
Creating A Clan In DxD

I'm dead, got transmigrated, and ceased to be a human. That damned God! He only told me to create a clan in the world he sent me to without any other explanation. Where am I? What kind of world is this? [System Activated] [Quest Generated] [Survive!] Task : Win and survive your first battle ! "What the hell?" "Look what do we have here... I never seen an ugly youkai like you before, unfortunately I can't let any unknown variable like you to go freely. Now die!" I just got here, I'm not going towaste my second life like that! It was at that moment, I shouted two words that I don't know the meaning of but got out from my mouth unconsciously. "Lok'tar Ogar!"

Dao_Of_Chiz · Komik
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7 Chs

1. I'm Not a Human Anymore?!?!

A/N : Hello guys, this will be my first time writing a fanfic so please give me all your opinion about my fan fic. Honestly I had read a lot of novels and fanfics and somehow I suddenly want to try to write my own story, but I don't know where to start to make my own original so I decided to practice first by making this fanfic.

I hope you guys can help me to point out some of my mistakes such as spelling or grammar mistakes.

Mind you that English is my third language so please don't be so harsh on me when you notice my mistakes. If you're to harsh on me, it will make me blus *cough* I mean sad. Yeah that's what I mean! You don't want to make me sad right? Right!?

Oh we're getting out of the topic, well I don't have anything else to say now. Enjoy reading and thankyou for trying to read my fanfic ^-^.


(Chapter start here)

'Ugh... Where am I? '

I woke up only to see greenery all around me. It seems my starting point is inside a forest.

'Damn that fucking ROB, how can he just sent me here without any preparation.'

As I was cursing the bastard who hired a truck to kill me or I assumed so now, suddenly a row pf words appears before me.

[System Activated]


> Status

> Inventory

> Build

> Quest

"At least I have a system here ,hope it's not the sentient and annoying kind of system... Wait, why do I sounds like this?"

I realized that my voice had changed. Though I could still speak normally, I sounds more like a fucking monster rather than a human voice.

Then I raised both of my hands expecting a jade like skin only to be disappointed with the sight of a REAL jade colored skin or in this case, green skin.

Not only it was green, the skin felt so rough and there's a lot of calluses on both of my hands.

'What in the name of Cheese happened to me? What am I now? Is this the kind of transmigration where the protagonist become a weak monster and use the system to evolve into higher race?' I thought in panic.

'Wait, green skin, monster like voice, did I become a goblin now?! Oh yeah, I can check my race on my status, let's check it now!'


Name : Thrall

Race : Orc

Clan : -

Affinity : -

Level : 10 (0/1000)

HP (Health Point) : 1000

MP (Mana Point) : 700

Armor : 6

Damage : 35

Strength : 35

Agility : 27

Intelligence :48

FSP (Free Status Point) : 0


- Chain Lightning (Lv. 3)

Description: Hurls a bolt of damaging lightning at a target enemy that jumps to 5 nearby enemies. Each jump deals 10% less damage. Cooldown : 5 minutes. Mana Cost: 100 MP

- Far Sight (Lv. 3)

Description: Give a sight upon 1 Km away of the surrounding area with the caster on the center and also detect and reveals invisible beings.Duration: 1 minutes, Cooldown : 30 minutes. Mana Cost : 50 MP

- Feral Spirit (Lv. 3)

Description: Summon 2 Shadow Wolves to fight for you. Duration: 30 minutes, Cooldown : 1 Hour. Mana Cost : 75 MP.

- Earthquake (Lv. 1)

Makes the ground tremble and break, causing 60 damage per second to nearby enemies and buildings, and slowing units by 75% within area of effect. Duration: 20 Seconds, Cooldown : 1 Day. Mana Cost : 250 MP.

SP (Skill Point) : 0

Thank god I didn't become a goblin, but an orc? The only orc I know was those pig headed monster that I watched in Tensura and nothing else. Perhaps does this orc race came from a game? I can't remember any orc with green skin from all the anime I had watched before, or is it from an anime I didn't watch yet?

If it from a game then I'm screwed as I never play a game before. I'm the type of person who likes to read more than to play games.

And it looks like my name also got changed. Thrall? Never heard that name before but at least it sounds not bad. At least my name is not some Bob or Richard. I would rather die if I got named like that.

Fortunately I also have some skills to start this new life. There's also the level concept but what should I do to get exp? Do I need to kill some mobs or do I need to do some specific task to get exp? Well, let's check the system other function first, I can try to find out about it later.

Since I already checked my status, the next thing I do was of course to check my inventory to see whether there's any novice gift pack or something along like that.

But when I checked, there's no such thing as novice gift pack, but there are other things inside it and much better than what I expected.

