
Creating A Clan In DxD

I'm dead, got transmigrated, and ceased to be a human. That damned God! He only told me to create a clan in the world he sent me to without any other explanation. Where am I? What kind of world is this? [System Activated] [Quest Generated] [Survive!] Task : Win and survive your first battle ! "What the hell?" "Look what do we have here... I never seen an ugly youkai like you before, unfortunately I can't let any unknown variable like you to go freely. Now die!" I just got here, I'm not going towaste my second life like that! It was at that moment, I shouted two words that I don't know the meaning of but got out from my mouth unconsciously. "Lok'tar Ogar!"

Dao_Of_Chiz · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

5. My Plan To Create My Army Was Not As Easy As I Thought

Currently I'm standing in front of the only barrack in my base. I thought that I could just train troops by paying the cost and got done with it but that's where I got wrong.

When I tried to train some grunts, I got a notification from the system.

[You need a peon to be trained as grunt.]

Although my dream of making an easy army was broken, I didn't dwell on it and immediately called some idle peons to be trained as grunts and troll headhunters, but here comes another problem.

[You need a Troll worker to be trained as a troll headhunter]

I don't have any buildings that can produce trolls right now so how can I train troll headhunters? If I could get blueprints from recruiting heroes then I should be able to get the blueprints for troll hut if I summon Rokkhan.

But I can't summon another hero right at the moment because I don't have that orb of revival. I don't even know what it is or where can I get that, I'm completely lost.

I tried to check the [Build] menu again to see whether I had miss something or not. There are some buildings that I haven't build yet after all.


- Tauren Hut

Description: Produce 1 Tauren Worker/3 days, Max production: 2

Requirements: 50 Wood, 50 Iron.

- Tauren Combat Pit

Description: Train Tauren Axe High Warrior

Requirements: 350 Woods, 200 Iron, 200 Gold.

- Wooden Wall

Description: 10(height) x 5(length) wall made of wood.

Requirements: 100 Wood

- Voodoo Lounge

Description: Can assign workers to produce potions and other magic items.

Requirements: 150 Wood, 400 Gold

- Watchtower

Description: Provide static defense against enemy attack. Need a minimum of 2 worker to work properly.

Requirements: 100 Wood, 200 Iron, 200 Gold

- Flame Drake Nest (Unique)

Description: Produce Flame Drake.

Requirements: 2.000 Food, 3.000 Wood, 3.000 Iron, 5.000 Gold.

- Granary

Descript.ion: Increase food resource limit by 20.000

Requirements: 200 Wood, 200 Iron.

- Wood Storage

Description: Increase Wood resource limit by 20.000.

Requirements: 200 Wood, 200 Iron.

- Iron Vault

Description: Increase Iron resource limit by 20.000.

Requirements: 200 Wood, 200 Iron.

- Gold Vault

Description: Increase Gold resource limit by 20.000.

Requirements: 200 Wood, 200 Iron.

After checking for a while, my eyes stopped at the description for the Voodoo Lounge.

-Voodoo Lounge

Description: Can assign workers to produce potions and other magic items.

The words 'Magic Items' give me some hope. Maybe I could create the orb of revival there or get some clues about it. So I build it right away and after waiting for 12 hours, the construction is done.

[Voodoo Hut]

Workers : 0/5

Potion Production List: L. Health Potion, L. Mana Potion, L. Strength Potion, L. Agility Potion, L. Intelligence Potion, L. Invisibility Potion.

Magic Item Production List: Scroll of Town Portal, Healing Salve, Orb of Lightning, Orb of Venom, Orb of Revival, Soul Gourd.

Fortunately, the item exist in the list of magic items production, that means I could create it! I immediately check what kind of ingredients do I need to make it.

- Orb of Revival Recipe : 1.000 unit of souls or 1 drop of Phoenix blood.

