"Can we enter the church while dancing", A cute girl suggested as they were in the wedding rehearsals. Yes, the big day is around the corner. Ryan and Georgina will be married soon.
"Wow! I love that idea. It will be so dope. What do you think of the idea guys", Lisa questions them.
"Umm... I think it's a great idea", Carey pointed out.
"Same here", Louis backed her up.
"I think so too", A lady pointed out too.
"Fine we will do that. This will make the wedding more lively", Georgina loved the idea.
"Let's take a break first then we will continue", Lisa informs them as she speaks to Georgina. Atleast everything was going as planned.
"Big bro whose the beautiful girl beside you", A teen girl grinned at Louis hugging him excitedly. The way she jumped on him excitedly Carey was quite sure that she was his little sister.
"Jacky this is my girlfriend Carey", He introduced Carey to her.
"Wow my bro has good taste when it comes to ladies", Jacky praised Louis.