[Inventory] (6 Slot)

- Snowsong Summon Card

Description: Use to summon your wolf partner, Snowsong.

- Low Health Potion 2x

Description: Immediately heal 25% of your HP upon use.

- Leather Armor (Chest, Pants, and Shoes)

Description: Give +10 Armor

- Iron Hammer

Description: Give +20 Damage

- Low Resources Bag 2x

Description: Immediately grant 500 Food, Wood, Iron, and Gold upon use.

- Peon Summon Card 3x

Description: Use to summon peons, the worker class of the orchis race.

I didn't expect that petty God would gave me this much. I even expect to see a blank inventory, well since he was generous enough to give this items to me, my thoughts of him got a little bit better, just a little bit though.

I continued to check the system other functions, [Build] and [Quest].


- Great Hall

Description: The Great Hall is where Orcish Peons answer the call to duty.

Requirements: 250 Gold, 200 Iron, 200 Food, 500 Wood.

- Orc Huts

Description: 1 Orc Huts can increase the population of your clan by 5. Your total people cannot exceed the population limit. Build more huts to increase the limit.

Requirements: 50 Wood.

- Barracks

Description: Primary troops production building. You can trains peons into Grunts and Troll Headhunters here.You can also build Demolishers.

Requirements: 150 Gold, 100 Iron, 200 Food, 200 Wood.

- War Mill

Description: Orc smiths and Troll craftsmen work side by side at the War Mill to improve the weapons and armor of the Horde troops.

Requirements: 100 Gold, 300 Iron, 300 Wood.

- Altar of Heroes

Description: The Altar of Heroes is where the Horde's Heroes are recruited.

Requirements: 100 Gold, 100 Iron, 100 Food, 100 Wood.


> Main Quest 1

- The Orc Revival

Task 1: Create your Clan.

Requirements: Build 1 Great Hall (0/1), 1 Barrack (0/1), 1 War Mill (0/1), 1 Altar of Heroes (0/1), 10 Orc Huts (0/10).

Reward : 1 Random Unique Building Blueprint, 10 FSP, 1 SP.

Task 2: Repopulate your clan.

Requirements: Have 100 Peons (0/100), 10 Grunts (0/10), 10 Troll Headhunters (0/10), 2 Demolishers (0/2), and 1 Hero (0/1).

Reward : 1 Random Element Affinity Card.

> Special Quest

> Side Quest

I see, this system of mine literally focused for building my own kingdom or clan.

After pondering about what I have to do next, I decided to summon Snowsong and my three peons first. Oh before that, I will equip my equipment first, after that I will summon them and start making my clan.

I took out my leather armor set and wear it, then I took out my Iron hammer and hold it with my right hand.

I feels like a real warrior ready for battle now. Since I'm done doning myself with my armor and weapon, it's time to summon my sla.. *cough* I mean my partner and people.

But just as I was about to open my inventory once more, I heard an unfamiliar voice from behind me.

"What do we have here? "

Without waiting any longer, I turned back and get in my battle stance. I think I heard something from the system but I couldn't care less about it at this moment. I don't know when or where did I learn how to do this stance, but my body somehow move by itself on instinct.

It felt like I have been doing this stance for my whole life. I even knew how to fight or how to ride a wolf. I never learn all this stuff before in my previous life so where did all this knowledge come from? Well it's not the right time to think about, first I need to kill this guy in front of me and then search for a hidden place to build my clan.

" A... what kind of youkai are you? Well it doesn't matter which clan or tribe did you come from, since you are here, I have to erase you. Consider it your bad luck for meeting me today."

Although I was ready to intercept any of his attack upon me, I would prefer to do this the civil way. But before I could even say my intention, this fucking ugly half bird half man creature attacked me.

Of course I didn't let him took my life that easily. This freaking monster attacked me with his sword without any special form. He just dashed toward me with his sword above his head.

Of course for someone like me who have many battle and war experience (?), this kind of baby attack won't hurt me or even hit me at all.

I waited for him to get close enough to me before I stepped aside a little just to avoid his sword by a little margin from touching my head.

After that, I raised my Iron hammer up above with my right hand and bashed his head with full force downward.

There's no need to explain thhe details about whatt happened next. In short, that guy simply died with his head completely shattered by my attack.

[You have killed a low rank Tengu Warrior, you have received 10 Exp]

Well, at least I know that I could get exp from killing others from this little incident.

As I don't want to get into another fight right now, I immediately left that area and search for a well hidden place to make it as my clan base.

Since I don't know where am I exactly right now, I started walking toward the setting sun which mean toward west and that's how my second life start.

Thank you for coming, I appreciate for giving some of your time to read my creation ^-^.

Dao_Of_Chizcreators' thoughts