As I thought, it was not that easy to make it. 1.000 unit of souls, does that means I need to kill 1.000 living beings? And that phoenex blood, even if it only a drop, where can I find this beast if I don't even know whether it exist or not in this world, so the point is I need souls now. Damn, I sounds like a necromancer talking about souls and how do I even store those souls, wait I remember another item that has 'soul' word on it's name.

- Soul Gourd

Description: Item to store souls of the dead. Can store up till 10.000 unit of souls. Stronger being has stronger souls while weaker beings has weak souls.

Requirements: 2 stomachs of a 30 years old virgin living being.

What in the name of cheeze is this recipe. It sounds gory and disgusting as fuck but I don't have much choice if I want to proceed with my main quest. It seems my plan to build up secretly can't be applied anymore.

"Cairne, change of plan. We will train 1.000 grunts and immediately set out." (Thrall)

" Hmm? What's with the sudden change?"(Cairne)

" We need to summon Rokkhan as soon as we can. We need the orb of revival to summon him here and for that, we required some ingredients that we could only get outside." (Thrall)

"I see, I will make some adjustments to our plan right away." (Cairy)

"Thanks Cairne, I'm glad to have you here."(Thrall)

To train 1.000 grunts, I need to build 200 orc huts and it will cost me a total of 10.000 woods. I could get that in 5 days time, but it took 1 hour to train 1 grunt which mean I will only get 24 grunts a day, so I need to build more barracks to speed up the training rate.

If I build 4 more barracks, I should be able to get 1.000 grunts in more or less 2 weeks time. I also build the tauren combat pit which can train Tauren Axe High Warrior every 4 hours along with 10 Tauren Huts.

#A/N : Tauren Axe High Warrior is to long so I will shorten it to Tauxrior.

Unfortunately my thoughts has so many holes on it and luckily I have Cairne by my side to help me. I only thought to build orc huts and it cost but completely forgot about the cost to train grunts and Tauxrior. Two weeks is not enough at all, the msin problem is we don't have enough food and the food production cannot keep up with our demands.


- Grunt

Cost : 50 Food, 100 Gold

- Troll Headhunter

Cost : 50 Food, 100 Gold

- Demolisher

Cost : 50 Wood, 50 Iron, 200 Gold

[Tauren Combat Pit]

- Tauxrior

Cost : 300 Food, 500 Gold

To train 1.000 Grunts and 20 Tauxrior, I need 56.000 Food and 104.000 Gold. With the current food and gold production rate, even if it took 3 months time, it still not enough to cover all of the cost. So Cairne suggest me to build 50 more farms and 30 more goldmines.

All this numbers really hurt my head a lot. I even thought about cutting of the initial number of 1.000 grunts to a tenth of it because it will took a long time, but when I thought it over again, it's a bad idea. Patience is the fruit of success.

I still don't know which world I'm currently in. I had thought a lot of 'what if' situations. What if the enemy numbers exceed 100, or what if there actually a city of that 'tengu' creature near here. I don't want to be careless and invite my own doom.

The reason I chose to train 1.000 fighting force was because it's the ideal number for me. A hundred is to little and building more than 1.000 doesn't worth the effort at all. I don't know how long my base can be kept hidden from the outside world so I estimate that there's a big chance for my base to be found out in 3 months time. There's a big chance that a settlement of tengu exist in this forest, but except for the time when I met that tengu, I didn't detect any of his kind near my base at all. I could only speculate that the one I killed before is only a low rank soldier so him being missing is not a problem, but I can be completely sure that they won't sent another tengu to this area.

If I keep killing them here, then it will only make them wary about this area and I don't want that to happen, so before that, I decided to make the first move.

*Time Skip - 2 months later*

I'm currently standing in front of my army of a thousand grunts and a hundred Tauxriors. It would take a lot to explain what I have done in 2 months time so I made it into a list to make it simple.


