keerthu replied to Krishna and all the color left his face as he didn't want to empty his stomach contents again.

Seeing her brother's reaction Keerthu wanted to laugh so badly but was controlling it.

Krishna not wanting to be degraded by his sister reluctantly accepted to go there with a pale face trying hard to fear as he felt embarrassed.

Keerthu was trying hard to control her laugh seeing her brother's failed attempt to cover his fear as his pale face gave away everything.

Krishna's face grew paler as her sat down and beside him Keerthu was chirping happily eagerly waiting for it to start. The tracks were really terrifying for Krishna as it has many up and downs and spirals in the middle. Soon the train started , color drained from Krishna's face completely as soon as it started while Keerthu was enjoying the breeze and shouting with happiness throughout the ride. After the ride came to a halt, Krishna ran and went towards a wash basin to empty the contents of his stomach again and Keerthu was laughing again not able to control anymore.

After her laughter session she said "Come on brother, there is only one ride left then we could go home."

"What ride is it!?" Krishna asked while washing his face. "Ferris Wheel" Keerthu exclaimed merrily as she liked the pleasant feel it gives.

"Okay! Let's go" Krishna said finally with color regaining in his face.

They entered into the small compartments and Krishna sat down with a relaxed expression on his face. The sun started to set as it was getting late and the evening was coming to an end. The Ferris wheel started and slowly reached to the top making the view breathtaking from there as the setting sun colored in blood orange and the sky turning darker slowly with birds flying back home. It was like a painting. Soon the ride came to an end.

After the ride Krishna and Keerthu bought a chocolate and butterscotch ice cream and ate it while they sat on the bench looking at the lake which was reflecting the sun and covered in blood orange shade and was also sparkling due to the lights which are being turned on.

They took a picture with the help of a passerby along with the view of the setting sun and the lake. And they soon left to go home.

-----------At home----------

Vaishnavi was painting in the garden as Mwezi was playing around with the butterflies.

Vishwanath came home but neither his wife was not there to greet him nor were the kids. Then he went to the hall and from the window he saw Vaishnavi painting and couldn't help but admire her beauty basking in the evening sunlight glow. He removed his tie and coat and went to the garden while unbuttoning his collar.

He slowly raised his hands and without making any noises hugged Vaishnavi from behind who was immersed in the painting.

Vaishnavi was startled at the sudden hug she received from her husband. Vishwanath smiled seeing his wife's reaction.

*Growl* There was a growling sound coming from Vishwanath's stomach and he was slightly embarrassed about it as it disturbed his mood.

"Hungry" asked Vaishnavi, to which he nodded like a little kid as a response. "Let's go in, I will cook something for you soon" said Vaishnavi as they headed towards the kitchen, while Mwezi was still playing in the garden.

As they went to the kitchen Vaishnavi started to cook as Vishwanath sat on the table placed in the kitchen and asked "Where are the kids?"

"Oh! I sent them to the amusement park. After you left Keerthu was looking very sad so I said to Krishna to take her out and have fun."

"Oh!" Vishwanath exclaimed little happily and a little sad at these words as he spent time rarely with his family.

She comforted Vishwanth noticing the sadness in his voice. They continued to chat till the food was prepared and she placed it on the table.

After having his dinner they sat on the sofa and switched on t he TV and turned on a random program. Vaishnavi leaned onto Viswanath while he was playing with her strands of hair which was falling to one side.


"Having a good time huh! Well not anymore cause this is you last day"

*BOOM* Vishwanath's house blasted and both Vaishnavi and Vishwanath were dead on spot while Mwezi was alive only a little hurt as it was playing outside in the garden.

"Enjoy your time in heaven"



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

please forgive me for any grammertical mistakes.

Ayvid_Ihtihascreators' thoughts