

Iris pov

I woke feeling groggy sitting up, I spot my mother and father sitting on either side of me. "Iris thank god your ok." My mother said hugging me. My father looked a bit concerned before Kojiro came in. "Is she ok what happened?" He said looking at me. "the stress from the students picking on her got her in this mess. Its your fault for pursuing her." Takumi said glaring at Kojiro. "Kid look you care about her I get it. I know what people are saying about her it is horrible, but you can't stop them. I can't do it but what I can do is stay by her side." Kojiro said before my father spoke up."You have no choice in the matter Kojiro. I had a nurse run a test on her. It's taking everything for me not to rip you a part." My father stood up now looking at him. "It came back positive Kojiro she is pregnant." The look of sheer shock displayed on his face. "She's pregnant but we used protection...." He said needing to sit down. "well son obviously it broke. Just like your head is about to be." My father said before punching Kojiro. "Father what are you?!" I yell in horror. "You stay out of this young lady. He has to answer for what he has done." I don't know this man that looks like my father. I have not seen him so angry in my life. "Shu stop you will stress Iris out." my mother tried even though she is mad she also knows the danger. "Yukico you cant be seriously defending him." My mother was about to say something when I jumped in. "It was an accident. Kojiro and I are to wed anyway so this will only make the tie stronger. Father how can you be angry at him ,when Mother got pregnant with me before you two got married." I said making him look at me tears in my eyes. His eyes widened befor looking away. "Excuse me you two have a lot to talk about. Yukico come with me a moment." He said softly. Kojiro was in the corner holding his cheek. "So what are we going to do about this?" I said getting off the bed. He got up and helped me sit down. "No don't get up Iris. I think we should move the wedding date up. We should be married when the little one gets here." He whispered getting on his knees. His ear pressed gently on my stomach. Thats how we stayed he had tears running down his cheeks. "I promise I will not leave you "