- Building

Tauren Huts : 50

Orc Huts : 1300 --> Big Orc Huts : 130

Farm : 200 --> Big Farm : 20 (2.000 assigned workers)

Lumbermill : 100 --> Big Lumbermill : 10 (1.000 assigned workers)

Iron Mine : 100 --> Big Iron Mine : 10 (1.000 assigned workers)

Gold Mine : 100 --> Big Gold Mine : 10 (1.000 assigned workers)

War Mill : 10 (50 assigned workers)

Voodoo Lounge : 10 ( 50 assigned workers)

Granary : 20 --> Big Granary : 2

Wood Storage : 20 --> Big Wood Storage : 2

Iron Vault : 20 --> Big Iron Vault : 2

Gold Vault : 20 --> Big Gold Vault : 2

Tauren Combat Pit : 2

Barrack : 5

Great Hall : 1

Altar of Heroes: 1

Wooden Wall : 100

Watchtower : 20 ( 40 assigned workers)

- Population

Assigned workers : 5140

Idle workers : 260

Army : 1.100 Grunts, 100 Tauxriors, 50 Demolishers (Need 2 grunts to operate 1 Demolisher)

- Resources

Food : 410.000/410.000 (+20.000/day)

Wood : 300.000/410.000 (+10.000/day)

Iron : 300.000/410.000(+10.000/day)

Gold : 410.000/410.000 (+10.000/day)

Daily Consumption : 8.000 Food ( grunts consume 2 units of food a day and tauxrior consume 4 units of food a day.

There were some changes like when the total of orc huts built reached 1.000, I was able to merge 10 orc huts into 1 big orc hut, and I even got the blueprint for it. The same applies for the resource plants and storages, but it happen when I build 100 and 10 of them respectively.

I also built walls covering my whole base and even 20 watchtowers to protect my base. I even trained more tauxriors and demolishers than what I first planned.

I look at my troops, completely armed with steel weapons and steel armors. Every of my troops have 1 steel weapon, 3 steel armors in the form of helmet, veats, and pants. It took 100 iron to make 1 steel and fortunately it only cost 1 steel to make each equipments and weapons.

I also didn't stay idle in those 2 months. Using my far sight skill, I checked a lot of areas inside the forest and even found 3 other settlements which 2 is quite far from my base, while 1 is close. Although I said it was close, the distance between my base and that settlement is still 20 Km apart while the other 2 settlements is around 150 Km away from the base. Fortunately the settlement that close to my base was not that big, there was around 500 tengus living in there, and yes, that settlement belong that 'tengu' race.

Also with the far sight skill, I was able to expand my base safely, after all I need a lot more free land to built all those buildings.

Well, I guess it's already enough for reminiscing the past. I climb up on my partner back, Snowsong and shouted to my army before we started our march.

" For the Horde !!!" (Thrall)

""""For The Horde !!!!!!"""" (The Army)


A/N : Hey, it's me, the lovely pretty author that love cheeze so much to make it as my name.

Anyway, this chapter is not that accurate (I'm talking about the time skip) but I already tried to count and it still possible to make it all happen in that 2 months time. Except, the current resources is not that accurate as I was to dizzy to count the very right number to the end, so I just put my estimation of the numbers after I did a simple count with my calculator. But I tried to write it all in this chapter because I want to start on the story, I don't want to spend my time writing all those numbers and stuff T...T, it's making my head dizzy.

(I hate math... Hmph!)

Also, although it's still my fifth chapter, I was able to reach 2k words for this chapter! I usually only reach 1.5k-1.6k per chapter so this is a new record for me! Hehehe~~

So pretty please don't bonk me okayy~~ I will try my best again in the future!

And once again please tell me if there's any mistake on my grammar or spelling.

And I want to say thankyou for all the readers! I just wanted to start writing because I love to read. Honestly I only did it just for fun, but I never thought that I would get so many collection?(subscriber like in youtube?) more than 300 in a few days time. I don't know if it a lot or not in this app since I only use it recently, but for a newbie like me, I only expect for 10-20 people to read my fanfic at first. Once again thankyou guys!!!

That's all from me, Dao of Chiz out! Teehee^•^.